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Halt in drone strikes didn’t end terrorism, admits govt

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Senate proceedings: Halt in drone strikes didn’t end terrorism, admits govt
By Iftikhar Firdous
Published: June 7, 2014

The government conceded that despite its claim that the halt in drone strikes would put an end to terrorism and pave way for smooth negotiations with the Taliban, splinter Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan factions were still carrying out attacks.

The upper house of parliament was supposed to begin with a discussion on the recently promulgated budget but legislators pointed out how there was no let-up in the terrorist incidents, particularly referring to how the state had failed in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

There is resurgence in terrorist attacks even though drone strikes were halted, said the leader of the house, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s Senator Raja Zafarul Haq, who is the prime minister’s representative in the Senate.

“It was believed that terrorists attacked because of the drone strikes but there is a possibility that this might not have been true in some cases,” he said. But the TTP is not a monolithic entity, but it comprises 30 to 50 splinter groups who make independent decisions, he explained. “[However,] those who are not willing to talk will be dealt with force.”

Zafarul Haq was replying to a point of order by Pakistan Peoples Party Senator Raza Rabbani, who drew the attention of the house towards the attacks on military personnel near Fateh Jang in which two colonels and three civilians were killed.

Senator Rabbani said that the main reason why such attacks cannot be foiled is the lack of intelligence sharing. The reasons were that junior officers were appointed in the National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta), while the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) was not functional.

Awami National Party Senator Afrasiab Khattak said that every day several people were killed in Fata but they were not more than a “cold statistic” for the government. Fata seems like it was a place near Somalia or Nigeria, he criticised. “There is no forum to discuss the problems of the area.”

Senator Haji Adeel said the militants reign Peshawar city after nightfall and there were no-go areas in the provincial capital. He revealed that the Frontier Constabulary, which is aiding the military in fighting insurgency in the semi-autonomous Frontier Regions (FRs), had only one rifle for twelve men. He asked the federal government to sit with the KP government and discuss how to tackle the precarious situation.

Apart from the discussion on terrorist attacks, the annual report from the Council of Common Interests (CCI) for 2012-2013 was presented to the house.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 7th, 2014.

I was getting tired of the whole drone strikes = cause of terrorism. In actual fact the attacks went on, with some of the most brutal assaults carried out after drones stopped hitting their mark.

More terrorists = more attacks.
Less terrorists either killed by drones or Pak army = less attacks.

You don't need a degree in statistics to understand that.
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This was expected by those who know thing or two about these savages. Pittu Khan have forgotten about drones attacks now, i remember how he used to explain terrorism by linking it with drone attacks. :rolleyes:
It wouldn't put an end to it, but it would certainly be a step in the right direction. This moron of a journalist and others like him need to keep their god damn mouths shut before they trigger another barrage of drone strikes with this sort of negative publicity.
drone strikes have served their purpose.. they are not needed anymore . aq leadership has been neutralized and taliban can never be.(ethnic-political problem need political solution)
drone strikes have served their purpose.. they are not needed anymore . aq leadership has been neutralized and taliban can never be.(ethnic-political problem need political solution)
AQ's leadership has not been neutralized, hell, AQ has expanded and has gotten even more dangerous. People keep pointing out OBL, but he was, at the time of his death, a figure head with no real power in his own movement.


Of course it didn't end, but you have to admit that violence did decline rapidly. Sure there were attacks, but that was expected.

Having said that, since the Taliban no longer want to negotiate, I think it's fair to tell the military "lock and load".
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