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Ethiopian Air Force loses 3 planes in one day due to air defenses of Tigray forces

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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سلاح الجو الإثيوبي يفقد 3 طائرات في يوم واحد بسبب الدفاعات الجوية لقوات تيغراي

Today, the Ethiopian Air Force lost a C-130 Hercules military transport plane over the breakaway region of Tigray, out of 3 aircraft it owned (one of them fell some time ago, and the second was shot down today, and he has only one of the same type left).

He also lost a MIG-23 fighter out of 10 fighters he owned (two fighters were shot down some time ago, and a third was shot down today, and only 7 fighters of the same type remain).

Excluding the Mi-35 helicopter out of the 8 helicopters he owned (one was shot down a few weeks ago, another was shot down today, and there are 6 of the same model left).

It is noteworthy that satellite images showed the presence of the S-125/Pechora air defense missile system with the Tigray People's Liberation Forces, 10 kilometers north of Alula Aba Nega airport in the capital of Tigray Mekele region in Ethiopia. In addition to the 36D6 portable radar.

With this military equipment, the Tigray People's Liberation Forces will be able to shoot down the planes of the Ethiopian Air Force, as happened today.

* Video showing the Tigray Liberation Front's celebration of yesterday's victories against government forces in Ethiopia.

The Tigray Liberation Front is still celebrating yesterday's victories against government forces in Ethiopia. pic.twitter.com/BfEzBncjcN

— # (@A_MQQ) June 24, 2021

** Addis Ababa
Ethiopian🇪🇹 Air force sole operational C-130E✈ Hercules carrying troops and ammunition was shot down by Tigray militias near Gijet this morning.
The C130 was given to Ethiopia by the United States in 2018. pic.twitter.com/iRi10SMcoW
— Talha ahmad (@talhaahmad967) June 23, 2021

الجيش الإثيوبي يواجه خسائر فادحة في المعارك مع قوات دفاع تيغراي (فيديو)

*** The Tigray Defense Force (TDF) is a military structure that came into being during the Tigray War. It has grown in reaction to the Ethiopian government's decision to escalate the scorched earth strategy in Tigray. It is an organization engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Ethiopian army.

Some estimates put the Tigray Defense Forces at 250,000 soldiers (November 2020 estimate).


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