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جیو کے دفتر کو تالےلگ گئے؟

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what kind of fair & balanced new and reporting did people expect from networks that beg the govt. in power for funding? Plus there is no more Prez Nobama to give foreign press free money from my taxes.!
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Pressure groups / mafia / illegitimate common interest groups posing as quasi Journalists / News channels requiring funding from the exact Government that they mean to undermine should be burnt to the ground; their owners expelled from the country and their assets liquidated.
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Sad state of Pakistani govt..how can govt allow the license and operations of an organization which hasnt paid its due for four months..whats the fault of poor people..seems nothing has changed and imran khan is going for same failure as people before him ..
The problem is that if govt takes an action against it, they start crying the press freedom is under attack which will be used by the anti-Pakistan and anti-state national and international media.
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Khan nai in ke sahi band bagai hai,abhi sawad tub aye ga jub in sai tax mangey gai.
IK has nothing to fear. If any of his ministers or party member does corruption, he lets the court / NAB deal with them and rather asks them to resign until they come clean: Babur Awan, Aleem Khan, JKT etc.. none has any support from IK for their corruption so Jang-Geo can't blackmail him. They tried all sorts of methods but in vain. With IK, they have hit the wall and they knew it since a long time and thus been always at the forefront of cheap character assassination campaign against Imran Khan.
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