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Failure to replace the Harpoon anti-ship missile would be inexcusable


Apr 28, 2011
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DECEMBER 14, 2016
Failure to replace the Harpoon anti-ship missile would be inexcusable

The Royal Navy’s sole heavyweight anti-ship missile, Harpoon (Block 1C) will reach the end of its life in 2018 and at present there is no plan or funding for a replacement. Recently HMS Duncan, Richmond and Sutherland escorted Russian warships close to the UK. In photos showing these warships at work, the 8 Harpoon missile canisters were plainly visible. Although nearly obsolete, the missiles purpose is clear and their availability reassuring. When the RN is called on to meet Russian vessels in 2018, their hitting power will be nothing but a single 4.5” gun. This state of affairs is unacceptable, dangerous and risks making the navy a laughing-stock.

Since navies have been in existence, a prime purpose of a warship is to fight and sink other warships. Surface to surface warfare is core business for the RN and indeed, pretty much any navy. Reliant on nothing but old-fashioned guns or light helicopter-mounted missiles, the RN’s frigates and destroyers will be at a huge disadvantage. Many third world navies will have more anti-ship capability than the RN. Highly effective modern missiles can be bolted onto even quite small or elderly vessels and pose a serious threat.

Deterrence matters
As the RN has never actually fired a heavyweight anti-ship missile in anger, this could be offered as an excuse. It may then seem unlikely they would be needed in the near future, especially when more immediate low-level maritime security tasks are the focus. This mentality is foolhardy in the extreme. A credible navy needs to be prepared for all eventuality. If you want peace, prepare for war. We cannot argue we need the deterrent provided by Trident (which we have never used) while saying we don’t need anti-ship missiles because we have never used them.

The small Sea Venom and Martlet (FASGW) missiles that can be fired from the Wildcat helicopter are for use against nothing larger than a corvette. Even this capability will be briefly ‘gapped’ as the Lynx helicopter (armed with Sea Skua) goes out of service in March 2017 and FASGW will only be available for the Wildcat in late 2020. The only other option for sinking major warships resides with our under-sized attack submarine fleet – on a good day we might manage to have three of them at sea simultaneously.

Perceptions matter
There have been plenty of damaging media myths about the RN doing the rounds in the past year or so. ‘The aircraft carriers won’t have any aircraft’ and ‘Type 45 destroyers always break down’ are examples where we have been more than happy to tell the other side of the story. Unfortunately without urgent action, failure to replace Harpoon will simply be a glaring embarrassment without any mitigating factors.

This gap in RN capability is especially poor timing. The US Navy has recognised its anti-ship weaponry has declined since the end of the Cold War and is taking urgent steps to address the problem. Russia and China have both invested heavily in anti-ship missiles and in many respects, possess weapons in advance of the West. International perceptions matter, sometimes as much a cold military facts. There have been a spate of recent stories in the US media proclaiming ‘the end of the Royal Navy’ and this will only make matters worse. We face further loss of credibility in the eyes of our critical US ally, just as Trump takes power and is angry about Europe’s failure to spend enough on defence.

An ongoing embarrassment for navy and government
This issue has the potential to be the source of an endless public relations nightmare for the navy. It could even overshadow much of positive coverage that the arrival of HMS Queen Elizabeth will bring in 2017. There have already been unpleasant personal criticisms in the media which even suggest the First Sea Lord should consider resigning. This would be grossly unfair on a man doing a very good job in trying circumstances, but typical of the kind of unwanted press that can be expected. Whoever must carry responsibility, it is quite difficult to refute their allegation that sending warships unable to sink other warships to sea is equivalent to send sending soldiers into battle without rifles. Within the RN itself there is considerable alarm and despondency about the issue, another good reason to find a speedy resolution at a time when upholding morale and personnel retention is a top priority. Who wants to be aboard an RN warship in combat when not properly equipped to fight back?

This has already gone beyond just a naval concern with no less than 4 separate questions on the issue raised in Parliament until now. On 23rd November Theresa May was directly questioned on the mater during Prime Minister’s question time but her response was evasive and vague, “we continue to invest in our armed forces” etc. Ministers can expect to face further pressure about the issue, and so they should.

Hard choices
The root of the problem, as ever is simply lack of funds. The decision not to replace Harpoon was not taken in NCHQ, but by the MoD as far back as 2010. Doubtless those involved knew they would no longer be in that particular job by 2018 and having to live with the consequences. Sources suggest that within the office of the Second Sea Lord, responsible for maritime capability, every option is being considered and there is a determination to do something. However there is little room for manoeuvre, operating within such tight budgets and unless politicians recognise the danger and allocate specific additional funds, the RN will be unable to do anything or be forced to make cuts elsewhere.

