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Germany state ellection in Hessen...Merkels end?


Apr 2, 2017
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Today the next state ellection happen in Germany in the center state of Hessen, home of Germanys largest airport, the financial heart of continental Europe in Frankfurt am Main and Germany s only global Alpha region (Rhine Main area around Frankfurt).

after first countings...

CDU 28%
SPD 19.8%
Green 19.4%
AfD 12,1%
FDP (liberal) 7.7%
Left 6.5%

at the moment it looks like that the current governent of green and CDU can continue their work. Even with the high losses of the CDU...

Looks like the time of Merkel is over... this needed to be adressed ... the next state they loose more than 10% (the SPD too)

This state ellection was not a vote of the work of the state government of CDU and green which worked pretty well, Hessen is together with Bayern and Baden Würtenberg the economy engine of Germany. This vote was again against the governement in Berlin.

Merkel should take action and leave and call for new ellection..

Today the next state ellection happen in Germany in the center state of Hessen, home of Germanys largest airport, the financial heart of continental Europe in Frankfurt am Main and Germany s only global Alpha region (Rhine Main area around Frankfurt).

after first countings...

CDU 28%
SPD 19.8%
Green 19.4%
AfD 12,1%
FDP (liberal) 7.7%
Left 6.5%

at the moment it looks like that the current governent of green and CDU can continue their work. Even with the high losses of the CDU...

Looks like the time of Merkel is over... this needed to be adressed ... the next state they loose more than 10% (the SPD too)

This state ellection was not a vote of the work of the state government of CDU and green which worked pretty well, Hessen is together with Bayern and Baden Würtenberg the economy engine of Germany. This vote was again against the governement in Berlin.

Merkel should take action and leave and call for new ellection..

SHe is hated by the right and left but with her gone things will be interesting in Germany
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