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French Saphir submarine sinks US Carrier and escort


Jun 9, 2013
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During joint operations, french saphir sub sinked US Roosevelt carrier aswell as most of its escort.

Le SNA Saphir en entraînement avec l’US Navy au large de la Floride

Google translate :

his is after two weeks of patrol in the North Atlantic that the nuclear-powered attack submarine (SNA) Sapphire arrived in the waters of Florida to participate in a major exercise ten days with the US Navy. The objective of this exercise was to train a US carrier battle group (CSG 12 Carrier Strike Group 12) composed of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, several Ticonderoga or Arleigh Burke-class frigates and a type of submarine Los Angeles, prior to operational deployment.

The exercise scenario involved an assault of American economic and territorial interests by fictitious statements. In response, a naval force, led by Theodore Roosevelt was established to deal with any eventuality.

During the first phase of the exercise, the Saphir was integrated into the navy girlfriend in direct support with the mission to make anti-submarine warfare in SOUMAIR cooperation with maritime patrol aircraft type P3-C Orion P8 Poseidon. He had to postpone all contacts obtained on enemy submarines and share them with other anti-submarine means of theater (maritime patrol aircraft, helicopters and frigates ASM).

In a second phase, the Sapphire, was integrated with enemy forces and mission was to locate the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and other buildings friend naval force and be ready to attack. The political situation deteriorating by the day, the Saphir has quietly slipped in the heart of the screen formed by the American frigates protecting the aircraft carrier, while avoiding detection against-pervasive air assets. On the morning of the last day, the order of fire was finally given, allowing the Sapphire fictitiously sink the Theodore Roosevelt and most of his escort.

After the year ended, the Saphir won Norfolk largest naval base in the world, for a stopover for maintaining links with the US Navy. There were many discussions with the crews of Los Angeles, especially with sailors from Newport News SSN designated host building during the stopover.

The admiral commanding the submarine forces and strategic oceanic force (ALFOST) joined the Sapphire stopover to meet with the commander of the Sapphire, the Rear Admiral Butler, commander of Carrier Strike Group 4 (CSG4) and Vice Admiral Tyson, deputy commander of USFFC (US Fleet Force Commander). This meeting allowed for a first debriefing exercise and to reaffirm the need for interoperability between the two navies.

This is essential for effective integration theaters of operations, particularly in the Arabian Gulf. This exercise has again shown the added value of the employment concept in multi-struggles / multi-sensor of French ANS.

Waiting for the next fiscal year as say the underwater US forces "happy hunting!"
First Gotland. Now this. China would be sooo happy right now.

Tell me the conditions of the exercise. Even a lowly MiG 29 can down a Raptor if conditions are right. No Chinese sub would be afforded such liberties.

And, and even more important, the lessons learned with the French will ensure no on will actually be able to sink our ships.

The US even hired a Gotland class for just that reason, as seen here:

Sweden Has A Sub That's So Deadly The US Navy Hired It To Play Bad Guy

USS Enterprise through the periscope of a U 206 during JTFEX in 2001.



USS Theodore Roosevelt through the periscope of an Italian Navys U212


In drills this type of thing happens, no one shows their full hand, neven to allies. In war this wouldn't happen.
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Tell me the conditions of the exercise. Even a lowly MiG 29 can down a Raptor if conditions are right. No Chinese sub would be afforded such liberties.
'In a second phase, the Sapphire, was integrated with enemy forces and mission was to locate the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and other buildings friend naval force and be ready to attack. The political situation deteriorating by the day, the Saphir has quietly slipped in the heart of the screen formed by the American frigates protecting the aircraft carrier, while avoiding detection against-pervasive air assets. On the morning of the last day, the order of fire was finally given, allowing the Sapphire fictitiously sink the Theodore Roosevelt and most of his escort.'
And, and even more important, the lessons learned with the French will ensure no on will actually be able to sink our ships.

The US even hired a Gotland class for just that reason
And STILL a decade later, a new sub managed to sink the carrier.

During the first phase of the exercise, the Saphir was integrated into the navy girlfriendo_O
BTW What the hell is this
BTW What the hell is this

It wanted to say that the Saphir was firstly integrated to the US navy and conducted some missions,before becoming "the ennemy."
Bravo to the crew of the Saphir,it is good to conduct exercices with our allies,and to share our experiences.


(Why didn't we sink them all for real ???!!! :nana: We would have shown to those Americans who are the surrendering monkeys. jk.)
@C130 @AMDR @F-22Raptor @Nihonjin1051 thoughts ?
And the conditions were? I don't need the result or a play-by-play, tell me what each Navies operating restrictions and conditions were.

I know you actually can't, not information you'll know or have access to, but the point is no one shows their hand, and just like aerial exercises, sometimes there are operating restrictions to ensure a fair fight.
Converse could also be true. Saphir could just be dicking around and still managed to slip through.

Anyways my point wasn't that a Chinese sub would sink an actual carrier because of the exercise result, it was that its good enough to 'burst' some of the invincibility 'myth' surrounding the CSG and make them more confident (mainly help the Chinese Keyboard warrior in point scoring).

It wanted to say that the Saphir was firstly integrated to the US navy and conducted some missions,before becoming "the ennemy."
Bravo to the crew of the Saphir,it is good to conduct exercices with our allies,and to share our experiences.


(Why didn't we sink them all for real ???!!! :nana: We would have shown to those Americans who are the surrendering monkeys. jk.)
@C130 @AMDR @F-22Raptor @Nihonjin1051 thoughts ?
Fine but 'navy girlfriend':no:
And the conditions were? I don't need the result or a play-by-play, tell me what each Navies operating restrictions and conditions were.

I know you actually can't, not information you'll know or have access to, but the point is no one shows their hand, and just like aerial exercises, sometimes there are operating restrictions to ensure a fair fight.

LOL, if I have a quarter everytime I say this, I would have been a millionaire by now.

People who went though military with US knows this, in any training exercise US involved, there would always be one or more scenario with US being the underdog in a given situation. I remember once I was training with the Italian Marine, one scenario is that we are an hunter and prey exercise and we are the prey. We have nothing , no support, no recon asset and we are supposed to he behind enemy line and the aim of the exercise is for us to unfcuk and get hack to friendly line with limited Ammo. While the Italian were given NVG, Helo with FLIR and also drone....

We went to shit with that training...and well i guess we are crap judging by that standard lol

Each training will have different scenario and some will favor us and some will put us in an underhand situation. So if we failed one training mission, does that make the whole US military shit? lol

Simply if we win every training mission, we will learn NOTHING, isnt it how the world supposed to work?
Agreed with C130. As a forum colleague of Halloweene says in his signature :

In naval warfare, there are two types of ships : Subs and targets!

Good day all, Tay.
Of course it is exercise and only exercise. Still not bad for a soon to be replaced sub. (Suffren class on the way)
No one can expect USN to do some jokes like the Iranian did with their so called exercise and sinking enemy vessels with TNT explosive, almost real live exercises like this one is one of the reasons why US Navy still retain their capability and title as the most strongest Navy in the world today.
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