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Fourth time in six weeks YET ANOTHER Muslim beaten to death by Hindus for alleged cow stealing


Sep 20, 2014
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Muslim beaten to death by Hindus for allegedly stealing cow
Fourth time in six weeks that Hindus kill Muslims they suspect of slaughtering, stealing or smuggling cows

A Muslim man was beaten to death in India this week by a mob of Hindus who suspected him of stealing a cow, a revered symbol in the Hindu religion,The New York Timesreported.

Monday's killing was the fourth time in six weeks that Hindus had killed Muslims they suspect of slaughtering, stealing or smuggling cows.

The police found the bloodied and battered body of the man, Mohammad Hasmat Ali, in the remote village of Uchekon Moiba Thongkhong in Manipur, a state in northeast India. Ali, 55, married with three sons, was a leader in the neighboring village of Keirao Makting, where he was headmaster of a madrasa, according toThe Times.

On Sept. 28, a Muslim family was attacked in a village outside Delhi by a Hindu mob that suspected the family of eating beef, an accusation the family denied. The father, Mohammed Ikhlaq, was killed, and his son seriously wounded. Weeks later, another Hindu mob in the Kashmir Valley in north India threw a homemade bomb at a truck suspected of carrying beef; a young Muslim trucker, most of his body burned, died days later. Then, on Oct. 14, a Muslim man was killed in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh when he was attacked by a group of Hindu activists who suspected him of smuggling cattle for slaughter.

Most Indian states already ban the slaughter of cows, although many allow the killing of buffaloes -- whose meat Indians also call beef.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist government has made no secret of its desire for a nationwide ban on beef.

But that would be unpopular with many Muslims and Christians as well as some lower-caste Hindus, for whom it is a relatively cheap source of protein.

The issue has become hugely divisive in india.

This week the editor of the government magazine in the northern state of Haryana was reportedly fired for publishing an article on the health benefits of beef.

And in New Delhi, police were called to investigate a canteen run by the state government of Kerala after a member of a Hindu group complained that it served beef.

The meat turned out to be buffalo, which is legal in the Indian capital.

Critics say that Hindu extremists have been emboldened by Modi's failure to speak out against violent incidents such as the murder last month of Mohammad Akhlaq, who was beaten to death last month over unsubstantiated rumors he had eaten beef.

Muslim beaten to death by Hindus for allegedly stealing cow | i24news - See beyond
so the stand is at 4-1, stupid #Presstitute minds
Shouldn't it be one Indian was beaten to death by another Indian?

Or do religious identities surpass national ones now?
Shouldn't it be one Indian was beaten to death by another Indian?

Or do religious identities surpass national ones now?

Headlines often are geared towards the sensation rather than the strict facts - just the way it works.

To answer your question - there is a considerable section who put their religious identities before the national one amongst both Hindus and Muslims - How large their actual number is no one knows but they are certainly loud and often get attention disproportionate to what they might command if the Indian Media had been strictly unbiased and representative.
In a big country like India such small things happen. Pakistanis killed 50 Shias in bomb blasts during Moharrum.
Headlines often are geared towards the sensation rather than the strict facts - just the way it works.

I thought HK media was bad, even anti-national sometimes, but these kind of headlines are straight-up provoking communal violence.

To answer your question - there is a considerable section who put their religious identities before the national one amongst both Hindus and Muslims - How large their actual number is no one knows but they are certainly loud and often get attention disproportionate to what they might command if the Indian Media had been strictly unbiased and representative.

I can't say I agree with putting religious/ethnic/cultural identities above national ones. In geopolitics your motherland should be the highest priority.
I thought HK media was bad, even anti-national sometimes, but these kind of headlines are straight-up provoking communal violence.

I can't say I agree with putting religious/ethnic/cultural identities above national ones. In geopolitics your motherland should be the highest priority.

Yes, quite sad - Indian Media often apes it's western counterparts not surprisingly really considering the western money invested or loaned to them. Indian media has always been confrontational with establishment with some brief exceptions.

Sometimes it's good like in Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi sometimes bad when I have to answer the embarrassing questions from my international colleagues about India.
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