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Duke Nukem Comin out again


Dec 3, 2007
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Pigs Fly! Duke Nukem Forever To Ship in 2011


To paraphrase Mark Twain, there are lies, damned lies, and Duke Nukem Forever stories. The game's been vaporware for over a decade. Leaked screens and gameplay videos from so-called alpha versions occasionally emerge then fade in a muddle of half-baked theories, forum mockery, and fan dismay. When the game's now defunct publisher 3D Realms talk about the game these days, few listen.

Until today, that is.

Yesterday 3D Realms president George Broussard teased gamers with a picture of pigs flying. (In a 2006 1UP interview, Broussard joked the game would be out when pigs flew.) Today, he's explaining what that means. Or at least the game's new developer is.

At PAX Prime 2010, Gearbox (Brothers in Arms, Borderlands) president Randy Pitchford confirmed rumors that his studio has assumed responsibility for the practically mothballed shooter. What's more, he announced it'll be playable--that's right, playable--on the show floor.

"People seem to be enjoying the game a lot," reads a dispatch from 2K Games' Twitter feed. "How many [PAX] folks thought they'd leave Seattle having played [Duke Nukem Forever]?"

The game, due in 2011, will be available simultaneously for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Microsoft Windows.

"Duke Nukem, the interactive entertainment industry's most irreverent and quoted character of all time, will bring his signature brand of babe-lovin', cigar-smoking, beer-chugging and ***-kicking action as he once again saves the Earth and our babes from hordes of invading aliens," wrote 2K Games in a press statement. "In other shocking news, Duke Nukem Forever will be playable right now for all attendees 17 and older of this year's Penny Arcade Expo at the 2K Booth...giving the first hands-on experience with the game that was originally announced during the tail end of the Clinton Administration."

"All great things take time... a lot of time," said 2K president Christoph Hartmann. "After a hiatus from the video game world, Duke Nukem is back and better than ever. The return of the King from the glory days of shooters will satisfy our patient, die-hard fans, as well as a new generation of bubble gum-chewing, flat top and shades-wearing bad-*****."

"Make no mistake about it--Duke Nukem Forever is a testament to the era of when shooters were bodacious and fun."

It's been so long I don't remember how the last one ended, but I do remember the multiplayer matches with freeze-rays, shrink-guns, and the helpless terror of a gigantic boot filling my CRT. In DNF, it sounds like the alien pig cops and titanic bosses are back, along with plenty of profanity and anatomical ogling.

"This game puts pedal to the metal and tongue firmly in cheek, among other places," reads 2K's description. "Shoot hoops, lift weights, read adult magazines, draw crude messages on whiteboards or ogle one of the many beautiful women that populate Duke's life; that is if you can pull yourself away long enough from kicking *** and taking names."

If anyone can pull it off, well--Gearbox isn't faultless when it comes to game design, but they're light years ahead of 3D Realms. Kudos to George Broussard and company for finally stepping aside.

Pigs Fly! Duke Nukem Forever To Ship in 2011 - PCWorld
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Memorable quotes for Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem: Your face. Your ***. What's the difference?

Duke Nukem: What are you waiting for? Christmas?

Duke Nukem: It's time to kick *** and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

Duke Nukem: You're an inspiration for birth control.

[after stepping in alien feces]
Duke Nukem: **** Happens...

Duke Nukem: Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!

Duke Nukem: Groovy!

Duke Nukem: Uh, Uh, Uh. Where is it?

Duke Nukem: I'll rip your head off and **** down your neck!

Duke Nukem: [after entering a secret area and finding Snake from Escape from L.A. dead, torn in half, and hanging on chains] I guess he didn't escape from L.A.
[Nintendo 64 version only]

Duke Nukem: Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!

[after an earthquake shakes the level]
Duke Nukem: I ain't afraid of no quake!

Duke Nukem: What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum sucking algae eater?

Duke Nukem: Lucky son of a *****!

[says it everytime Duke kills the boss of the episode]
Duke Nukem: Die, you son of a *****!

Duke Nukem: Damn, you're ugly.

[Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine]
Duke Nukem: Hmm, don't have time to play with myself.

[seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom]
Duke Nukem: Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine.

Duke Nukem: This is K-T-I-T. KTIT. Playing the breast... Uh... The best tunes in town!

Boss 1: Who... the... hell... are you?
[Duke shoots the bosses' head and kills him]
Duke Nukem: I'm Duke Nukem. And I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!

Duke Nukem: Let god sort 'em out.