Missile options
The RN is confident the Type 26 frigate will put to sea with a vertically launched anti-ship missile in the late 2020s, possibly the Perseus missile derived from the Anglo-French Future Cruise & Anti-Ship Weapon (FCASW) project. This is a promising and highly capable hypersonic missile but a long way off in development. We cannot endure such as serious gap in capability for 10 years or more and an interim solution must be found. As we discussed in a previous post, there are several canister-launched anti-ship missiles available that could be purchased off the shelf, although sadly none of British origin. Complex weapons like this do not come cheap but we would not have to bear the cost of development and the canisters are relatively simple to bolt onto the deck in place of Harpoon. When the Type 23 Frigates decommission the interim missiles could be migrated to the Type 31 frigates.

  • RBS-15.jpg

    The Swedish-built Saab RBS15 Mk3 is the most modern surface-to surface missile currently available to Western nations. Having a 200km range, it is sub-sonic with flexible attack profiles, stealthy and hard to defeat.

There is precious little time to act. Harpoon 1C is already virtually obsolete and beyond economic life extension. An interim missile needs to be selected and ordered soon. We call on Ministers to quickly provide the resources needed before it does serious damage to the reputation of the Royal Navy and further undermines the credibility of UK defence.

What's wrong with a purchase of the Norwegian Naval Strike Missile (NSM) plus a few LRASM munitions for their prospective F-35 jets?
Easy route: upgrade the block I missiles to block II+ ER. Complete 'Next Gen' Harpoons would cost approximately as much as a Block II at $1.2 million each, with upgrades for an existing missile costing half that.
Deck launched LRASM has the same footprint as Harpoon, and would also be an easy substitution. Also Mk41 compatible Not sure there already is a sublaunched version.
Antiship Tomahawk versions should also be considered, at least for submarines. MK41 compatible for surface ships.
NSM/JSM is a good candidate for F35B, and will be available for deck launch, vl launch and submarine tube launch.

Those would be my candidates if I were RN
Easy route: upgrade the block I missiles to block II+ ER. Complete 'Next Gen' Harpoons would cost approximately as much as a Block II at $1.2 million each, with upgrades for an existing missile costing half that.
Deck launched LRASM has the same footprint as Harpoon, and would also be an easy substitution. Also Mk41 compatible Not sure there already is a sublaunched version.
Antiship Tomahawk versions should also be considered, at least for submarines. MK41 compatible for surface ships.
NSM/JSM is a good candidate for F35B, and will be available for deck launch, vl launch and submarine tube launch.

Those would be my candidates if I were RN
since were "cash strapped" i think we'd be going for future harpoons as software integration wont be too tedious.
the nsm an the jsm are two different missiles. also note the nsm would require new canisters and updating the weapons library as well. personally id go for the rbs15 as it has a larger than usual warhead in western missile and a decent range.

What's wrong with a purchase of the Norwegian Naval Strike Missile (NSM) plus a few LRASM munitions for their prospective F-35 jets?
the lrasm is not in service and not available for export. and note the lrasm is a long range missile (500+km) whilst the harpoon is about 300
since were "cash strapped" i think we'd be going for future harpoons as software integration wont be too tedious.
the nsm an the jsm are two different missiles. also note the nsm would require new canisters and updating the weapons library as well. personally id go for the rbs15 as it has a larger than usual warhead in western missile and a decent range.
the lrasm is not in service and not available for export. and note the lrasm is a long range missile (500+km) whilst the harpoon is about 300

JSM is a multi-role version of the NSM that is in development and will feature an option for ground strike and a two-way communications line, so that the missile can communicate with the central control room or other missiles in the air. This missile will be integrated with the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. According to Kongsberg, this "multi-role NSM" is the only powered anti-ship missile that will fit inside the F-35's internal bays.
On 15 July 2014, Kongsberg and Raytheon announced that they had formed a teaming agreement to offer the JSM [not the NSM!] to the United States Navy for their Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW) requirement; The Navy plans to begin a competition for the OASuW requirement in 2017, which will likely put the Kongsberg/Raytheon JSM against the Lockheed Martin Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM).
Kongsberg is studying methods to deploy the JSM from Norway's submarines, and found shaping the missile to fit into the F-35's confined bomb-bay also enabled it to fit in the Mark 41 Vertical Launching System. A VL-JSM could also compete with the Lockheed LRASM for the U.S. Navy's OASuW Increment 2 for a ship-launched anti-ship missile.
The JSM is expected to become fully operational in 2025. Development is aimed to be completed in 2017 and achievement of initial operational capability (IOC) is expected in 2021 with the release of the F-35's Block 4 software.
Deck launch canister, VLS Mk41 and sublaunch.

JASSM (on which LRASM is based) has been already exported to Australia, Finland and Poland. Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada as well as Sweden have also expressed interest in the LRASM missile.
Deck launch canister + VLS Mk41
But But....Indians say that there is no point in having a subsonic anti ship missile as their Hazoomazunga guns will shoot them down..
Only way forward is Brah Mouse.
Brits should stand in the line for the world's only real anti ship Missile which only India has.
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But But....Indians say that there is no point in having a subsonic anti ship missile as their Hazoomazunga guns will shoot them down..
Only way forward if Brah Mouse.
Brits should stand in the line for the world's only real anti ship Missile which only India has.
Yes and pigs can fly.
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