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DRDO amphibian waits in the wings


May 5, 2010
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DRDO amphibian waits in the wings


The amphibian MBT (main battle tank) carrier on display in 57th Republic Day parade (file photo)

The system is capable of moving on and off road and can serve as a 24-metre long and 3.6-metre wide floating bridge

Dazzling display of India’s military might and the indigenous engineering excellence on the Republic Day leaves millions awe-struck every year.

Much of it is courtesy the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and its industrial partners. Nevertheless, the defence establishment is not always appreciative of the technological feats.

In 2001, DRDO entrusted one of its exclusive development partners, TIL Ltd, to come up with an amphibian vehicle, which has steel body but capable of ferrying a 42-tonne main battle tank.

In 18 months flat, TIL delivered two such units.

The indigenously developed system is capable of moving on and off road and can serve as a 24-metre long and 3.6-metre wide fully decked floating bridge within 9 minutes. The two-axle vehicle, during the DRDO technical trials, could achieve on-road speed of 50 kmph and 35 kmph cross-country.

Its twin pump jets allow the vehicle to move on water at a speed of 2.7 metre per second and let it manoeuvre – reverse, lateral and yawing. Two or more such vehicles can be joined to meet logistic challenges in war or disaster management situations.

The lone competitor, a French company, produces such a vehicle with its hull and bridge made of aluminium at a higher cost. Considering Indian defence’s preference for high strength steel, the DRDO and TIL developed this unmatched system.

The two units, conceived as “technology demonstrators”, realised the status of prototypes after trials.

The unique vehicle technology was showcased as the pride of the nation on 57th Republic Day parade. However, the vehicle has not yet got a chance to serve the nation.

“The unit was paraded from Raisina Hills to Red Fort for the nation, but over a decade, there has not been a single order for the vehicle”, Sumit Mazumder, MD of TIL told Business Line.

(This article was published on January 31, 2014)

DRDO amphibian waits in the wings | Business Line
This isn't a fighting tank! It's just a pontoon bridge for vehicles to cross water obstacles including ferrying 42-tonne main battle tanks.

I know... at 42 ton it can only transport t-72s... or ur BM series... and its not practical... you would need hundreds if not thousands of these... while the rest of the world is using aroured bridge layers ... not to forget snorkel systems for armoured vehicles to cross canals etc...
Good , it's innovative on water system, economically more viable at same time and tailor made for terrain ridden with extensive canal system. Each advancing column with few such vehicles would go long way in extending logistics but again some butt hurts have to perform daily duties.
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Good , it's innovative , economically more viable and tailor made for terrain ridden with extensive canal system. Each advancing column with few such vehicles would go long way in extending logistics but again some butt hurts have to perform daily duties.

Instead of using personal attacks ... counter with logic .. retard..

@Aeronaut @Oscar
I know... at 42 ton it can only transport t-72s... or ur BM series... and its not practical... you would need hundreds if not thousands of these... while the rest of the world is using aroured bridge layers ... not to forget snorkel systems for armoured vehicles to cross canals etc...
Depends on the width of the obstacle. You may need just a couple of these for a combat team to cross a canal. It has to be just laid across.

As regards snorkeling, you can cross only 'shallow' water obstacles and that too after much preparation which does take time. For example, the T-90 tank which is provided with a snorkel, can ford a max of 5m of water with equipment which takes 20 minutes to deploy.

However, amphibious assault vehicles like the BMP-2 can float over any water obstacle regardless of depth.
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