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Gen Mahmood discusses defence cooperation with US

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Gen Mahmood discusses defence cooperation with US
By Dawn.com

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Rashad Mahmood. – File Photo
ISLAMABAD: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Rashad Mahmood Sunday discussed matters related to defence cooperation and regional security situation with the civil-military leadership of the United States.

Gen Mahmood, who is on an official visit to the US, held extensive talks with American military and civilian leadership over defence cooperation between the two armed forces and vowed to further enhance these, said a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

“Armed Forces officials with whom the CJCSC met included Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff of US General Martin Dempsey, Commander US Central Command General Lloyd J. Austin, Chief of Naval Operations US Admiral Jonathan Greenert, Chief of Staff US Army General Ray Odierno, Commander US Special Operations Command Admiral William McRaven,” said the statement.

During the visit, Gen Mahmood also met different officials of US administration which included Chairman Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Bob Menendez, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador James F. Dobbins, and Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose E. Gottemoeller.

During the talks, the CJCSC highlighted the security perspective of Pakistan and the contributions made by its people and the armed forces in fighting the menace of terrorism.

The post 2014 Afghanistan situation and ramification upon the region also came under discussion.
We'll findout soon enough what they discussed.
According to the know it all najoomi Najam Sethi they discussed cross border cooperation, more future cooperation (on the Mush era level) and also CSF and other monetary schemes.

I smell more MRAPS's, Bell heli's for airlift, Smart Munitions for the -16's and some Cobras at the least on the horizon.....
US need to grow up a bit to offer Apache helicopters or any gunships urgently to support this operation asap.

the Cobras can get the job done for now quite well, the TOWs they fire are laser guided munitions. came in handy @ Swat/Dir ops

Apaches are a good platform though no doubt. The Egyptians are operating them, there's no reason why Pakistan couldn't lobby to procure them - though the indian are getting them and im not sure if US would sacrifice the deal with indian to assist Pakistan

there's been cooperation on night vision gear for PA/FC that has been materializing
These discussions for Defence corporation with US are completely useless, waste of time & nothing will happen.
Our officials from the highest level have been regularly communicating and coordinating in regards to our shared objectives in the region. These meetings allow us to address any shared concerns and build on our improving relationship. We are going through a very crucial phase in regards to stabilizing the region, and it is simply imperative for our nations to work closely for the betterment of the region. It is also important to keep in mind that the terrorists on both sides of the border would love to see our nations stay apart for the sake of gaining advantage. We must not let any false theories undermine the importance of joint cooperation between our nations. We greatly value each other’s assistance and hope to maintain a healthy working relationship for the sake of achieving our shared peace objectives in the region.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
some chinooks or some naval co-operation would be nice

but i hate to say that

during the development era we had placed orders for a few f-16's they were parked in storage's and we paid for their parking/storage fee......let things come to grounds then we get serious.....

it may turn out to be an engage and dis-engage scenario if things are floating in air

we may loose the mi-35 chopper deal :undecided:
Pls end the laundery list. We can only serve our own interests only if we fight the war with our own resources.

What we need the most at this time are attack helos like AH-1Z viper or Apaches as well as air lift helos.

US is not going to chip in since our eastern 'friends' will go on national mourning whom the US is selling Apaches and Chinooks.

China has a genuine stake in this op and its outcome. We need to ask them to lend a hand.

@CENTCOM l Bhai we don't need fancy words, what we need is smart munitions, night vision equipment, anti IED gear and a handful of unarmed Preadator XPs.

We have created another refugee crisis in our own country to defeat the takfeeri pigs. If you want to lend a hand, do it now or watch from the sidelines. Its a decision time for the US.
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