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Ex AG Munir Malik Vs Riaz Haq on Ex CJ Chaudhry


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: Ex-AG Munir Malik vs Riaz Haq on Ex-CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan

Viewpoint From Overseas team invited former Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and former Attorney General of Pakistan Mr. Munir A. Malik for a conversation at our Silicon Valley studio last week.

The former chief justice did not respond to our invitation.
We were fortunate to have Mr. Munir Malik visit with us and respond to the questions often asked by people here in the valley.

L to R: Misbah Azam, Saeed Malik, Riaz Haq, Munir Malik and Faraz Darvesh
The format chosen was essentially a debate format moderated by VPOS Faraz Darvesh.
Mr. Malik vigorously defended the lawyers' movement a movement to bring rule-of-law to Pakistan. The former attorney general supported the actions of Mr. Chaudhry before, during and after
his restoration to the top bench, including Mr. Chaudhry's unprecedented use of suo moto and contempt of court actions. Mr. Malik rejected allegations that Mr. Chaudhry covered up his son Arsalsan Iftikhar's corruption.

Riaz Haq responded by pointing out the lawless conduct of lawyers during and after the lawyers' movement. Mr. Haq pointed that Mr. Chaudhry took PCO oaths twice and remained a compliant judge until his support for his son Arsalan Iftikhar's illegal and rapid promotions and conduct were discovered in 2007 and a reference filed against Chief Justice Chaudhry. The issues of corruption brought out in that reference have remained unresolved mainly due to obstruction of justice by the Chaudhry Court.
Faraz focused on the following questions:
How did Mr. Munir Malik start and lead Pakistan lawyers' movement?

Did Ex-CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry meet lawyers' expectations of him?
Was the effort to restore him worth it?

ViewPoint from Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with Pakistan's former attorney general Munir Malik and Riaz Haq (www.riazhaq.com)
Here's a video of the Malik-Haq debate:

Haq's Musings: Ex-AG Munir Malik vs Riaz Haq on Ex-CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan
riaz haq shb, you might have invited a, opponent lawyer agaunst this pice, of chodri justice mafia who has, successfully doged you with, the higher gaps found in pakistani laws?
riaz haq shb, you might have invited a, opponent lawyer agaunst this pice, of chodri justice mafia who has, successfully doged you with, the higher gaps found in pakistani laws?

Most people I spoke to have given me a very positive feedback on my performance in this debate....especially based on fact-checks.
Most people I spoke to have given me a very positive feedback on my performance in this debate....especially based on fact-checks.
yes it was indeed a good act, but we need to pin them down with , thier runaway points.?
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