Among Republican tracking polling, trump is down in approval with this crisis. Among the lying MSM polls, trump is up in those polls. That tells that the lying MSM is 100% behind trump in their "state lies" that the vaping illness was not the COVID-19.
A coup happened with trump, and this coronavirus is the take over. The same happened with the neocons and their false flag 9/11. The Chabad, Khazars, Lukid/Netanyahu have their coup over the US financial system and have their developing patriot act and political coup: the new enemy is CHI-nuh.
After the 9/11 Bush, Kristol, Cheney coup... you had the enemy as the Muslims.
After each coup, the MSM gives a boost to the coup leaders and the lies.
The globalists are backing the coup:
Joe Biden is a globalist and now a China hater
Remember John Kerry used to dine and entertain the Assad family, then Syria became the enemy a decade ago because of the 9/11 adventures in the Middle East. Joe Biden used to have ties with Chinese officials, now that the enemy of Washington has changed from Muslims to Chinese, Joe supports China bashing.
The British-American alliance demonized the Germans for decades.
It was the British-American alliance the whole time that is the demon. The jews have been the scapegoats. However, Netayahu is more British-American alliance than jew. As are the Khazars.