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Great danger faces Tibetans: Dalai Lama


Jul 22, 2008
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Great danger faces Tibetans: Dalai Lama

THE Dalai Lama warned of the "great danger'' facing the Tibetan people as he addressed leading exiles who had vowed continued support for his policy of seeking greater autonomy from China.

"My trust in Chinese officials has become thinner and thinner,'' the Tibetan spiritual leader told nearly 600 delegates a day after they wrapped up a week-long review of the Dalai Lama's policy towards Beijing.

"In the next 20 years, if we are not careful in our actions and planning, then there is great danger to the Tibetan community,'' he said in the exiles' base in the northern Indian hill town of Dharamsala.

"We must try to think of innovative ways to sustain the Tibetan people,'' he added.

The gathering of representatives from the global Tibetan movement ended their meeting by backing the Dalai Lama's "middle way'' of talks with Beijing seeking what they call meaningful, or greater, autonomy for Tibet.

The decision was a disappointment for those groups who had favoured a major policy shift towards an unequivocal demand for full independence.

"The majority were for a continuation of the 'middle way' policy'' of compromise with Chinese authorities, said Karma Chophel, speaker of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

"But quite a number said if the 'middle way' did not produce any results in the near future, then the people will be forced to switch the policy to complete independence or a demand for self-determination,'' Chophel said.

The Dalai Lama had called the policy meeting in Dharamsala after admitting his approach of trying to secure concessions from China had failed to achieve a breakthrough.

But most decided against dropping the policy, saying the shift would lose Tibetans' international support and further antagonise Beijing.

Delegates had divided into 15 committees, each of which presented a report, and the final consensus was decided yesterday.

Lhadon Thethorg, a delegate and New York president of Students for a Free Tibet, said the meeting had heard many calls for independence, but she accepted that her hopes of a significant policy change had been dashed.

"We are in a democratic system, but the opinion of the majority may not be the right one,'' she said.

"Whether for the 'middle way' or independence for Tibet, people are calling for more vigorous action,'' she said on the final day of the talks.

Among those at the gathering backing a pro-independence policy was Tendon Dahortsang, 28, European president of the Tibetan Youth Association.

"It's clear that dialogue is not working,'' she said. "We can't wait for China to change. We have to push for it.''

China on Friday had moved to pre-empt the meeting's decision, accusing the Dalai Lama of covertly campaigning for independence.

Great danger faces Tibetans: Dalai Lama | The Australian
Great danger faces Tibetans: Dalai Lama

THE Dalai Lama warned of the "great danger'' facing the Tibetan people as he addressed leading exiles who had vowed continued support for his policy of seeking greater autonomy from China.

"My trust in Chinese officials has become thinner and thinner,'' the Tibetan spiritual leader told nearly 600 delegates a day after they wrapped up a week-long review of the Dalai Lama's policy towards Beijing.

"In the next 20 years, if we are not careful in our actions and planning, then there is great danger to the Tibetan community,'' he said in the exiles' base in the northern Indian hill town of Dharamsala.

"We must try to think of innovative ways to sustain the Tibetan people,'' he added.

The gathering of representatives from the global Tibetan movement ended their meeting by backing the Dalai Lama's "middle way'' of talks with Beijing seeking what they call meaningful, or greater, autonomy for Tibet.

The decision was a disappointment for those groups who had favoured a major policy shift towards an unequivocal demand for full independence.

"The majority were for a continuation of the 'middle way' policy'' of compromise with Chinese authorities, said Karma Chophel, speaker of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

"But quite a number said if the 'middle way' did not produce any results in the near future, then the people will be forced to switch the policy to complete independence or a demand for self-determination,'' Chophel said.

The Dalai Lama had called the policy meeting in Dharamsala after admitting his approach of trying to secure concessions from China had failed to achieve a breakthrough.

But most decided against dropping the policy, saying the shift would lose Tibetans' international support and further antagonise Beijing.

Delegates had divided into 15 committees, each of which presented a report, and the final consensus was decided yesterday.

Lhadon Thethorg, a delegate and New York president of Students for a Free Tibet, said the meeting had heard many calls for independence, but she accepted that her hopes of a significant policy change had been dashed.

"We are in a democratic system, but the opinion of the majority may not be the right one,'' she said.