Duke Nukem: Heh, Heh, Heh, what a mess!

Duke Nukem: [singing horribly] "Born To Be Wiiillllddd!"

Duke Nukem: Damn. Those Alien maggots booby trapped the sub!

Duke Nukem: I should have known those alien maggots booby trapped the sub.

Duke Nukem: I'm going in.

Duke Nukem: I think you need some down time...

Duke Nukem: Looks like it's time for me to go POSTAL!

Duke Nukem: Nukem 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!

Duke Nukem: Get the crap outta here!

Duke Nukem: [checking out office computer playing duke3d] Get back to work you slacker!

Duke Nukem: Damn, that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!

Duke Nukem: And I thought 10 guns was hard to carry!

Duke Nukem: ...and I thought cigars tasted bad!

Duke Nukem: Ahhhh... much better!

Duke Nukem: This really pisses me off!

Tape Recorder: This tape will self destruct in 1 second!

Fat Commander: Suck it down!

Duke Nukem: [upon blowing up an Assault Commander with the RPG] Suck it down!

Duke Nukem: My name's Duke Nukem. After some few days of R&R, I'll be ready for some more action!
Woman: Aww, come back to bed, Duke! I have ready for some action, nowww!

Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after finishing a level] Ready for action!

Duke Nukem: It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak!

Cycloid Emperor: [shareware version closing line] Duke, if you think you're a badass, come face us in the final missions. Or else, earth with fall and you will die a coward. The choice is yours.

Duke Nukem: Somebody's gonna freakin pay for screwin up my vacation.

Duke Nukem: [whenever an alien is blown to bits] Oooooooooh, that's gotta hurt!

Duke Nukem: [after looking at himself in a mirror] Damn! I'm looking good!

Duke Nukem: [after discovering 3 women in a hidden room] Hmmm, my kind of party! I wish I had time!

Duke Nukem: [after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down] Now this is a force to be reckoned with!

Duke Nukem: [after seeing an ID4 spaceship hovering over Duke Burger on a screen] Nobody jacks with our Independence!

Duke Nukem: [after entering a back room in Duke Burger] Nobody messes with my meat!

Duke Nukem: Let's Rock!

Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after squishing an alien] Bitchin!

Duke Nukem: Yo ho ho, and a bottle of Jack!

Duke Nukem: [upon seeing an Assault Trooper blowing up after it crosses an activated Laser Tripbomb] Blow it out your ***!

Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after an alien squishes itself when passing through a wall] Eat **** and die!

Duke Nukem: We meet again, Doctor Jones!

Duke Nukem: [Sometimes upon seeing a stripper dancing] Shake it baby!

Duke Nukem: [Sometimes upon seeing a stripper dancing] Wanna dance?

Duke Nukem: [after stepping in a puddle from a monster that soiled itself in death] **** happens!

Duke Nukem: Rest in pieces!
Duke Nukem Forever to Finally Ship Year Before World Ends


Everyone knows the world ends in 2012, so why not send if off in style, kicking butt and chewing bubble gum? You do still chew bubble gum, don't you?

That's right, Duke Nukem Forever will finally be with us, for better or worse, on May 3, 2011 (May 6, 2011 worldwide). Publisher 2K Games and pinch-developer Gearbox Software (Borderlands, Brothers in Arms) announced the date this morning. The presumably irreverent first-person shooter will ship simultaneously for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PCs.

Is it really "the moment fans all over the world have been for"? I think we're all a little sour on Duke these days, given 3D Realms' monumental failure to bring a sequel to market in anything like a timely fashion.

The only thing weirder than 3D Realms' inability to capitalize on killer IP has been everyone else's inability to. How many first-person shooters the last decade or so have the kind of zany combat antics (like shrink rays, foot-stomps-of-death, and freeze rays) that Duke Nukem 3D did?

Anyway. Check out the new trailer, which I'd call kind-of-safe-for-work (depending).

What else. The press release confirms all the stuff you'd expect from a proper Duke Nukem game. Like: Invading alien hordes, pig cops, alien shrink rays, mammoth alien bosses, women in distress, naked pole-dancers, adult magazines, whiteboards you can doodle on, outlandish weapons, and other forms of bad-assery. Yep, welcome back to gaming-as-juvenile-pasttime.

2K Games says to expect a demo at some point. If you want it early, you'll have to join the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club, which means spending extra cash up front: The access codes are only available in Gearbox's Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition.

Duke Nukem Forever to Finally Ship Year Before World Ends - PCWorld
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