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Faizabad Sit In – A Neutral Perspective


May 3, 2009
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As the Faizabad sit in seems to be nearing an end, it leaves many questions in its wake. The chequered history of Pakistan has witnessed yet another event where its rulers were almost overtaken by events and took the corrective action only at an eleventh hour. From a neutral perspective, following questions come to the mind.

Who were the powerful individuals in the inner circle of PML (N) Govt who initiated this amendment to the Kahtm-e- Nabuwat clause?

Why did they feel the need to temper with this most sensitive and long settled issue in the first place?

Why was the main character in the entire issue not made to resign early on as this would have prevented the entire story from unfolding the way it did?

As is the wont in Pakistan, there is little chance that answers would ever be found to these questions. However, having said that, let us now take an optimistic view of the entire saga as it has concluded without turning into a national catastrophe.

One must appreciate that the sanity prevailed and the issue has been resolved amicably. Any egoistic or naïve handling of the situation would have surely turned it into tragedy of mass proportions. The point would certainly be missed here if the laudable role of armed forces is not highlighted. As had been amply reflected, employment of any number of police or para military troops was only complicating the worsening situation. It was only after a cool headed huddle between the Army Chief and the PM that the right chords were struck. The mature and patriotic role of the armed forces bore fruit and an agreement has finally taken place between the sit-in protesters and the government as a result of which the matter seems resolved. As the nation held its breath for two weeks suffering through uncertainty and apprehension, people have now heaved a sigh of relief. There are number of factors to be thankful for. Some of these are:-

  • In its last two days the situation had begun to spiral out of control at a seemingly exponential pace. The timely resolution of the matter has certainly put a brake to that dreaded chain reaction.
  • As the spirit of protests spilled over to the other cities of Pakistan, there was a real danger of this turning into a full fledge national movement. For a country like ours which is already facing a host of grave issues, internal and external simultaneously, this would have spelled serious trouble being religious in nature.
  • The forces conspiring against Pakistan would have been too pleased and eager to take further advantage of an already precarious situation.
  • With the events unfolding at a fast pace, it would have been impossible to control the ensuing chaos.
As the dust settles, Pakistan must take stock of the dire challenges confronting it. To name few of these, our economy is in doldrums and country is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. All state institutions warrant a thorough revamp to save them from the monsters of inefficiency and corruption. Let us, as a nation rise to the occasion and contribute in making Pakistan a great nation in the comity of nations, as was envisioned by our great founding fathers.


Pakistan is heading towards a violent path , it is taking small steps towards that goal.
Like a volcano the pressure builds up and then some steam is released.

  • Sometimes it is a genuine protest
  • Sometimes it is due to a political card played to get people angry (example such as this event)
  • Sometimes it is a Murderer being released from prison
  • Sometimes it is a political man taking over vast property for peanut
  • Sometimes it is a poor guy being killed by a SUV driving over that person
  • Sometimes it is a record books from Billion dollar project being burned down
  • Sometimes people are told , injecting venom into our own veins is good for us by forgiving corruption cases against politicians (NRO) . It is good for people
  • Every time it happens it increases anger towards Parliament and the bi-polar justice system
The state has to fix it's Justice system & process of giving justice , and police has to give service to people.

Otherwise there will be no parliament nor any politician

If role of Police or Ranger is to just point guns as citizens then may be Citizens should have their on security systems / weapons and neighborhood watch

That is the direction things are heading toward thanks to PML(N)

Either we will get the system fixed , or the Buildings will be torn down


The politicians will be inside it

If the only way people will get Justice is by means of guns eventually every home will prefer to just purchase few Assault rifles for home security, cost is about $100 buy 10 units for neighborhood

Every driver should keep few weapons in their car anyone asks them bribe and you administer justice right there on street

That is the reality when there are 2 Justice system , and 2 different rules / laws for people

One set for Rich / Politicians , and then a horrible format for poor class

Cost is $100

Politician Cost $50,000,000 Million dollars over

  • Sits in parliament drinks tea and eats biscuit

The way things are going , it is quite clear , that Politician takes much more money but is not able to create a system to give a better society and that is the message which is being played across Pakistani street for last 10 years

Someone is pushing public towards that scenario

Supreme court made their decision and did what was in best interest for country impeached a corrupt Leader

However , the view that public seas is really this , the corrupt still enjoy life of luxury and riches and they can bend the rules.
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Cure is education. If the awam is educated it will;
- Be equipped to make more rational decisions
- Be able to approach religion methodically
- Be aware of the rights they have and the means to benefit from them.

An educated awam would not fear qaidiani's because they would be aware of their own aqeedah and therefore not fearful of being misguided by others. An educated awam could not be advised to fear the religious beliefs or ideas of others, instead they'd be equipped to engage and challenge them. An awam which is understanding of it's own religion, able to put forwards their thoughts, able to challenge the thoughts of others, led by imams who are able to do the same, will be the basis of a community secure in it's own identity.

The current over emotional reaction to qaidiani's stems from a reaction to their missionary ways. Qaidianis don't identify themselves, they work to convert people, they present complicated ideas to simpletons unable to comprehend them, they offer financial support to converts - even arrange marriages for them. How true all that is - who knows but amongst the Pakistani Muslim community it is gospel (no pun intended). Molvi's are able to use that "aggression" against the qaidiani's and present them as a threat to the religious values of communities. The "threat" of conversion is a big thing in the subcontinent - look at the love jihad nonsense across the border.

The molvis also have a self interest in all this - for the most part they are low paid, under appreciated people, but when it comes to religious matters, they are core - everyone likes a taste of power. Our population is overwhelmingly under-educated or uneducated, they are devoted to islam, but know it only through molvi's. Educated people are able to do their own learning, are less likely to rely on others are moral compasses and religious crutches.

If the awam doesn't consider them a threat - the laws surrounding them remain important, but will not evoke a reaction like that which might be core to the fabric of the state itself.

There are plenty of other sects on the borders of islam - or miles outside. The Druze, the alawites, the Nation of Islam - nobody feels a threat from them in the same way, because the conditions we have in our society.

There is also the non religious aspect to education. Plenty of us are ardent supporters of these laws, but most people on the forum are lucky enough to have a college education - it should provide you with the means to think independently, to be more assured amongst the unknown and not need to resort to violence or use the threat of it. The ability to learn and think independently should be a fundemental skill taught to everyone in each country of the world.

Look at the PTI protests, or the TuQ ones (or the lawyers led long march). The organisers were smarter, more politically savvy, more media savvy, more experienced in these sorts of things - they were able to last for much longer, negociate for longer - before it came to a head. Today we see burgers releasing videos of camera men being hurt and police ghundas who got some back, but where are the videos of the people killed or injured by police brutality? Having an educated awam would help raise the "quality" of protests.

Finally and educated and indepdent minded awam is much less likely to vote for waderas and dacoits in the first place, so we would never come to a position where core beliefs of our states system of values are cast aside for politcal gimmicks.
Why is the constitution not enforced upon the lawmakers who purposely amended it without having jurisdiction?

Subsequent governments have failed to hold lawmakers accountable owing blackmail and self interests.

Citizens have been murdered for advocating enforcement of the constitution.

Yet one political disagreement creates cases of treason in the country.
Why is the constitution not enforced upon the lawmakers who purposely amended it without having jurisdiction?

Subsequent governments have failed to hold lawmakers accountable owing blackmail and self interests.

Citizens have been murdered for advocating enforcement of the constitution.

Yet one political disagreement creates cases of treason in the country.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
no one liner.

and as per senior moderator old threads can be resurrected if content makes them valid for discussion in current environment.
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