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Florida imam found guilty of financially aiding Taliban terrorists in Pak


Mar 19, 2011
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Florida Imam Convicted in Pakistani Taliban Case - ABC News

South Florida imam found guilty of financially aiding Taliban terrorists in Pakistan - The Washington Post

Miami: An elderly Muslim cleric has been convicted by a Miami jury of providing thousands of dollars in financial support to the Pakistani Taliban.

The jury returned its verdict Monday after the two-month trial of Hafiz Khan. The 77-year-old imam at a Miami mosque was found guilty of two conspiracy counts and two counts of providing material support to terrorists.

Each charge carries a potential 15-year prison sentence.

Prosecutors built their case largely around hundreds of FBI recordings of conversations in which Khan expressed support for Taliban attacks and discussed sending about $50,000 to Pakistan.

Khan testified the money was for family, charity and business reasons. Khan also said he lied to an FBI informant about Taliban support in hopes of obtaining $1 million from him.
Looks like he got trapped by the FBI, financing to kill your own :disagree:

And, people point fingers at India, US etc as funders for the talibubs :disagree:
And, people point fingers at India, as funders for the talibubs :disagree:
They'll find the connection anyway, however convoluted. Like that blessed Imam was in the payroll of RAW, who was being used to channelize funds provided by RAW to the Taliboos to wage a proxy war against Pakistan! Oh yeah! Easy to bash India on a Pakistani forum, what? :P
So American Pakistani was funding terrorism. More paranoia will be created.

Or is it conspiracy ?
So American Pakistani was funding terrorism. More paranoia will be created.

Or is it conspiracy ?

It is the bitter truth......I have lived in U.K, I have been to several local mosques in Birmingham area and I have seen how donations are collected by the Imams and people standing outside the mosques at the gates. I have seen how those idiots donate money without even realizing what they are doing, they don't donate because of ALLAH, they donate so their neighbours could see they donated more money then them. I have old taxi drivers donating 20 - 100 pounds, so that Imam saab could say their name out loud in the prayers......this is how these mullahs like TuQ are arranging sit-ins and TTP , SSP, LeJ bombing us
So American Pakistani was funding terrorism. More paranoia will be created.

Or is it conspiracy ?

It will re-enforce the view that despite superbowl, nascar and other forms of adult entertainment.. Muslims in American are still being radicalized.
Stupid Imam.

If he so loves the Taliban, then why doesn't he move to FATA instead of living in Florida.
Stupid Imam.

If he so loves the Taliban, then why doesn't he move to FATA instead of living in Florida.
In my book, those who were giving their hard-earned money to this terrorist scumbag are the real stupid ones.
As long as your in Florida or London who cares what happens in Afghanistan or Pakistan
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