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Gen (r) Ehsan-ul-Haq slams Afghanistan

He smacked it all around and shut big mouths without telling them to do so by showing them the mirror of reality.
General answered all questions while keeping very respectable.
Only unanswered question remained is: who's the devil? ;)
He smacked it all around and shut big mouths without telling them to do so by showing them the mirror of reality.
General answered all questions while keeping very respectable.
Only unanswered question remained is: who's the devil? ;)

only thing i didnt like about Mr Ehsan is he was calling 'Sir' to the Devil:devil:, so dont expect any good if you are speaking the truth to the Devil's deaf ears.
^^ Me too... i would have started with 'keep your nonses to your self...' but i guess this is the difference between me and him.
He delivered it more effectively and fully with better effect on listners....yes i agree that those who start all such crap have no good intent.... imagine US media keeps its own people in dark and fantasy world.... what good, people from other nations can expect?
I agree that talking truth or turning tables on devil means of little matter in todays world, but we can't avoid them.
The gathering was probably of American think tanks and intellectuals, hence the dialect had to be civilized. The General maintained a good compuser and what matters is he drove his point home.
Very well said but who they fu*k are americans and why answer to them ? Thats is Pakistans biggest problem.
very nice, but need more information about the video i.e. how old is it and is the rest of it available?
There is nothing more powerful than a person calmly presenting his point of view without ranting and without resorting to an abusive posture.
To be taken seriously in this world one has to maintain dignity and respect, what else is a dialogue there for?
Just food for thought for the members who have raised the question as to the honorifics being used by the good general.

Excellent points raised by the gentleman, kudos to him.
Brilliantly put across by the General. I am sure the Yanks would have scratched their heads in searching for a reply for him.

One incident that he forgot to mention (or purposely didn't mention, given his hosts and the audience) was ISI-CIA collaboration in helping the Mujaheddin against the Ruskies. The Americans, read the CIA was pretty happy to encourage cross border help into Afghanistan. Where was the border then? You can't use the porous border to your advantage one day and then condemn Pakistan the next day for keeping it porous. As long as it served US's purpose the border was fine, but now that it doesn't, its Pakistan's fault and problem. Amazing..!
he totally knocked him out. This video really deserve a tread. And you deserve a thanks for posting it here.
You know they are Americans how, exactly?

Ambassador Dr.Tanner is the director of the Geneva Center For Security Policy.

Pakistan and South Asia's Security Nexus: Scenarios for the Future-Geneva Center For Security Policy June 9, 2009

And, umm...,gee but did General ul-Haq say that 60% of Afghanistan is Pashtun (4:29)?

That's not correct and nobody ever says anything like that except Pakistanis. I've quoted all sorts of sources that show so here. Where is his source? Where are YOUR sources for such a continuous mis-representation? I'd like to read them please.

So far you and the good general haven't gotten your facts straight. Should I give a damn about this collective piling on session you've got going when, once again, you can't even find the most basic of facts-to include WHO exactly the general is addressing?

I've long contended that nothing stops Pakistan from fencing and mining ITS side of the border. Step back one hundred meters, build your fences and lay your mines if you wish. Nobody can stop you. It is, afterall, your land.

You are, collectively, embarassing. My disdain couldn't be more broad. I don't HAVE to be a diplomat but I've got a responsibility to represent the facts as best I can. It will be a great day when you assume the same.

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Quite the American background. Read carefully-


Ambassador Fred Tanner is the Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).

Prior to this appointment, Fred Tanner was Deputy Director of the GCSP, in charge of academic affairs and training. At the same time he was a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (GIIS/HEID) and was responsible for its Diplomatic Studies Programme.

From 1994 to 1997, on secondment from the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), he was Director of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC) in Malta. Over the course of his distinguished academic career, Fred Tanner held teaching and research positions at universities such as Harvard (CFIA), Johns Hopkins (SAIS) and Princeton (CIS).

Fred Tanner serves on the International Council of the Center for Sustainable Development and International Peace at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies, is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and the Scientific Advisory Board of Swisspeace.

Fred Tanner acted as rapporteur to the Second NATO Strategic Concept Seminar which was held in November 2009 in Brdo, Slovenia, and was organised by the Group of Experts chaired by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

Mandated by the OSCE Chairmanship, he was the Honorary Chairman of the Committee for Security Studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a position he held from 1999 to 2001.

Fred Tanner is the author of numerous publications, including "The Iraq Crisis and World Order" (United Nations University Press, 2006, co-author); a "Chaillot Paper" (with H. Haenggi) Promoting security sector governance in the EU's neighbourhood, July 2005; From Versailles to Baghdad (United Nations, 1993); The EU as a Security Actor in the Mediterranean (ETH Zurich, 2001); Refugee Manipulation (co-editor, with S. Stedman, Brookings, 2002).

Fred Tanner holds a PhD and a Master's degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University), and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Geneva.

He served as an officer in the Swiss Mountain Infantry."

A former Swiss infantry officer. Way to go fellows.:disagree:

Here's more on the World Security Network Foundation and its founder, Dr. Hubertus Hoffman. He's German, btw-

World Security Network Biography of Dr. Hubertus Hoffman

STILL looking for the mythical Americans that you've collectively gone off bashing.

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If pakistanis are that confidant about the issue of NWFP/FATA, then why they raise it and see it as a threat to their territorial integrity? Let the Pashtoons on the other side of durand line cry about Pashtoonistan, but the truth is that they feel insecure about it. And he is deadly wrong about the existence of afghanistan as a country and also demographic realities of afghanistan, he needs to learn things correctly about his neigbhour.
If pakistanis are that confidant about the issue of NWFP/FATA, then why they raise it and see it as a threat to their territorial integrity? Let the Pashtoons on the other side of durand line cry about Pashtoonistan, but the truth is that they feel insecure about it. And he is deadly wrong about the existence of afghanistan as a country and also demographic realities of afghanistan, he needs to learn things correctly about his neigbhour.

If you can cry about a few thousand of Taliban creating mess in a country of millions, then similarly, a few hundred or thousand can create hell of a problem on this side of the border also, if the Afghan govt isn't checked or controlled. Black sheep are in every society. Even now also, few hundred, thousand TTP guys with full support from inside Afghanistan are creating havoc in the country. The millions of other Pushtons are not siding with them but have been held hostage by these few thousand, who get all the support from across. So that is why we are worried, not because our side of the Pushtun want to join Afghanistan. They don't, you can count on that.

And yea the General Ex-CJCSC, not a Brigadier, knows more about the situation and history compared to you or some others on this forum, rather most of the members on this forum.

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