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Historic meet on UNGA sidelines


Dec 31, 2012
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Historic meet on UNGA sidelines || Kerry meets with Iran FM, world powers for nuclear talks

Meeting on Tehran's nuclear program is first time Iranian, U.S. FMs - estranged since 1979 Islamic Revolution - have met since a brief encounter in May 2007.


Meeting of Kerry, Iran's FM and world powers.

Iran's new government began its first talks on its nuclear program with the United States and five other world powers on Thursday, with the Iranian foreign minister taking a seat next to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in a rare high-level contact between the two long-estranged nations.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif went into talks on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly with Kerry as well as counterparts from Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany at a session aimed at jump-starting efforts to resolve a decade-long standoff over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

It was a very uncommon encounter between top officials of the United States and Iran, which have been estranged since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah. Thursday's meeting was the first between a U.S. secretary of state and an Iranian foreign minister since a brief encounter in May 2007.

Just hours before the start of the talks, Kerry secured agreement from his Chinese counterpart calling for Iran to respond positively to existing nuclear proposals by the six world powers, U.S. officials said.

The U.S. comments suggested that President Barack Obama's administration intends to deal cautiously with Rohani's overtures, avoiding any major concessions unless Iran takes concrete steps to show it is serious about curbing its nuclear ambitions. Rouhani is seeking an easing of crippling international sanctions.

"Both the U.S. and China believe that Iran should cooperate with the P5+1 and should respond positively to the proposals that are on the table," a U.S. official said, referring to the six permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, often referred to as the P5+1.

The six powers said in February that they want Iran to stop enrichment of uranium to 20 percent, ship out some stockpiles and shutter a facility where such enrichment work is done. In return, they offered relief on international sanctions on Iran's petrochemicals and trade in gold and other precious metals.

Rohani's gestures since taking office in August have raised hopes for a thaw in relations between Washington and Tehran after years of estrangement and for a resolution of the dispute on Iran's nuclear program.

Thursday's meeting would be the first between a U.S. secretary of state and an Iranian foreign minister since a brief encounter in May 2007. The two countries have been estranged since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah.

A centrist cleric, Rohani has stepped up efforts to moderate Iran's image abroad during a visit to New York. He said that Iran would never develop nuclear weapons - despite Western suspicions that it is seeking to do so - and called for a nuclear deal in three to six months. Iran has said its nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes only.

But signaling some of the obstacles that could hamper any new diplomacy, Iran on Thursday sharply criticized the UN nuclear watchdog over "baseless allegations" about its atomic activity.

It was an apparent reference to the International Atomic Energy Agency's concerns, spelled out in a series of quarterly reports, about what it calls the possible military dimensions to Iranian nuclear activities.

In a 20-page "explanatory note" posted on the agency's website, Iran's mission to the IAEA detailed in uncompromising language its many objections to the latest report on Tehran's nuclear program, issued last month.

No handshake

Obama on Tuesday cautiously embraced Rohani's gestures as the basis for a possible nuclear deal and challenged him to demonstrate his sincerity.

The failure to orchestrate a handshake between the two leaders, apparently due to Rohani's concerns about a backlash from hardliners at home, underscored how hard it will be to make diplomatic progress.

But even without any real concessions so far, Rohani has offered a softer, more reasonable tone than his stridently anti-U.S. predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Addressing a UN meeting on nuclear disarmament on Thursday, Rohani said: "No nation should possess nuclear weapons, since there are no right hands for these wrong weapons."

But Rohani also seized the opportunity to take a swipe at Iran's arch-foe Israel, which has accused him of trying to fool the world and buy time to continue its nuclear advances.

Rohani said Israel, widely assumed to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed state, was the reason for the failure of international efforts to establish the region as a nuclear weapons-free zone.

Asked what he needed to hear from the Iranians to show they were serious about addressing those concerns, Kerry, speaking to reporters as he began a meeting with China's foreign minister, replied: "I'll let you know after they've been serious."

Afterwards, a U.S. official said of the U.S.-China meeting: "They talked through the elements of the diplomatic track, as well as the sanctions track." Kerry also met with diplomats from Libya and Pakistan on Thursday.

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is hosting the P5+1 meeting, met Rohani earlier on Thursday, Ashton's spokesman said.

"What is certain is that there is a new will emerging both in Iran and among the P5+1 states to successfully conclude the new round of talks with a new approach," Abbas Araqchi, the Iranian deputy foreign minister, told Press TV, Iran's state-owned English-language broadcaster.

Iranians are hoping to see some tangible steps taken by the Western powers - namely relief from the painful U.S., European Union and UN sanctions for refusing to suspend its uranium enrichment program.

Iranian oil exports have fallen by around 60 percent in the past two years as the EU stopped purchases completely and most Asian buyers drastically cut imports because of sanctions. Iran is now earning around $100 million from oil sales a day as opposed to $250 million two years ago.

Kerry meets with Iran FM, world powers for nuclear talks - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz
nice to see Iran and USA getting closer... at a certain point the hostilities must be reduced and now it is the time. I just hope the radical idiots in Tehran and Washington dont sabotage the peace process
nice to see Iran and USA getting closer... at a certain point the hostilities must be reduced and now it is the time. I just hope the radical idiots in Tehran and Washington dont sabotage the peace process

Don't worry about tehran ... worry about the fool (NetYahoo) in israel !!!
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