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Hakeemullah a terrorist, says Asad Umar in USA


Jan 19, 2013
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WASHINGTON: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf always believed that Hakeemullah Mehsud and his militants were terrorists, a senior PTI leader said on Sunday.

Addressing party workers at a rally near Washington, Asad Umar said that their demand to stop US drone strikes in Pakistan was based on principles of sovereignty.

Pakistan, he said, was an independent state where all political parties got together at a meeting two months ago and urged the United States to stop the strikes.

“There’s a national consensus on this issue. The drones are killing a lot of innocent people, that’s why we want the attacks to stop,” he said.

Mr Umar said that many people in America were also acknowledging that the drones were counter-productive because of the so-called collateral damage, which allowed militants to enroll fresh recruits.

The present Pakistani government, he said, recently pledged to the parliament that it would work to end the strikes “and we hope that they fulfil this promise.”

PTI’s stance on this issue, he said, should be viewed in this perspective and not as a demand separate from the rest of the country’s wishes.

“We never said that Hakeemullah was not a terrorist or TTP is not a terrorist group,” the PTI lawmaker said.

“We want to engage them in peace talks because we see them as a threat to the country. You do not hold peace talks with your friends.”

Asked if PTI would carry out its threat to stop Nato supplies after Nov 20, Mr Umar said: “We are hoping that the federal government will do something before that to stop the strikes.”

If the government failed to keep its promise, “then we will come out with our own action plan”, said the PTI lawmaker when asked if the Nov 20 deadline was final.

Mr Umar said that PTI’s drone policy was not much different from what the interior minister presented to the parliament recently as the government’s policy on this issue.

“We are now waiting for the federal government to act,” he added. “Mere statements will not help. People are demanding concrete actions.”

A recent PTI legislation on this issue, he said, was “open-ended, not a dead end”.

Hakeemullah a terrorist, says Asad Umar - DAWN.COM
lol ... this PTI is the biggest joke .. leader ship in Pakistan is mourning the death of this great terrorist, offering ministries and what not whereas one goes to Washington and calls them a terrorist .. wtf
lol ... this PTI is the biggest joke .. leader ship in Pakistan is mourning the death of this great terrorist, offering ministries and what not whereas one goes to Washington and calls them a terrorist .. wtf

Total bullsh!t:

leader ship in Pakistan is mourning the death of this great terrorist

We are talking about PTI here, so I presume that your post is implied solely towards PTI. Back your claim with a solid proof, or you are a blatant liar.

offering ministries and what not

Again bullsh!t, if anyone from PTI said that, it can be his personal opinion, we have lots of idiots in every single political party in Pakistan, even we have such idiots in army too.. Show PTI's official press release or something substantial to prove me wrong..

And he goes back to pakistan and says exactly opposite.

No Sir, if you don't have any idea about things or the concerned person (Asad Omer), then better refrain from commenting bullsh!t and keep yourself to spectator role on such threads..
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Total bullsh!t:

We are talking about PTI here, so I presume that your post is implied solely towards PTI. Back your claim with a solid proof, or you are a blatant liar.

Against bullsh!t, if anyone from PTI said that, it can be his personal opinion, we have lots of idiots in every single political party in Pakistan, even we have such idiots in army too.. Show PTI's official press release or something substantial to prove me wrong..

No Sir, if you don't have any idea about things or the concerned person (Asad Omer), then better refrain from commenting bullsh!t and keep yourself to spectator role on such threads..

Couldn't agree more.
Total bullsh!t:

We are talking about PTI here, so I presume that your post is implied solely towards PTI. Back your claim with a solid proof, or you are a blatant liar.

Again bullsh!t, if anyone from PTI said that, it can be his personal opinion, we have lots of idiots in every single political party in Pakistan, even we have such idiots in army too.. Show PTI's official press release or something substantial to prove me wrong..

No Sir, if you don't have any idea about things or the concerned person (Asad Omer), then better refrain from commenting bullsh!t and keep yourself to spectator role on such threads..
on careful consideration I would like to reject advice of PTI fanboys and stick to posting my views. I would rather be proved wrong than try to make fanboys happy. lolz.
in any case your views are bullsh*t to me, does it mean you should stop posting? I dont think so :disagree:
PTI is totally wrong on the TTP issue. Sad but true. You condemn the USA for sovereignty violation well then what the hell does the TTP do? Kill with Pakistani CNICs?
PTI is totally wrong on the TTP issue. Sad but true. You condemn the USA for sovereignty violation well then what the hell does the TTP do? Kill with Pakistani CNICs?
actually I am rather open to IK's idea of talking to your enemy, and bringing them to democratic fold.
My grudge is the sophisticated doublespeak that PTI guys employ. Compared to rest of gaffe prone pakistani politicians, these are smooth operators and sound very convincing(whichever way they lean), and hence I will be very careful while listening to them.
Yesterday, PTI rats were saying that the statement of any individual does not count.
What IK says is counted as authentic, than why Asad Umar shall be taken seriously!
What the hell is he doing in US?
on careful consideration I would like to reject advice of PTI fanboys and stick to posting my views. I would rather be proved wrong than try to make fanboys happy. lolz.
in any case your views are bullsh*t to me, does it mean you should stop posting? I dont think so :disagree:

You said in your previous post that when he (Asad Umer) comes back to Pakistan he says completely opposite. Which is a complete bullsh!t, now you either prove your brain fart with a concrete source or back off for good, no?
I voted for them basically it was because these guys are sensible. However, what the Talibs started doing and the response that PTI gave was just embarrassing.

actually I am rather open to IK's idea of talking to your enemy, and bringing them to democratic fold.
My grudge is the sophisticated doublespeak that PTI guys employ. Compared to rest of gaffe prone pakistani politicians, these are smooth operators and sound very convincing(whichever way they lean), and hence I will be very careful while listening to them.
Why are people dissing IK for his demand that drone strikes end and that peace negotiations commence with the TTP ? I maybe naïve when it comes to Pakistani politics but that sure makes sense to me
You said in your previous post that when he (Asad Umer) comes back to Pakistan he says completely opposite. Which is a complete bullsh!t, now you either prove your brain fart with a concrete source or back off for good, no?
what source.. lolz.. read my post again... you did not get it first time around.. others did... :)
what source.. lolz.. read my post again... you did not get it first time around.. others did... :)
You have to excuse PTI reactionaries... But then again.. Modi supporters are no different. Emotions more than logic... hot headedness drives their vote and not true understanding of ground realities.
This guy shouldn't be in PTI. The public knows Imran very well for his arrogance, policy changes, and issues with workers. Already there is a disagreement between Asad and Imran on Taliban office.
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