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Enhanced Tomahawk cruise missile engages moving targets


Sep 28, 2014
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United States
United States
Enhanced Tomahawk cruise missile engages moving targets
Enhanced Tomahawk cruise missile engages moving targets | Defense Update:


The Tomahawk cruise missile is the U.S. Navy’s precision strike standoff weapon for long and medium range attack of tactical targets. The new targeting capability enabling the user to communicate and update the missile's target set in flight extends the weapon's reach beyond fixed and re-locatable points, to moving targets

The US Navy has tested a ‘synthetically guided’ Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile last month, demonstrating the capability of existing Tomahawkmissiles as netted weapons. The latest variant of the Tomahawk includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables the missile to be retargeted in flight to any one of 15 alternate targets pre-programmed in its memory before launch. “This capability extends the Tomahawk’s reach beyond fixed and re-locatable points, to moving targets.” Tomahawk Weapons System (PMA-280) program manager Capt. Joe Mauser explained.

Raytheon, the missile’s developer is also developing a new seeker designed to hit moving targets at sea or on land, in darkness and under all weather conditions. Other enhancements planned for the Tomahawk Block IVweapon include the integration of upgraded communications and a more powerful multi-effects warhead. Other enhancements implemented in the Block IV include a ‘sea-skim’ mode – low-altitude flight over water at high subsonic speeds. The Block IV missile is capable of loitering over a target area in order to respond to emerging targets or, with its on-board camera, provide battle damage information to warfighting commanders. “We are modernizing Tomahawk to stay ahead of the threat,” said Jeff Meyer, a Tomahawk business development manager at Raytheon. “The tests are designed to prove Tomahawk can hit a moving target and targets at sea, and that the missile isn’t affected by smoke or other obscurants such as bad weather.”

The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) team leveraged existing Tomahawk strike communications frameworks to develop this cost-saving solution. “This is a significant accomplishment,” Capt. Mauser continued. “It demonstrates the viability of long-range communications for position updates of moving targets. The synthetically guided Tomahawk successfully hit its first moving maritime target Jan. 27 after being launched from the USS Kidd (DDG-100) near San Nicolas Island in California. The flight test demonstrated guidance capability when the missile in flight altered its course toward the moving target after receiving position updates from surveillance aircraft.

The Tomahawk weapons system is the U.S. Navy’s precision strike standoff weapon for long and medium range attack of tactical targets. The Navy is currently fielding Tomahawk Block IV weapons on surface and subsurface platforms across the globe. In 2013, Raytheon delivered the 3,000th Tomahawk Block IV missile to the U.S. Navy.

Raytheon has produced thousands of GPS guided BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles. Over 2,000 were used in combat. The Block IV design was initiated as both a cost savings and a capability improvement effort. The new enhancements are considered as part of ‘mid life modernization’ package Raytheon is hoping to launch in 2018-2019, enabling the Navy to maintain its cruise missiles ahead of the threat well into the 2020s.
Yo USA, can you launch some of those towards afghanistan and let some of them drop on the way please?
Do we have this on a tape :D ?
Please tell this to some Indian fan boys here they think Toma Hawk Type CMs can't hit moving targets / ships.
This Tomhawk block IV is way different from its earlier blocks with enhanced capabilities, range and different look.
Please tell this to some Indian fan boys here they think Toma Hawk Type CMs can't hit moving targets / ships.
block IV can ...............and lot of indians know this its nothing new
block IV can ...............and lot of indians know this its nothing new

On many threads many Indian don't believe that because if they do then they have to agree that Babur CM can be modified in future to do anti ship role, they argue about guidance for long range, they think its not possible.
interesting and good news... Thank you for sharing @AMDR
On many threads many Indian don't believe that because if they do then they have to agree that Babur CM can be modified in future to do anti ship role, they argue about guidance for long range, they think its not possible.
lolol......who said that babur cannot be configured for anti ship role .......it will need an active seeker but pak cannot made one may be that what they said

heck even nirbhay will get active x band seeker, which will make it attack day/night and at moving target like tomahawk IV
lolol......who said that babur cannot be configured for anti ship role .......it will need an active seeker but pak cannot made one may be that what they said

heck even nirbhay will get active x band seeker, which will make it attack day/night and at moving target like tomahawk IV

Many Indians have argued it that Toma Hawk and Babur can't accommodate large radar or seeker to track targets at long range so they are use less, and Pakistan can build seeker and radar for any kind of missile now don't live in any delusion even those CMs can get guidance / target data by 3rd party thanks to NCW capabilities which many Indians on PDF think that only India has in SA.
lolol......who said that babur cannot be configured for anti ship role .......it will need an active seeker but pak cannot made one may be that what they said

heck even nirbhay will get active x band seeker, which will make it attack day/night and at moving target like tomahawk IV

Yes Pak cant build anything... Babur is a fake missile... and RAAD isnt a terrain hugging ALCM.. etc

We have heard that several times.. :lol:

Yet apparenty we have both Surface to Surfance n Airlaunched CMs... and india is still developing them... apart from customised russian brahmos..
Many Indians have argued it that Toma Hawk and Babur can't accommodate large radar or seeker to track targets at long range so they are use less,
but i saw many indians actually said that tomahawk can..........and seeker work closer to target long range has nothing to do with it
and Pakistan can build seeker and radar for any kind of missile now don't live in any delusion even those CMs can get guidance / target data by 3rd party thanks to NCW capabilities which many Indians on PDF think that only India has in SA.
is it so? then where is seeker on babur ? can you show me ? i will really like to observe

Yes Pak cant build anything... Babur is a fake missile... and RAAD isnt a terrain hugging ALCM.. etc

We have heard that several times.. :lol:

Yet apparenty we have both Surface to Surfance n Airlaunched CMs... and india is still developing them... apart from customised russian brahmos..
yes pak can't ..........cruise missile is not of paks brain child/innovation rather number of crashed cruise missile that landed and with the of help chinese hard work ........

india is still developing them and will be far much superior to babur .......even though babur is 7 years old
like long range , light weight, x-band seeker for day/night operation , attacking both static and moving target , land mode sub mode
yes pak can't ..........cruise missile is not of paks brain child/innovation rather number of crashed cruise missile that landed and with the of help chinese hard work ........

We have 2 CMs... Babar (also a sub launched variant under development with increased range) and Raad ALCM ..(Both are different) Apparently Chinese dont have similar CMs to them? why/... oh why? :lol:

india is still developing them and will be far much superior to babur .......even though babur is 7 years old
like long range , light weight, x-band seeker for day/night operation , attacking both static and moving target , land mode sub mode

:lol: Okay..
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