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Element Essential for Life Found in Supernova Remains


Jul 3, 2012
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Phosphorous — one of the essential elements for life — has been discovered in the cosmic leftovers from a star explosion for the first time, scientists say.

The finding is one of two discoveries of elements in deep space that may give scientists clues to how life is possible in the universe, researchers said. The second discovery by a second team of scientists found traces of argon gas in a distant nebula.

Life as we know it depends on a combination of many elements, principally carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and phosphorous. While scientists have found ample abundance of the first four elements in other star explosions, new observations of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A revealed the first evidence of phosphorus.

"These five elements are essential to life and can only be created in massive stars," said Dae-Sik Moon, a University of Toronto astronomer, in a statement.

Moon is a co-author in the study that found phosphorus in Cassiopeia A. The research, led by Seoul National University astronomy Bon-Chul Koo, is detailed in the Dec. 12 edition of the journal Science along with the separate argon gas study.

"They are scattered throughout our galaxy when the star explodes, and they become part of other stars, planets and ultimately, humans," Moon added.

Scientists estimate that the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant exploded 300 years ago. The new observations of the object were made with a spectrograph mounted on a 5-meter telescope at Palomar Observatory at the California Institute of Technology.

An eye for argon hydride

In the second study in Science today, scientists revealed the first discovery of molecules of a noble gas — a gas that is not very reactive — in space using the European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory.

Astronomers were observing the Crab Nebula in infrared light when they discovered the "chemical fingerprint" of argon hydride ions. The Crab Nebula is the cosmic leftovers of a supernova explosion first described by Chinese astronomers in the year 1054.

When certain kinds of massive stars run out of fuel to burn, they explode into supernovas. The star's destruction typically leaves behind a nebula of slowly dissipating gas as well as a star remnant, also called a neutron star.

In the Crab Nebula, the ions probably came to be due to its neutron star sending out energy that energized argon in the nebula. The argon then connected with hydrogen molecules to form the argon hydride ions, scientists said.

"Discovering argon hydride ions here was unexpected because you don't expect an atom like argon, a noble gas, to form molecules, and you wouldn't expect to find them in the harsh environment of a supernova remnant," stated Mike Barlow, an astronomer at University College London in the United Kingdom who led the research.

Coincidentally, it was another UCL researcher — William Ramsay — who first discovered the noble gases in the late 19th century, the university noted in a statement.

Element Essential for Life Found in Supernova Remains | Space.com
Actually we were expecting to find heavier elements in Supernova clouds, but it seems that, this time they have observed it in a cloud.
All elements above hydrogen are created within stars, so what's the big deal about finding phosphorus?
According to recent studies, huge concentration of water molecules has been observed around the nebulas.
All elements above hydrogen are created within stars, so what's the big deal about finding phosphorus?

Actually, it is more about observing it, we knew that it may exist in clouds of super novas before.
Watched Documentaries by Stephen Hawking , a must watch for all Astronomy enthusiast

Its stated in the documentaries , that stars formation and death , and supernova spread the seeds of life , i.e New Elements and Minerals across the space. Not unlike how plants spread their spores which seed new plants


Galaxies have condensed gas areas , where high proximity of gases exists such area become the center of birth place for stars as enough gases condense into to form Stars.

Hydrogen is abundant in space however condensation and forces in space create chain reaction that produce other elements from combination of materials

Stars are born when fission reaction kick starts burning of gases and eventually when these stars die new elements and minerals are formed due to the high forces involved

Example of such elements is "Gold" its not a naturally occurring element it is formed during high forces experienced only during the Super Nova state of star. When the star dies Iron carrying stars, turn that iron into Gold and spread it across space.


Next time you touch a gold piece appreciate the process by which its formed in Universe its not a material formed on planets by default its created in star's death
where iron and other items are changed into Gold by Super Nova and tremendous powerful processes during the explosions


These Super Novas are so common , in Universe its just mind boggling
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