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Email to the White House.


Jan 19, 2009
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I sent an email to the White House.

I have left PDF but I wanted to share this email with you guys.

Dear Mr. Barack Obama,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the 44th President of the United States. I am a Pakistani Canadian living in Toronto, Ontario. It was not only disturbing to read about the car bomb in NYC but it was quite shocking for me when I read that a Pakistani was in custody over Time Square Bomb Plot. After the tragic incident of 9/11, Muslims living in Middle East and Asian Nations consider the U.S. War On Terror against them and their ideology, to be more precise. I, for one, cannot speak on the behalf of Arabs but I can certainly speak on the behalf of Pakistanis. Media, as you know plays an important role in shaping people's mind and ideology. In other words, I would like to blame the ideological difference (regarding WOT) between Muslims and the West on the western media and the media of the concerned nations. So, from the beginning of the war; Pakistanis in general considered the War On Terror against their national and ideological interests. Hence, empowering the "Taliban phenomena" deep in people's mind. Western media could have portrayed Talibans as enemy of Muslims/Islam instead of categorizing Talibans as fundamentalists and considering them Muslims. The consequences of this mistake can be seen in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the U.S. itself. There are many conservative minds out there who shared same ideology as Talibans did but those minds never went far enough by expressing their anger as Talibans did until the media stopped to differentiate between Islam and terrorists. Hence, the U.S. and Pakistan saw more terrorist organizations in their respective countries. We have wasted nine precious years and have achieved nothing other than having the bodies of fallen soldiers and the innocent people in war torn areas. The main focus of your policy should be to encourage Muslims that the war U.S. is fighting is to protect humanity from the terrorists who have no religion. The term "fundamental Islam" should be eliminated to gain popularity in the Muslim World. In conclusion, media should play a positive role and should educate the listeners that Islam is a peaceful religion and the terrorists are not Muslims. World has no choice other than drawing a line between to "different" ideologies. We have to stop people from sympathizing with terrorists by labelling Muslims "the children of god" and terrorists "the children of Satan."

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