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Germany In WW2


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Here what we are going to discuss here. Could germany be able to win the world war 2?

You can happily research, and post later, all types of comments are appreciated.

Thank you.
Originally posted by Ahsan Farooqui@Oct 20 2005, 03:01 AM
Here what we are going to discuss here. Could germany be able to win the world war 2?

You can happily research, and post later, all types of comments are appreciated.

Thank you.
[post=1037]Quoted post[/post]​

If hitler had'nt stopped it's nuke progam, german very well could've won the war.After all they were the ones who made V 1 and V2.Making these misiles nuclear capable would have been devested for the allies. Another big mistake hitler made was that he attacked ruissa even though he was still fighting britin.And also because germany had signed peace treaties with ruissa that they won't attack each other in case of war.Hitler made a big mistake in going to war with ruissa.After that he had made the mistake of cancelling germans nucleaer progam.He also did'nt cared when the first het engine was devloped. :wtf1:
I like to add that Hitler's other mistke was make alliance with Itly bcos
Italian army was notas good at that time as german war machine.
If he plan invasion of UK instead of sending troops in Africa there might be chance to win the war. :cheers: :PakistanFlag: :ChinaFlag:
The biggest mistake was Germany's invasion of the soviet Union starting with the Barbarossa campaign. Maybe people forget how Germany was defeated.

One million soldiers of the red army on the outskirts of the capital Berlin. In the first 24 hours outside the capital, the Red Army pumped in over 1 million Artillery shells into the city.

After having crushed the French; the Germans should have maintained low level warfare with the British with planes and ships while not invading Britian. It should have instead sought to cripple Britian with a sweep through North Africa until it captured Egypt and the Suez Canal. After achieving this it should have formented independance in the Sub continent and secured Oil supplies in Iran.

Then it should have prepared for the assault by the Americans on Normany or somewhere else in France.
Actually it really helped Germany. The war with Britain was already declared right? The Germans were bombing the hell out of Britains, the air warfare that was taken place inflicted around 43,000 deaths and destroyed over a million houses.

But it has been said that the strategic objective of knocking Britain out of the war or rendering it unable to resist an invasion was failed even after all the efforts. Why do you think that it would be better off if Germany could sweep through North Africa until it captured Egypt and the Suez Canal?

Was the oil a main concern during this conflict?

Firstly How does one use the quote button.

Secondly when u say "It actually really helped Germany" What do you mean? What actually really helped Germany?

It was Britian that declared War on Germany, not the other way around.

The Suez canal was essential to Britian's effort to reach her colonies in the sub continent (india pak. bangladesh Burma) and her trade with them. Capturing Suez would have hurt Britian.

Oil was the major reason why Germany invaded Soviet Union. In those times they dont think like we do. If we want Oil we go and trade. When Germany wanted Oil they declared war on Soviet Union. The Caucaus region was among the major Oil producing regions of the world. (where chechniya, georgia is)

Rather than invading Soviet Union, germany would have done better to extract Oil from Iran and brought it through the Suez canal and transported it to Italy where it would be transported to Germany.

Hitler was not an idiot when he decided not to invade Britian. In world war 1, Britian and Aust. troops suffered a humiliating defeat in Turkey when they tried to rip open the Bosphorus straits by invading on Gallipoli and disabling the anti naval guns. Britian was a major global power and an amphibious assault would have been disastrous.

The only reason that the Normandy landings of American and British forces were successful was because Germany was forced to deploy most of their forces to the Eastern front to stop the advancing hordes of the Red Army. Three quaters of German casualties in World War 2 occurred on the Eastern Front against the Soviets.

Would the Allies have succeded without the Soviets?? Yes, but the War would have taken MUCH MUCH longer with horrific casualties for Allied troops who mounted assaults from Normandy and Sicily in Southern Italy.
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