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First ever Denmark trade team to explore business opportunities in Pakistan


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: A Denmark trade delegation reached Islamabad on a week- long visit to explore business opportunities and partners in Pakistan.
It is the first trade team from Denmark, which would explore potential for expanding trade between the two countries.
The delegation will meet Pakistani companies in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Exclusive business seminars with individual company meetings will be arranged in all three cities and the Danish companies will also participate in broader match-making receptions in Karachi and Islamabad, said a statement of the Embassy.
Danish Ambassador Jesper Moller Sorensen said companies were representing different sectors and would see opportunities in areas where Pakistan was facing challenges, such as energy.
Volume of trade between Denmark and Pakistan was increasing and the potential is still significantly larger.
Danish Embassy took the initiative in collaboration with the Confederation of Danish Industries. As part of the programme, there will be meetings with policymakers.
In Lahore the team will meet Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif besides it will discuss trade issues and the framework conditions of doing business in Pakistan with Minister of Commerce Khurram Dastgir Khan.
I am excited we have a Danish business delegation in Pakistan a few Danish companies have been active in Pakistan for decades and some were doing very well, but there was still significant room for improvement. The real potential for trade between our two countries is significantly higher than the current trade volume of around $425 million, said Danish Ambassador.
Jens Holst-Nielsen Director of International Trade and Market Development at the Danish Confederation of Industries said he saw this first Danish business delegation to Pakistan as a natural and a very positive development in Danish-Pakistani relations.
Our expectations to the outcome of the visit are high and the response among Pakistani companies and authorities is a living proof of the friendly and open-minded relations that already exist between our two countries. Hopefully, this visit marks the foundation of a new era of commercial relations between Denmark and Pakistan, said Holst-Nielsen.
The business delegation represents a broad range of Danish businesses from heavy industry to service providers and reflects the interest of Danish companies to engage in new relations for trade and innovation with Pakistani companies and authorities.
Participating in the trip are representatives from the following Danish six companies, Alectia, dnp denmark a/s, Falck Global Assistance, FLSmidth, Haldor Topsoe and Ramboll.
Also part of the delegation is a representative of the financial institution, the Danish Investment Fund for Developing countries (IFU) and representatives from the Confederation of Danish Industry.
Ambassador Sorensen stressed increasing economic ties between Denmark and Pakistan was not only good for business. Our commercial focus also goes hand-in-hand with our policy objectives for Pakistan, which is to help create jobs, growth and ultimately provide opportunities to every single citizen, Ambassador added.
This is why my government has decided to add more resources to our Embassy to support the Danish business community interested in the Pakistani market.

First ever Denmark trade team to explore business opportunities in Pakistan
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