With Indians. Nope. Reason being they live next door to us and hatred has become engendered into our very pysche. It would long, long time for this to dissipate.
I was talking about distant, 'business' rivalry or animosity as opposed to 'close up/personal'. I think with US, Israel or rest it is distant and just 'business' but with India it is 'close up/personal'. For instance I often get called out for making disparaging remarks about Karachiwallahs. The truth is it's nothing to do with Karachi, or Sindh but with 'Indianism'. If you moved from India you need to dump your 'Indianism' and not infect rest of Pakistan with it. For instance paan, biriani etc I associate them with India. They are quintessential Indian markers. I think instead of making 'Indian's out of Sindhi's, anybody settling there should adapt to Sindh.
For instance what is Sindhi food? i would love to find out. But all that has been buried under ocean of Lucknow, Hydrrabadi Deccan, Bihari etc Indianisms.
Don't worry Vostee we know you guys supplied, trained and at times even fought against the Americans. I remember reading a article about a tangle with Migs where the American writer narrates about seeing tuft of blond hair in a Mig cockpit over Hanoi. Now we know there ain't many blond Viets or maybe it was a Viet with some fetish for blond whigs or was it a Russkie?
But the Yanks made you pay back with interest.