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Executive Director of American Muslim Advocacy Group Sad That ONLY 92 Russians Died in Tu-154 Crash


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Executive Director of American Muslim Advocacy Group Sad That ONLY 92 Russians Died in Tu-154 Crash

Merry Christmas, from your tolerant, thoughtful friends at the Council on American–Islamic Relations!

Rudy Panko
Mon, Dec 26, 2016 |

HO HO HO, Merry Let's Dream About Dead Russians Day! (This is every day, in Responsible, Tolerant America.)

Not so long ago we reported on some holiday Twitter greetings from our favorite British sociopath-in-exile. And by "holiday Twitter greetings", we of course mean desperate pleas to Obama for "surgical air strikes" against Russia.

And now we have a special Christmas message from an Executive Director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations, wishing all Christians more dead Russians on the Tu-154 that crashed off the coast of Sochi:

President of CAIR. @CAIRNational pic.twitter.com/CaWE5LnOyj

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet)
December 26, 2016

Isn't that pleasant? Mr. Tolerant Muslim Leader later deleted his tweet, explaining that he only wishes death upon Russian soldiers:

Deleted an earlier tweet I posted abt a Russian military jet that crashed on way to Syria before knowing it included non-combatants

— Hussam Ayloush (@HussamA)

December 25, 2016

Why stop with tweets, CAIR? We hear that ISIS and Al Nusra are desperate for fresh recruits in Syria.

Russia Insider is pleased to announce that we are launching a comprehensive jihad against CAIR starting in 2017. We're quite serious — we're going after these human turds. Join us!

Note: a previous version of this article incorrectly identified Mr. Ayloush as president of CAIR. He is actually an executive director. And still a scumbag.
Executive Director of American Muslim Advocacy Group Sad That ONLY 92 Russians Died in Tu-154 Crash

Merry Christmas, from your tolerant, thoughtful friends at the Council on American–Islamic Relations!

Rudy Panko
Mon, Dec 26, 2016 |

HO HO HO, Merry Let's Dream About Dead Russians Day! (This is every day, in Responsible, Tolerant America.)

Not so long ago we reported on some holiday Twitter greetings from our favorite British sociopath-in-exile. And by "holiday Twitter greetings", we of course mean desperate pleas to Obama for "surgical air strikes" against Russia.

And now we have a special Christmas message from an Executive Director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations, wishing all Christians more dead Russians on the Tu-154 that crashed off the coast of Sochi:

President of CAIR. @CAIRNational pic.twitter.com/CaWE5LnOyj

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet)
December 26, 2016

Isn't that pleasant? Mr. Tolerant Muslim Leader later deleted his tweet, explaining that he only wishes death upon Russian soldiers:

Deleted an earlier tweet I posted abt a Russian military jet that crashed on way to Syria before knowing it included non-combatants

— Hussam Ayloush (@HussamA)

December 25, 2016

Why stop with tweets, CAIR? We hear that ISIS and Al Nusra are desperate for fresh recruits in Syria.

Russia Insider is pleased to announce that we are launching a comprehensive jihad against CAIR starting in 2017. We're quite serious — we're going after these human turds. Join us!

Note: a previous version of this article incorrectly identified Mr. Ayloush as president of CAIR. He is actually an executive director. And still a scumbag.

For the record this article is intentionally misleading (even with the so-called correction). But we all know some members have an agenda and never bother checking their sources for accuracy ( The tip off is not posting the original article link...RussianInsider...that bastion of fact twisting and false journalism http://russia-insider.com/en/presid...ad-only-92-russians-died-tu-154-crash/ri18347 )


Hussam Ayloush (pictured above) is not the Executive Director nor the President of CAIR. He is some LA chapter leader. He doesn't even have a wiki link.


Nihad Awad ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihad_Awad ) is the Executive Director of CAIR
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