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"Foolish Government" Modi Accused of Disclosing India's Defence Secrets


Sep 24, 2016
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The criticism follows Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement Wednesday that India joined the ranks of the world's space powers by successfully testing a new missile against an orbiting satellite.

Senior Indian National Congress Party lawmaker and former finance minister Palaniappan Chidambaram has attacked the Modi government, accusing the PM of revealing a "defence secret" by going public about India's anti-satellite missile capability.

"The capability to shoot down a satellite has existed for many years. A wise government will keep the capability secret. Only a foolish government will disclose it and betray a defence secret," Chidambaram wrote in a Twitter attack on Saturday.

"Besides, why was it done now in the middle of an election campaign? Only to boost the sagging fortunes of the BJP," the politician added, referring to the Bharatiya Janata Party, India's main ruling party.

Modi announced on Wednesday that India had successfully tested an anti-satellite missile, with the test, dubbed Mission Shakti, seeing the successful destruction of an Indian test satellite in low-Earth orbit. Modi called the test an "unprecedented achievement."

Pakistan, India's regional rival, blasted New Delhi over the test, calling outer space the "common heritage of mankind" and saying that "every nation has the responsibility to avoid actions which can lead to the militarization of this arena." US Acting Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the US was still studying the ASAT missile test, while urging India not to make a "mess" in space. "Space should be a place where we can conduct business. Space is a place where people should have the freedom to operate," he said. Russia, meanwhile, urged India to join international efforts to preserve peace in outer space, while criticising Washington's recent "destructive actions," including its withdrawal from arms agreement and "reluctance to abandon plans for deploying weapons in space."

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders have been looking for ways to use patriotic sentiment amid the conflict with Pakistan to secure votes in next month's elections. This week, BJP leader Amit Shah blasted terrorists suspected to be residing in Pakistan, assuring voters that Modi's government would "not spare the terrorists" and answer "Pakistan's bullets with bombs" if necessary.

Indians will go to the polls starting on 11 April for a massive month-long general election, with the BJP, the core party in the National Democratic Alliance coalition, facing off against the opposition Indian National Congress and its United Progressive Alliance.

Even shaheen 2 can take out settalites... But why demonstrate this in peace time? Unless india thinks we pakistaniz will attack them from our settalities or chinese will. Perhaps thats what they fear.
lol, this is the same guy who was continuously badgering govt to give a breakup of prices of all components of Rafale and of India specific enhancement.
Even shaheen 2 can take out settalites... But why demonstrate this in peace time? Unless india thinks we pakistaniz will attack them from our settalities or chinese will. Perhaps thats what they fear.

Off funny small guy. You are really cute.
It's obvious that Modi is cashing out everything to win the elections. The timing is good because the humiliating defeat at 27th of February by the hands of PAF had angered the masses and put Modi in dangerous position. The ASAT test would divert the attention and make Modi look voctorious again.
We could spoil it for Modi if we test launch a rocket and speculate it was ASAT through our media. Govt and ISPR must remain silent and let the Indian media go crazy.
Off funny small guy. You are really cute.
Looking at my indian and other south asian friends i bet when we stand side by side , funny dark and small would be words directed at you, keyboard warrior....

Arrogant as F.
A high altitude nuclear burst from Pakistan would knock out a big chunk of the worlds satellites. Its implied...makes it more ominous.
Even shaheen 2 can take out settalites... But why demonstrate this in peace time? Unless india thinks we pakistaniz will attack them from our settalities or chinese will. Perhaps thats what they fear.

when nothing else worked for Modi's election campaign then this is just his last effort.
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