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Final trials of fully integrated Arjun Mark II tanks in August

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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The fully integrated modified version of India's Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun Mark II would go for final trials in the first week of August in Rajasthan.

Though trials of the updated version are presently on in Rajasthan, the fully integrated tanks would be sent for final trials by the Indian Army by August, sources told a news agency.

The Army had asked for 93 improvements to the tank, which included 19 major modifications, all of which have been incorporated, they said.

Arjun Mark II can fire missiles, has an enhanced Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) with a capacity of 8.5 KW (against Mark I's 4.5 KW), Explosive Reactive Armour panels, mine plough, Automatic Target Tracking, Advanced Land Navigation System, digital control harness and advanced commander panoramic sight among other features.

Arjun will have a better gun barrel with an Equivalent Firing Charge (strength of the barrel to sustain firing) of 500 rounds against the T 72's 250 rounds.

Chennai-based Combat Vehicle Research and Development Establishment has designed the Mark II version of MBT at its facility here.

CVRDE co-ordinated with Armament Research and Development Establishment, Pune, High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune, Instruments Research & Development Establishment, Dehradun, Centre for Fire, Explosive and Environment Safety, Delhi and Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad for designing Mark II.

Final trials of fully integrated Arjun Mark II tanks in August
Whats the green left box on frontal turret?

I'm more interested in the specs than pics, anyway, here is an artist rendering that
looks quite accurate: -

Also there should be slat armour package at the back and NERA on the body.
Whats the green left box on frontal turret?

That's the target acquisition radar, placed in a hardened di-electric shell. Iron Fist APS uses it to detect
enemy projectile launches. From what I know, there will be multiple arrays to spread the radar
coverage to all directions, increasing situational awareness.

Also there should be slat armour package at the back and NERA on the body.

Will come by and by...

I believe it's a variant of the RADA RPS-10 Target Acquisition Radar which is used with
Iron Fist APS.

Iron Fist also has the option to make use of passive opto-electronic detectors when stealth is needed.
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Good news. Hope all will be well.
Very good. It will be a nightmare for enemy. It has come very fast. let's hope that for LCA MK2.
awesome news. have been waiting for this news for so long. Good luck Arjun mk2!
@Gessler thanks mate
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Ok, this is acording to DRDO/CVRDE, Lets see if Army says its "fully integrated" in August...

Time to Mas Produce it. We need 3 types of Arjun . Light , Medium and Heavy :bounce:
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