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Fareed: One of the saddest weeks I've witnessed

Racial hatred will only get worse in US, demographic trend shows that US will become a Spanish speaking new Mexico in less than 50 years, more racial and religious troubles are on the way, without a clear ethnic majority group bonded by blood, US future looks very bleak.
Not that I like Trump. But mid term elections are right around the corner, and I am a bit skeptical when unusual things/incidents/accidents start happening around elections.
:smokin: Saudia-Turkey , embassy story has a third casualty ~ Donald trump who took a hit due to his close ties to Saudis

And this issue is a further dent for his mid term prospects. Trump is torn between his
Supremist views and his love for Big J
This Fareed guy is either blind, deaf or stupid or all three. We have witnessed worse and sadder crimes: crimes against humanity, in Rwanda, Bosnia, Gaza, Kashmir, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya , Syria, Somalia, Yemen etc. I am so numb to sadness I don't know what sadness is anymore.

It is sad that innocent victims have to pay for atrocities committed in their name by so called people of power. Just like people who commit atrocities in my name , people who sit in so called positions of power , protected by layers, cushioned and safe from accountability and transparency.

Anti-Semitism is a reaction , bad and sad as it is, it is a reaction to real and perceived atrocities committed by people who use their name.
This Fareed guy is either blind, deaf or stupid or all three. We have witnessed worse and sadder crimes: crimes against humanity, in Rwanda, Bosnia, Gaza, Kashmir, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya , Syria, Somalia, Yemen etc. I am so numb to sadness I don't know what sadness is anymore.

Not fashionable...
i like how he said Israel is place where Jews can be safe and breath ... hmmm by taking ruining the safety of Palestinians and choking the life out of them , Yes these Zionist Jews can breath in peace .
Racial hatred will only get worse in US, demographic trend shows that US will become a Spanish speaking new Mexico in less than 50 years, more racial and religious troubles are on the way, without a clear ethnic majority group bonded by blood, US future looks very bleak.

It is highly unlikely USA will have a Hispanic majority. Hispanics will be the 2nd largest group. You are looking at 25-35% Hispanic population. 50% of Hispanics are White. You would not know unless you spoke with them. Most Hispanics identify with the American state. Ditto with American Indians who are 2% of population

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