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GDP growth has increased to 5.1pc, says Sharif


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
ISLAMABAD, Dec 13: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said the country’s economic growth had increased to 5.1 per cent from last year’s 2.9pc.

“We want to take the GDP growth rate to 7pc over the next four years,” the prime minister told a delegation of parliamentarians from Sahiwal and Multan divisions which had called on him here on Friday.

He claimed that economy was better in 1991 during his first tenure as prime minister and Pakistan was at parity with its neighboring countries and even ahead in some aspects. “But lack of decisions on important projects has led us to the situation we are facing today.”

Mr Sharif said the grant of GSP plus status would benefit many sectors of the country, including textiles and leather industry. He said the Asian Development Bank’s decision to invest in the Jamshoro coal power plant would pave way for investment in the Gadani coal power project. With these projects the country would be able to achieve its energy targets in three to four years.

The prime minister said the newly launched Youth Business Loan Scheme would benefit about three million people in the first phase. He rejected a perception that inexperienced youth would waste the loan, expressing confidence that they would utilise the money judiciously.

Mr Sharif said banks had been giving large loans to big industrialists, but there was a need to trust and invest in small and medium enterprises.

He said the issue of electricity shortage could not be resolved overnight and added that long and short-term plans had been made to overcome the crisis.

On terrorism, the prime minister said the path of dialogue had been chosen in line with a decision taken at an all-party conference and expressed the hope that the dialogue would bear fruit.

He said the operation in Karachi had been successful, adding that necessary legislation had been enacted to bring culprits to justice.

The parliamentarians expressed confidence in the leadership of Mr Sharif and said that “revolutionary steps” taken by him would change the “destiny of the country”.

They also discussed with Mr Sharif matters relating to their constituencies.

The Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Shiekh Aftab, and MNAs retired Captain Safdar and Hamza Shahbaz also attended the meeting.—APP

GDP growth has increased to 5.1pc, says Sharif - DAWN.COM

So even Nawaz Sharif is saying so

If we consider 5% for this year,6% next year and 7-8% for the next 3 years of their term

Odd estimation of Future GDP Nominal

2014=271billion dollars
2015=298billion dollars
2016=344billion dollars
2017=391billion dollars
2018=445billion dollars

Increase of about 200billion dollars vis a vis an increase of just 70billion dollars in PPP term(5years)

Population growth rate according to CIA factbook is 1.52%,If we consider today population as 183million,by 2018 Pak population with 1.52% growth rate would be 193-194millions

And a GDP per capita of roughly 1900dollars

(The above is also based off india GDP growth rate in 1999-2004 with an average growth rate of 7%)
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This is only the first quarter growth rate.

Annual will be released in june next year
Pakistan doesn't report quarterly GDP......Its more likely the estimate for figure due in June 2014.
probably its a big flat lie. ishaq dar is liar, so is this brainless fat nawaz kingo... dont trust a word they say...

I do hope that economy revives, indicators dont seem to favor their claim so far.
Pakistan doesn't report quarterly GDP......Its more likely the estimate for figure due in June 2014.

Indeed but this was the first year in Pakistan history to report quarterly growth rate.

Yesterday on ARY news Bilal Asif (i hope i remember his name correctly) said The next quarter growth rate will be released in feb.

beside this Ishaq Dar has already annouced in august this year that for the first time in the history of Pakistan we will release quarterly growth rates.

First quarter growth rate to be released in late nov or early dec.

This was reported in many other sources like dawn,ET and here is the thenews source

GDP growth figures to be released on quarterly basis - thenews.com.pk

So quarterly growth rate is the future of Pakistan.which is good for Pakistan
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