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We’ve all heard the term “wignat.”
Wignat is a slur that is shorthand for whigger nationalist. The wignat is a White Nationalist who doesn’t Trust the Plan. He is low class and has terrible optics. He has blackpilled on Donald Trump and the Republican Party. He has a high time preference. He rejects American Nationalism. Instead of reforming conservatism, he supports revolutionary violence or goon marches in the streets. The stereotype has been pushed for the past several years by a clique of White Nationalists to silence criticism of Donald Trump and American Nationalism in the Dissident Right. Why?
I would like to introduce a new term based on a phenomenon which I have observed over the past several years. Let’s call it Chumpism. The people who subscribe to this worldview are chumps. The chumps are defined by their unwavering fidelity to Donald Trump and their belief that it is possible to work within the system to reform mainstream conservatism. The whole worldview of the chumps is based on the ties that these people have cultivated behind the scenes with the Steve Bannon Network since the 2016 election. The chumps all suffer from the delusion that they are infiltrating and influencing the GOP, but the truth is that the influence and infiltration has overwhelmingly gone in the opposite direction. They have become conduits of influence for Republican operatives and have been duped by conservatives into dividing and damaging their own movement. The chumps are nothing but pawns and useful idiots who have been manipulated and burned time and again by their masters. They led their followers to a political dead end.
There are five degrees of Chumpism in the Dissident Right:
1.) Steve Bannon and other figures associated with Donald Trump’s inner circle and the GOP were once and still are at the top of the pyramid of influence.
2.) Below Steve Bannon, you had the various Alt-Lite figures like MILO and Alex Jones who were his minions and who used to have a vast audience in 2016.
3.) Below them, you had all of their contacts in the Alt-Right who they had buttered up like Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, Weev and Nick Fuentes.
4.) Below them, you had other people who had no direct ties to the Alt-Lite, but who knew that something was going on in the 2016 election.
5.) Below them, you have the typical follower who was and still is completely in the dark about what was going on with their leaders and the GOP behind the scenes.
Cenk, who created the Justice Dems was smart to make his top priority the donors. Bannon, the alt-lite ringleader was a Mercer puppet, and the 'alt-right-lite' AKA 'amnats' were being led around by him by the nose until they saw their left counterparts succeed where they couldn't
5:46 PM - Mar 14, 2019
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No one's paying him off, that's the thing, the Mercer/Bannon network went defunct, but their appartchiks have formed their own clique and they basically try and stick together for survival purposes and he wants to join their clique.
Bannon went after Spencer as Spencer could not be controlled, Bannon wanted to force the Alt-Right onto the GOP plantation whereby they would receive no real concessions, Spencer didn't accept that. Bannon ended up the biggest loser, he allowed Shapiro to rise again in the chaos.
Bannon was a fraud himself, but Turmp was willing to use White Nationalists as part of his political coalition and was more than happy to lie to them about giving them concessions just the same. But it was Bannon who went out of his way to excise the white nationalists, not Trump
6:18 PM - Dec 25, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 13 others
during the middle of the campaign trail in public bars and no one cared, 'Heilgate' was just an excuse, otherwise Bannon would've never sent Milo to heil at Karoke Bars with Wignats to begin with. P.S. The Founding Fathers of the Nation you worship were Freemasons and Deists. lol
12:10 PM - Nov 23, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
As far as Trump goes, Trump only cares about results. After Bannon weakened his political machine to the point where he lost the AL Senate race (Bannon's CV disavowals were used to justify censorship) Trump dumped him and switched to the Mainstream Conservative political machine.
All of Bannon's minions are destitute, Milo had to sell his web domain Dangerous, and Alex Jones is going bankrupt and basically wants to retire since he isn't making any money anymore, they have to call him up on air and literally beg him to stay on, lol, Shapiro's Boys got this
Again, as I've said, Richard is a true believer. All he wants is an actual white nation-state (he doesn't care if it comes as a russian colony or an american), he's willing to support anyone that gives him that, when Bannon told him he wasn't giving concessions, he burned Bannon.
Petty infighting between the Shapiro wing & the Bannon wing hurt Bannon & the GOP in the elections. Bannon refuses to let go. Shapiro wing scalped Moore to intimidate Bannon to go away, it was Spencer who opened the door to Shapiro's comeback on purpose because of Bannon's snub.
