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Federal Government employees launch protests against new PM Shahbaz Sharif


Feb 21, 2012
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Federal Government employees launch protests against new PM Shahbaz Sharif
13 Apr, 2022


Federal Government employees launch protests against new PM Shahbaz Sharif

Prime Minister of the country made important decisions as soon as he arrived in PM Office.
His decision of calling off two weekly holidays caused a wave of unhappiness and frustration in the employees. Employees protested against the change in working hours of government offices, ending two public holidays a week.
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by Taboola
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According to the details, the employees are unhappy with the order to work 6 days a week in the offices of the federal government. The federal government employees have announced a protest from tomorrow.

Employees of federal ministries, departments and divisions were directed to participate in the protest

Employees of federal ministries, departments and divisions were directed to participate in the protest

I get this holiday scheme for the rankers who've to visit their home towns on weekly basis due to the fact that not every employee get to have a ghostly residential quarter or even a tumboo at all but why do the csp's need an extra day off ?
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I get this holiday scheme for the rankers who've to visit their home towns on weekly basis due to the fact that not every employee get to have a ghostly residential quarter or even a tumboo at all but why do the csp's need an extra day off ?
Dont care time for strike on 12
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