"Whether for the 'middle way' or independence for Tibet, people are calling for more vigorous action,'' she said on the final day of the talks.

Among those at the gathering backing a pro-independence policy was Tendon Dahortsang, 28, European president of the Tibetan Youth Association.

"It's clear that dialogue is not working,'' she said. "We can't wait for China to change. We have to push for it.''

China on Friday had moved to pre-empt the meeting's decision, accusing the Dalai Lama of covertly campaigning for independence.

Great danger faces Tibetans: Dalai Lama | The Australian

Tibet is Chinese territory, not Indian territory. :china::pakistan:
Tibet is Chinese territory, not Indian territory. :china::pakistan:

dalai lama is not indian.........he is tibetan.........

and tibet is tibetan territory...........

anyways, why are you mentioning india here? :undecided:
also mate, where does pak flag fit into all this? :cheesy:
Dalai Lama not to retire till 'Tibetans return home'

DHARAMSHALA: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama on Sunday scotched speculation about his retirement, saying he would not quit till Tibetans return to their homeland.

"There is no question of taking retirement from the institution of the Dalai Lama," the 73-year-old Nobel laureate told reporters here.

"Since an elected Tibetan government in exile is in place I am semi-retired as a political leader... but there is no question of retiring from the Dalai Lama institution," the Tibetan temporal head said, a day after the crucial six-day conclave of Tibetans at Macleodganj.

The Dalai Lama's remarks assume significance in the wake of the conclave saying that Tibetans may have to rethink his "middle way" approach while dealing with Beijing to gain autonomy for the Himalayan region. The meeting said the leaders would be forced to demand full independence if the Dalai Lama's efforts did not yield any result.

On his commitment to the cause of Tibet, he said he would not quit "till Tibetans return to Tibet".

"When Tibetans return to Tibet my job will be finished and I will become a simple citizen," he said.

Refusing to make a direct comment on the future of talks with China for resolving the vexed Tibet issue, the Dalai Lama, who had called the crucial six-day meeting to decide the future course of the movement, said "further course of talks with Beijing will be revealed after a meeting of friends of Tibetans world over within a month."

He, however, did not reveal the venue and date of the meeting.

The Tibetan monk said he was open to the idea of "reincarnation" of the Dalai Lama as a woman. "Females have greater potential and can take more responsibility. Hence they have all the qualification to become the next Dalai Lama," he said.

In their strongest message to Beijing in two decades, the Tibetan leadership in exile has decided to break off negotiations with China. It also virtually put on notice the Dalai Lama's "middle path" policy of seeking autonomy within China. On Saturday, the exiled leaders said the Dalai Lama's approach could not continue indefinitely and independence would be their only option in the near future.

"If the middle path fails in the short term, we will be forced to opt for complete independence or self-determination as per the UN charter," Dolma Gyari, deputy speaker of the Kashag, or parliament-in-exile, said at the end of the six-day conclave here.

Although there was some tension in the air before the recommendations were collated — the younger generation led by the Tibetan Youth Congress pushed for "complete independence" as the goal — the meeting of exiled Tibetan leaders ended with delegates unanimously agreeing on the draft that gives "some more time" to the middle path.

"It's a turning point in our struggle," said poet-activist Tenzin Tsundue, who was at the forefront of demand for independence. "A call for self-determination would effectively demand full independence," said the activist, adding that the ball is now in the Chinese court.

While the tone and text of the conclave's resolution are a major departure from the Dalai Lama's Strasbourg Proposal of 1987 in which he sought "genuine autonomy" under Chinese rule, the parliament speaker, Karma Choepel, said the future policy in the Tibetan campaign for greater autonomy will be determined by the Dalai Lama and will always be non-violent.

Dalai Lama not to retire till 'Tibetans return home'-India-The Times of India
If only the Chinese would give the Tibetans a few concessions - perhaps some semblance of freedom of religion - and perhaps some modicum of representation - things would cool down considerably.
If only the Chinese would give the Tibetans a few concessions - perhaps some semblance of freedom of religion - and perhaps some modicum of representation - things would cool down considerably.

Given the China's opacity on the matter of Autonomy to Tibet, I don't know what is their stand on this (apart from not giving independence).
We need to take Tibet, that is the best platform to launch WS-2D to India's capital when necessary.
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