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German quits ‘unhygienic, drug-using’ Taliban


Apr 25, 2012
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The former fighter also complained of the unhygienic conditions in the war-torn lands of Pakistan’s Waziristan province and Afghanistan that left him infected with hepatitis, and which were, in his opinion, “incompatible with the teachings of the Quran”.
The unflattering portrayal of life in the Taliban came in a statement made by Thomas U. during his trial in Berlin for involvement in a foreign terrorist group. The 27-year-old had travelled to Waziristan with his wife in the autumn of 2009 with the intention of freeing the area from the “infidel occupiers” after the couple had converted to Islam. On encountering their Taliban recruiters they had to hand over £4,000 they had raised in Germany through fraud as a donation to a cause which promised to conquer the whole of Afghanistan in a year. But Thomas U. soon became disheartened, especially after seeing the remains of three fellow Germans killed by Pakistani army shelling. “The sight of their badly mangled bodies moved me,” he said. “I was scared and I wanted to get out. Waziristan was not what I was looking for.” Underlying his dislike of his new life was the Taliban propensity to use drugs, and their “macho” attitude to women. In one case a Taliban fighter went to the German widow of a dead comrade and told her that she would marry him.

German quits

Bad PR for the Taliban.

So he thought he would be living the glamorous and adventurous life of a resistance fighter. In stead he got

- robbed by the Taliban
- his wife (and he?) were sexually harassed by the Taliban
- he got infected by hepatitis due to unsanitary conditions among the Taliban
- he was surrounded by Taliban-junkies

Maybe next he can use another recruitment agency, after spending some time in jail.

But I have a feeling he is instantly cured of his jihadist dreams.
pathetic and untrue story without any sources.
Neo-Nazi in court after joining Taliban
German man fought with militants on war-torn Afghan-Pakistan border


Harsh ... Pakistan army soldiers in Waziristan where the neo-Nazi fought alongisde the Taliban

A SKINHEAD neo-Nazi who joined the Taliban and attacked an American base on the Afghan-Pakistan border has told a court: “I made a terrible mistake”.

The 27-year-old German, named only as Thomas U, converted to Islam and enrolled in the German Taliban Mujahidin, (DTM) before travelling with his wife to the war-torn region, it was reported.

But the would-be terrorist, who had forked out thousands to get there, contracted hepatitis A and soon realised he had made a bad decision.

He looked on as Pakistani forces helicopters shot down his friends, complained of the poor hygiene and was disgusted by his fellow fighters’ drug habits.

The hen-pecked guerrilla was also repeatedly pestered by his wife, who missed her creature comforts such as mobile phone supermarket shopping.


Extreme ... the man had previously been a neo-Nazi in Germany

The couple fled to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2010 after his wife became pregnant but were immediately arrested. She later gave birth in a Turkish prison during their 20-month jail-term.

Thomas U is accused of being a member of the DTM from December 2009 until July 2010 and taking part in an attack on an American base.

He paid 5000 euros (around £4,000) to travel to Waziristan in north-western Pakistan in 2009 and was trained to use firearms and explosives.

The German militant even appeared in a Taliban propaganda video and boasted that the attack had “disrupted the Christmas spirit” of the American base.

But after DTM's co-founder Eric Breininger and Dutch national "Danny R" were killed by Pakistani forces in April 2010, Thomas U became disillusioned with the terror mission.


Terror ... Pakistani Taliban in their stronghold in Waziristan

In a statement to the Berlin court, he said: “I admit that I made a terrible mistake. Waziristan was not what I had been looking for.

“It was a terrible experience. I was shocked at the lack of hygiene, people were spitting and vomiting. My wife was very unhappy because traditionally women are treated badly.

“I had only seen one dead body before, of my grandmother. The sight of their mutilated bodies really affected me.

“From then on I no longer wanted to take part in violence, I had been completely wrong.”

After escaping, he spoke how he was relieved to finally “hold hands with my wife in public”.

Read more: Skinhead German Nazi in court after joining Taliban | The Sun |News
No internatinal media would talk about German and Dutch terrorsits and their terrorism in Pakistan! Pakistan Government should launch complaints with these countries to address teh issue of terrorist hiring and smuggling activities in their countriees.
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