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F-35C trials aboard USS Abe Lincoln

You can really see the larger wings of the C @1:04.

Is that MALD hooked up on the Lincoln? There's that tiny bit of steam (a lot less than what comes out of steam cats) that makes it unclear.

It will be quite something if and when they introduce a magnetic arrestor system also instead of the hook and 4 wires.

It's interesting with these navy pilots and having to land on such a short run, with a moving platform, and many times in choppy waters where the deck rises and drops up to 30 feet at a time...and at night! It's no wonder they drop them onto the deck like a rock.

You can always tell civilian pilots flying within the US who were x-navy pilots just by the way they land lol. I remember last year coming back from Miami (I think it was Continental) and of all the flights I've ever been on, this was probably the worst landing ever. The guy dropped the 737 like a bolder off a cliff. I could almost tell with his approach, it was very aggressive and typically they'll glide in at the last second before touchdown to smooth the landing as best as possible. But not this guy. Man, it was such a violent TD that it racked the aircraft sideways for a few seconds until he straightened it out. Normally I don't worry about these things but this one scared the living daylights out of me. The landing gear made such a racket I was surprised they held together. This one was very violent and unforgettable. I thought right away this guy was probably a 'not-so-good' navy pilot!
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