There's a difference between working with someone and working for someone. Spencer told Bannon he was willing to work with the GOP for mutually agreed solutions, then Bannon broke the deal and said AR had to work for him while not receiving any real concessions and he told him no
TLDR: Bannon tried to replace the Alt-Right w/ the Alt-Lite, the Alt-Lite was supposed to take over the brand, Alt-Right leaders just needed to lend credibility to Alt-Lite before they were disowned. The Alt-Right was to be turned into Alt-Lite lemmings organized under Breitbart.
9:56 AM - Aug 8, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
· Aug 7, 2019
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
The thought leaders were always going to be purged and replaced by the Alt-Lite (which was supposed to use Anglin et. al as foils to show they weren't nazis, the Amnats were being setup), but Bannon just wanted the alt-right base as a voting bloc before he executed Anglin et. al.
Michael A@mike323a
That's what was meant by 'infiltration' - they thought they had an in with Giuliani & Bannon, but they were really just getting setup - they were the target of the ops, and they were going to get thrown under the bus just as soon as their followers became lemmings for Bannon Inc.
11:30 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @cashmoneyglock and 9 others
They didn't get cut off from the Alt-Lite because of Spencer, they were supposed to be subsumed and made subordinate and assimilated into the Alt-Lite, but Spencer declared independence for the Alt-Right, averted the on-going coup to take over/re-badge the entity by Bannon et. al
11:21 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
Vaughn et. al were Bannonite gravy train rejects. Even if Moore won & Bannon had launched his primary challenges & donor-owned Alt-Lite candidates won, Amnats were getting cut. Bannon tried to make foils out of the Alt-Right (including Amnats), but the left didn't take the bait.
11:19 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Interesting theory.
I found it highly enlightening.
If this had all been debated openly, where would we be today?
In the 2016 election, I was a fourth degree chump. I vaguely knew that something was going on behind the scenes, but I wasn’t a part of it. I supported and voted for Donald Trump. I simply took what Trump said at face value, drank the koolaid and trusted him to deliver on his promises. I got duped like everyone else because he didn’t have a record like Marco Rubio.
Spencer was a third degree chump. He was pumped and dumped during the 2016 election cycle. Steve Bannon had no use for Spencer after the election and was ordered by his donors to take out the White Nationalists. The Alt-Lite was supposed to inherit the Alt-Right and all its followers. This is why all of Bannon’s minions like Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson ostracized Spencer after Heilgate. This went on for several months into 2017 until the Syria strike when it started to become clear that Trump had no intention of delivering on his campaign promises.
Bannon’s coalition was crumbling by the time of Charlottesville. After he was fired by the Trump administration, he went to war with the Alt-Right and everyone who was still in his orbit pushed the AmNat divide and conquer strategy. The Alt-Right was trashed and those who had defected from Trump and the GOP were branded “wignats” by Ricky Vaughn and Weev. The goal was to kill off that faction for the Bannon clique could remain “viable” and more Steve Bannon-backed Republicans could be elected in the 2018 midterms. The plan was to absorb the AmNats into the Alt-Lite which called itself the “New Right,” but Bannon himself was dumped by Trump and abandoned by the Mercers after Roy Moore failed to win the Alabama Senate race.
Over the course of 2018 and 2019, the Bannon Network collapsed as the Alt-Lite was taken out back and shot on social media and driven into bankruptcy, which has continued in 2020 with Nick Fuentes. Trump went ALL IN with Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk and the GOP establishment. All of Steve Bannon’s burned Alt-Lite pawns now huddle together for warmth on Telegram and have thrown their support behind Nick Fuentes. Bannon has been trying to create a neo-Alt-Right around “King Nick” and has been using the Groypers as his cat’s paw to lash out at Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk while also taking shots at Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right.
