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Final outcome of the Italian marines fishermen murder case

What will be the final outcome of the Italian marines fishermen murder case?

  • Culprits will bribe the investigation authorities and thus go scot-free.

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Culprits will bribe the judiciary and thus go scot-free.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If culprits are convicted, they will bribe the jail authorities & flee India.

    Votes: 3 50.0%

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Jan 16, 2013
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Italian Marines case: Law Ministry concurs with MEA on non-applicability of anti-piracy law

By PTI | 22 Feb, 2014, 08.31PM IST

NEW DELHI: In a fresh development in the Italian marines case, the Law Ministry today concurred with the External Affairs Ministry on non-applicability of a controversial anti-piracy law which is being strongly contested by the Italian government.

The Law Ministry is of the view that the Suppression of Unlawful Acts (SUA) against the safety of Maritime Navigation should not apply in the case against the two Italian marines who have been accused of killing two Indian fishermen two years ago, sources said.

This view, which concurs with that of the External Affairs Ministry, was conveyed to the Home Ministry today, the sources added. The ball is now in the court of the Home Ministry.

The development assumes significance as the Law Ministry has given its view just two days ahead of the hearing in the Supreme Court which had asked the government to sort out differences on applicability of SUA.

During the last hearing on February 18, Attorney General G E Vahanvati told the Supreme Court that the government is waiting for the Law Ministry's opinion on the issue.

The Italian government is strongly contesting the applicability of SUA.

In a petition in the SC, it has argued that invoking of SUA "would tantamount to the Republic of Italy being termed a terrorist state and acts of its organs, which were in repression of piracy, as being deemed as acts of terrorism, which is wholly untenable and unacceptable in the facts and circumstances of this case and in keeping with the comity of nations and international cooperation".

The case pertains to the killing of two Indian fishermen allegedly by Latorre and Girone on board 'Enrica Lexie' off Kerala coast on February 15, 2012.

The two officers contended that they had apprehended a piracy attack. The marines were arrested on February 19, 2012.

Read more at:
Italian Marines case: Law Ministry concurs with MEA on non-applicability of anti-piracy law - The Economic Times
Cant arrive in a conclusion now.Because final decision is in hands of Supreme Court.Congress cant lose it now because
it is already in bottom stage in India.And they dont like to give another weapon for Narendra Modi for election.
Congress cant lose it now because
it is already in bottom stage in India.And they dont like to give another weapon for Narendra Modi for election.
Indian public is probably supportive of the marines. Look what one guy said about the Italian marines on facebook:

they are not CULPRITS., they just did their duty and what they were paid for!!! Period!!! what if Indian Navy shooters landed in such an incident in an Pakistani or chinese jail with inhuman conditions and sure death penalty with no parole???? what THEN????? India should **** up and release those NATO soldiers and patch up ties.."
Indian public is probably supportive of the marines. Look what one guy said about the Italian marines on facebook:
"they are not CULPRITS., they just did their duty and what they were paid for!!! Period!!! what if Indian Navy shooters landed in such an incident in an Pakistani or chinese jail with inhuman conditions and sure death penalty with no parole???? what THEN????? India should **** up and release those NATO soldiers and patch up ties.."

I also agree they did their duty.We Indians dont hate marines for that.But Italian politicians play some dirty tricks with that marines.They provoked us thats all.USS Rappanhock incident and French shooting in Africa is a distant case .An India cant do nothing about it.But both countries leaders extent their apologies to us.That is we are talking about.What happened is happened.And victims deserve justice.Italians may can wind up this episode within days with apologies .Instead they talk too much about International justice and insult victims as pirates again not marines but politicians.Italians dont need to teach us about piracy .they are in no stage for that.IN know and counter piracy even Italians cant imagine that.
And their next dirty move is to cheat our SC by giving hollow words.When India flex it muscle it succumbed to us.I personally oppose charging terrorist act against them.But one countries terrorists may other countries soldiers.
All this episode become a mess due to dirty Italian politics.They think they can cheat India.But they cant calculate India's ability.
But now thinks again complicated .I dont think they can escape before election.If BJP govt come with Modi as its PM then only God know what is the fate of these marines.
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Modi may ensure acquittal and vindication of guilty Italian marines who murdered unarmed fishermen on Indian coast

Narendra Modi is an honest man. But he is surrounded by corrupt advisors. Modi is susceptible to brainwashing. It is very easy to make Modi believe that guilty liars are innocent and innocents are liars. The idea that Whites are telling the truth will be indoctrinated to NaMo. It may be only a matter of one year before he becomes savior of the Italian murderers, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone.

The media and future PM’s cabinet may customize his thinking to suit Italy’s demands. They probably would do this at the behest of NATO because the West has offered great amount of bribe.

I bet soon the BJP’s naïve PM candidate will issue the following statement, “The real shooters were Italian citizens of Indian origin who had immigrated to Italy and had obtained that country’s citizenship and a job on that ship as colleagues of the accused. NRIs killed Indians and Italians mistakenly owned responsibility for the crime committed by NRI co-workers.”

In 20th century one pliant Indian (Gandhi) acted as recruiting agent to British army during World War. In 21st century another pliant Indian (Modi) seems ready to act as lawyer for the White masters.
Italian marines and fishermen’s murder off Indian coast

This is regarding the 2012 Italian Navy Marines shooting incident near the Indian coast in which two fishermen were killed. The real shooters were Italian citizens of Indian origin who had immigrated to Italy and had obtained that country’s citizenship and a job on the ship Enrica Lexie as colleagues of the accused. PIOs (Persons of Indian Origin) killed Indians and Italians mistakenly owned responsibility for the crime committed by co-workers. Those less-known marines were not in the citadel of the ship after the general alarm was sounded. When the Indian immigrants realized that their actions could attract great punishment, they fled to their adopted country and disappeared from the public view. They are still absconding and have not reported for work to their employer organization ever since. Their relatives in India denied having received any communications from them when the authorities interrogated them in connection with this case.
Did the killing really happen? Indians are racist. What if India faked the deaths just to frame the Italians with false charges of murder and those fishermen are secretly alive somewhere using a new identity? Who knows if the dead bodies displayed to public were of some other persons who died of natural cause? This angle also should be probed.
Did the killing really happen? Indians are racist. What if India faked the deaths just to frame the Italians with false charges of murder and those fishermen are secretly alive somewhere using a new identity? Who knows if the dead bodies displayed to public were of some other persons who died of natural cause? This angle also should be probed.

Meanwhile, the marines are leading a luxurious life in the premises of Italian embassy in India but the media believes they are lodged in jail. This is an indication of the fate of this case.
Would Italy have dared to ask other countries (example: Saudi Arabia) for the kind of privileges it has been demanding from India?
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Italian marines and fishermen’s murder off Indian coast

This is regarding the 2012 Italian Navy Marines shooting incident near the Indian coast in which two fishermen were killed. The real shooters were Italian citizens of Indian origin who had immigrated to Italy and had obtained that country’s citizenship and a job on the ship Enrica Lexie as colleagues of the accused. NRIs killed Indians and Italians mistakenly owned responsibility for the crime committed by co-workers. Those less-known marines were not in the citadel of the ship after the general alarm was sounded. When the NRIs realized that their actions could attract great punishment, they fled to their adopted country and disappeared from the public view. They are still absconding and have not reported for work to their employer organization ever since. Their relatives (both in Italy and India) denied having received any communications from them when the authorities interrogated them in connection with this case.
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