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Forget drones, its Iran's precision missiles that deter conflict


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Iran has built up a substantial precision-guided missile arsenal to ensure that other countries would “think twice” about going to war, defence experts have disclosed.

Tehran has grown its stockpiles of precision missile that can hit to within 30 metres of a target and have also put them in the hands of its proxies.

In the Gulf, key headquarters, desalination plants, embassies and military bases have all become potential targets of the precision weapons, according to analysts at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).

The attacks earlier this year on an American airbase in Iraq and last year on Saudi Arabia’s oil plants have given Iran growing confidence that it is reaching militarily dominance in the region, possibly without acquiring nuclear weapons.

More worrying for wider Middle Eastern security is the growing potential for conflict with Israel.

Hezbollah in Lebanon has a large and varied arsenal of more than 14,000 rockets and missiles. While many of these have an accuracy of 700 metres, Iran has supplied up to 1,000 with inertial guidance kits that give them an accuracy of 30 metres.

This has made a number of Israeli military bases and airfields vulnerable to strikes despite having one of the best missile defence systems in the world with its Iron Dome system.

The refined inertial missile kits use GPS to guide the missile fins when it is in its terminal phase coming straight down, turning a crude rocket into a precision weapon.

These ‘manoeuvrable re-entry vehicles’ are harder to intercept because mid-flight their target is unknown. Also, smaller numbers need to be launched allowing Hezbollah to conserve its arsenal of Raad missiles which have a range of 500km.

Analysts have warned that if the group’s stockpile of precision missiles goes over a certain number then it is highly likely that Israel will launch a pre-emptive airstrike.

“Hezbollah can now go from targeting cities to targeting military bases in Israel and could overwhelm the Iron Dome defences,” said Dr Watling. “For Israel, if a certain number of precision missiles is reached then its only recourse will be military action. Current numbers with kits are estimated below 1,000.”

Israel has hit Hezbollah and Iranian targets dozens of times in neighbouring Syria In recent years, saying it takes action to prevent the transfer of high tech weapons systems.

The speed at which Iran is developing its missile technology is also a worry. “The scale and pace at which Iran precision enables its ballistic missiles is even more of a concern than its advances with drones,” said Justin Bronk, a research fellow at RUSI.

He also agreed that the Hezbollah arsenal presented the biggest threat to regional stability.


“The number of precision-guided kits is a matter of critical interest for Israel. This is the biggest threat for countries looking at Iran from a military point of view. The warheads are very big and difficult to intercept and are a massive threat.”

The significance of Iran’s strike against the US in Iraq in January was that it was able to accurately target specific buildings on the base.

“The most important takeaway from Iran’s strike is just how precise their short-range ballistic missiles were,” Vipin Narang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology told The Economist. “The accuracy revolution is real and no longer a monopoly of the United States. This has huge implications for modern conflict.”

Few errors made in the article.

1) The accuracy of Iranian missiles today are well below 30 meters, however, those in the stockpile of Hezbollah are of the 30 meter accuracy.
2) Hezbollah doe not possess the new Ra'ad-500 missile. That missile has just entered service with Iran itself.

The article obfuscated the Iranian and Hezbollah missile issues and created a mishmash of information. They should have done better job separating the capabilities of Iranian allies and Iran proper.

The overall picture of Iranian missile getting constantly more impressive is correct, however, I do have an issue with the overall assertion by this article. You do not need to separate the vast Iranian UAV capability from its missile one. These are now complementary systems that work together in a highly integrated way.
Few errors made in the article.

1) The accuracy of Iranian missiles today are well below 30 meters, however, those in the stockpile of Hezbollah are of the 30 meter accuracy.
2) Hezbollah doe not possess the new Ra'ad-500 missile. The missiles has just entered service with Iran itself.

The article obfuscated the Iranian and Hezbollah missile issues and created a mishmash of information. They should have done better job separating the capabilities of Iranian allies and Iran proper.

The overall picture of Iranian missile getting constantly more impressive is correct, but I do have a general issue with the overall assertion by this article. You do not need to separate the vast Iranian UAV capability from its missile capability. These are now complementary systems that work together in a highly integrated way.
The missile attack on the terrorist kurds in 2018 saw the integration of drones and precision guided BM by Iran


Using GPS is not the best option if they want to go war against Israel or USA.

This is another area where the article should have been more clear. These Iranian missile systems all use inertial systems for accuracy and are also capable of making use of satellite guidance. I agree with you that the satellite guidance are not a reliable method outside of peacetime operations. Now to what extend the inertial systems lead to these accuracy vs satellite guidance is not something I can comment on due to the secretive nature of these issues. But, given that it is taking time for Iran to constantly improve the accuracy, I would say these increase in accuracy are due to these inertial methods.
One side story. Can you compare it with the adversary? what do they have in the arsenal to attack Iran?

Furthermore, What air defence adversaries have v/s iran?
Attack on Abqaiq oil refinery is a telling effort no doubt.
Iran has built up a substantial precision-guided missile arsenal to ensure that other countries would “think twice” about going to war, defence experts have disclosed.
Who would want to go to war with Iran when Iran believes in proxy wars like a gospel....? Iran has always used foreign lands for their designs under sectarian cover...
Empty threats by a waning power called Israel- “For Israel, if a certain number of precision missiles is reached then its only recourse will be military action. Current numbers with kits are estimated below 1,000.”

If Israel believes it can challenge and survive the rising Islamic power then like Apartheid South Africa it is living in cloud cuckoo land.
Empty threats by a waning power called Israel- “For Israel, if a certain number of precision missiles is reached then its only recourse will be military action. Current numbers with kits are estimated below 1,000.”

If Israel believes it can challenge and survive the rising Islamic power then like Apartheid South Africa it is living in cloud cuckoo land.
Which islamic rising power r u talking about ?
Muslim countries collectively. Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, KSA etc
Brother unfortunately Iran and KSA are not muslim countries, Iran is a shia country and KSA is Wahabi country.

Once powerful Egypt is now becoming a vessel state of KSA and it is highly unlikely that it will behave like a muslim country. Pakistan have some germs of a Muslim country but is economically too weak and is being controlled via India and Afghanistan. The only real Islamic power is turkey but turkey is also sunk in Syria which is a drain on its economy.

Plus none of us are united.
Few errors made in the article.

1) The accuracy of Iranian missiles today are well below 30 meters, however, those in the stockpile of Hezbollah are of the 30 meter accuracy.
2) Hezbollah doe not possess the new Ra'ad-500 missile. That missile has just entered service with Iran itself.

The article obfuscated the Iranian and Hezbollah missile issues and created a mishmash of information. They should have done better job separating the capabilities of Iranian allies and Iran proper.

The overall picture of Iranian missile getting constantly more impressive is correct, however, I do have an issue with the overall assertion by this article. You do not need to separate the vast Iranian UAV capability from its missile one. These are now complementary systems that work together in a highly integrated way.
They also said Hezbollah has 14,000 rockets and missiles. Hezbollah surely has much more than that. If Hezbollah had only 14,000 rockets, Hezbollah wont even start a conflict with Israel ever. thats not even survivable.
Iran choosing between drones and missiles is a great problem to have.

I wish Pakistan had this problem but we don't have either.
They also said Hezbollah has 14,000 rockets and missiles. Hezbollah surely has much more than that. If Hezbollah had only 14,000 rockets, Hezbollah wont even start a conflict with Israel ever. thats not even survivable.
Well they did with even lesser rockets and defeated Israel during the last Lebanon war.

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