Four years later, Steve Bannon’s political games have gotten us nowhere. Bannon has ruined everyone around him from MILO to Daily Stormer to Fuentes. We would have been better off if the chumps had never taken the bait and backed Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
Wignat is a slur that is shorthand for whigger nationalist. The wignat is a White Nationalist who doesn’t Trust the Plan. He is low class and has terrible optics. He has blackpilled on Donald Trump and the Republican Party. He has a high time preference. He rejects American Nationalism. Instead of reforming conservatism, he supports revolutionary violence or goon marches in the streets. The stereotype has been pushed for the past several years by a clique of White Nationalists to silence criticism of Donald Trump and American Nationalism in the Dissident Right. Why?
I would like to introduce a new term based on a phenomenon which I have observed over the past several years. Let’s call it Chumpism. The people who subscribe to this worldview are chumps. The chumps are defined by their unwavering fidelity to Donald Trump and their belief that it is possible to work within the system to reform mainstream conservatism. The whole worldview of the chumps is based on the ties that these people have cultivated behind the scenes with the Steve Bannon Network since the 2016 election. The chumps all suffer from the delusion that they are infiltrating and influencing the GOP, but the truth is that the influence and infiltration has overwhelmingly gone in the opposite direction. They have become conduits of influence for Republican operatives and have been duped by conservatives into dividing and damaging their own movement. The chumps are nothing but pawns and useful idiots who have been manipulated and burned time and again by their masters. They led their followers to a political dead end.
There are five degrees of Chumpism in the Dissident Right:
1.) Steve Bannon and other figures associated with Donald Trump’s inner circle and the GOP were once and still are at the top of the pyramid of influence.
2.) Below Steve Bannon, you had the various Alt-Lite figures like MILO and Alex Jones who were his minions and who used to have a vast audience in 2016.
3.) Below them, you had all of their contacts in the Alt-Right who they had buttered up like Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, Weev and Nick Fuentes.
4.) Below them, you had other people who had no direct ties to the Alt-Lite, but who knew that something was going on in the 2016 election.
5.) Below them, you have the typical follower who was and still is completely in the dark about what was going on with their leaders and the GOP behind the scenes.
Cenk, who created the Justice Dems was smart to make his top priority the donors. Bannon, the alt-lite ringleader was a Mercer puppet, and the 'alt-right-lite' AKA 'amnats' were being led around by him by the nose until they saw their left counterparts succeed where they couldn't
5:46 PM - Mar 14, 2019
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No one's paying him off, that's the thing, the Mercer/Bannon network went defunct, but their appartchiks have formed their own clique and they basically try and stick together for survival purposes and he wants to join their clique.
Bannon went after Spencer as Spencer could not be controlled, Bannon wanted to force the Alt-Right onto the GOP plantation whereby they would receive no real concessions, Spencer didn't accept that. Bannon ended up the biggest loser, he allowed Shapiro to rise again in the chaos.
Bannon was a fraud himself, but Turmp was willing to use White Nationalists as part of his political coalition and was more than happy to lie to them about giving them concessions just the same. But it was Bannon who went out of his way to excise the white nationalists, not Trump
6:18 PM - Dec 25, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 13 others
during the middle of the campaign trail in public bars and no one cared, 'Heilgate' was just an excuse, otherwise Bannon would've never sent Milo to heil at Karoke Bars with Wignats to begin with. P.S. The Founding Fathers of the Nation you worship were Freemasons and Deists. lol
12:10 PM - Nov 23, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
As far as Trump goes, Trump only cares about results. After Bannon weakened his political machine to the point where he lost the AL Senate race (Bannon's CV disavowals were used to justify censorship) Trump dumped him and switched to the Mainstream Conservative political machine.
All of Bannon's minions are destitute, Milo had to sell his web domain Dangerous, and Alex Jones is going bankrupt and basically wants to retire since he isn't making any money anymore, they have to call him up on air and literally beg him to stay on, lol, Shapiro's Boys got this
Again, as I've said, Richard is a true believer. All he wants is an actual white nation-state (he doesn't care if it comes as a russian colony or an american), he's willing to support anyone that gives him that, when Bannon told him he wasn't giving concessions, he burned Bannon.
Petty infighting between the Shapiro wing & the Bannon wing hurt Bannon & the GOP in the elections. Bannon refuses to let go. Shapiro wing scalped Moore to intimidate Bannon to go away, it was Spencer who opened the door to Shapiro's comeback on purpose because of Bannon's snub.
There's a difference between working with someone and working for someone. Spencer told Bannon he was willing to work with the GOP for mutually agreed solutions, then Bannon broke the deal and said AR had to work for him while not receiving any real concessions and he told him no
TLDR: Bannon tried to replace the Alt-Right w/ the Alt-Lite, the Alt-Lite was supposed to take over the brand, Alt-Right leaders just needed to lend credibility to Alt-Lite before they were disowned. The Alt-Right was to be turned into Alt-Lite lemmings organized under Breitbart.
9:56 AM - Aug 8, 2019
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See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
· Aug 7, 2019
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
The thought leaders were always going to be purged and replaced by the Alt-Lite (which was supposed to use Anglin et. al as foils to show they weren't nazis, the Amnats were being setup), but Bannon just wanted the alt-right base as a voting bloc before he executed Anglin et. al.
Michael A@mike323a
That's what was meant by 'infiltration' - they thought they had an in with Giuliani & Bannon, but they were really just getting setup - they were the target of the ops, and they were going to get thrown under the bus just as soon as their followers became lemmings for Bannon Inc.
11:30 PM - Aug 7, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @cashmoneyglock and 9 others
They didn't get cut off from the Alt-Lite because of Spencer, they were supposed to be subsumed and made subordinate and assimilated into the Alt-Lite, but Spencer declared independence for the Alt-Right, averted the on-going coup to take over/re-badge the entity by Bannon et. al
11:21 PM - Aug 7, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See Michael A's other Tweets
Michael A@mike323a
Replying to @mike323a and 10 others
Vaughn et. al were Bannonite gravy train rejects. Even if Moore won & Bannon had launched his primary challenges & donor-owned Alt-Lite candidates won, Amnats were getting cut. Bannon tried to make foils out of the Alt-Right (including Amnats), but the left didn't take the bait.
11:19 PM - Aug 7, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See Michael A's other Tweets
Interesting theory.
I found it highly enlightening.
If this had all been debated openly, where would we be today?
In the 2016 election, I was a fourth degree chump. I vaguely knew that something was going on behind the scenes, but I wasn’t a part of it. I supported and voted for Donald Trump. I simply took what Trump said at face value, drank the koolaid and trusted him to deliver on his promises. I got duped like everyone else because he didn’t have a record like Marco Rubio.
Spencer was a third degree chump. He was pumped and dumped during the 2016 election cycle. Steve Bannon had no use for Spencer after the election and was ordered by his donors to take out the White Nationalists. The Alt-Lite was supposed to inherit the Alt-Right and all its followers. This is why all of Bannon’s minions like Cernovich and Paul Joseph Watson ostracized Spencer after Heilgate. This went on for several months into 2017 until the Syria strike when it started to become clear that Trump had no intention of delivering on his campaign promises.
Bannon’s coalition was crumbling by the time of Charlottesville. After he was fired by the Trump administration, he went to war with the Alt-Right and everyone who was still in his orbit pushed the AmNat divide and conquer strategy. The Alt-Right was trashed and those who had defected from Trump and the GOP were branded “wignats” by Ricky Vaughn and Weev. The goal was to kill off that faction for the Bannon clique could remain “viable” and more Steve Bannon-backed Republicans could be elected in the 2018 midterms. The plan was to absorb the AmNats into the Alt-Lite which called itself the “New Right,” but Bannon himself was dumped by Trump and abandoned by the Mercers after Roy Moore failed to win the Alabama Senate race.
Over the course of 2018 and 2019, the Bannon Network collapsed as the Alt-Lite was taken out back and shot on social media and driven into bankruptcy, which has continued in 2020 with Nick Fuentes. Trump went ALL IN with Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk and the GOP establishment. All of Steve Bannon’s burned Alt-Lite pawns now huddle together for warmth on Telegram and have thrown their support behind Nick Fuentes. Bannon has been trying to create a neo-Alt-Right around “King Nick” and has been using the Groypers as his cat’s paw to lash out at Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk while also taking shots at Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right.
Four years later, Steve Bannon’s political games have gotten us nowhere. Bannon has ruined everyone around him from MILO to Daily Stormer to Fuentes. We would have been better off if the chumps had never taken the bait and backed Donald Trump in the 2016 election.