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Double Slit Experiment - Reality - Mind


Sep 8, 2009
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In order to understand small particle behaviour scientist did an experiment
called the double-slit experiment

Experiment #1
What they did

The passed small particles thru a wall with 2 slits , expectations was that the sheet behind they can observe the pattern

Unexpectedly they got a pattern which showed particles behaved as waves

However they were astonished when they closely "Observed/watched" the creation process by placing a camera to "View" things closely

Than to their astonishment the sheet behind captured a pattern like "Large object i.e it formed dots / lines.

  • It established that quantam particles behave like waves if left alone unobserved
  • Just mere "observation" of this experiment the outcome of the experiment changed showing us the power of "observation"

The small fine print here is "Observation changed the outcome of experiment"
You observe with your conscious mind

If a scientist had not placed the closed observational camera behaviour would not have changed

The Mind:
The universe we see around us exists when our mind awakens in morning , and when we close our eyese that universe disappears. We can impact the reality around us with our minds

Today Scientist claim , there could be multiverse i.e Identical copies of Universe but with different outcomes

Universe 1 : Diego Maradonna won the World cup in 1986
Universe 2 : Germany on the world cup in 1986

However this is still theoretical Science a concept

But if we think out Minds of all humans on planet earth , 6 billion people in theory , we all have a "Mind" and in our minds , we contain our own version of our own existing Universe

Person 1 (Europe): Observes the world and imagines History with a certain perspective
Person 2 (Remote Pakistan): Observes the world and imagines History with his point of view
Person 3 (Pacific Island) : Was on Remote Island, views History with his point of view

In essence all three view the Same Universe , in different light in different angle

Power of the Mind:

Some time back a Japanese researcher did an experiment with food , and power of thought process. This experiment became popular as the "The Rice Experiment"

Purpose: To figure out of using mind you can impact health or well being of another object

The Experiment 2:
He took Jars and in 1 Jar placed Cooked Rice and 2nd Jar also placed Cooked Rice
and then he labelled one with words "Love" and other with "Hate"

Every day for next 30 days he would look at the Jar with "Love" written on it and imagine positive things and then he would look at the "Hate" jar and imagine bad things


The Jar labelled as Love Rice did not rot as much as the Jar with Hate on it
Somehow the Mind was able to impact how the food rotted by mere thought process

Experiment #3

In this experiment a person channelled thoughts on glass of water and tracked the changes in the water's structure


Point to Take away:

So if 1 person can impact food's rotting capacity to this degree , what if a million people imagined negativity how would it impact reality ?

Or What if people only imagined positive thought what would be impact of this on the world if the world was an object ?


Lets imagine if we bought into the theory that Mind of 1 person can impact reality even lets say very small %

Question: How would reality be impacted if let's say 1-2 billion people viewed a concept on TV or Movie?


Now I am gona ask you to do one thing imagine last 10-15-20 years and what is the message you found very common in TV, Movies , Video Games

Last 10,15,20 years visual queues

  • War
  • Terrorism
  • Apocolyptic Outcomes , end of world wars
  • Massive Disasters
  • News channels always show chaos , war, crime and suffering

So , if these images are always repeated and then the mind is constantly thinking about these concepts ? What woud be the impact on the greater Reality we see around us ?

Imagine the Earth is a large object just like the rice bottle ? with the word written on it "Hate"
  • There would be more mistrust
  • More negative things will happen (Fire , Tsunami, Wars)
  • Plagues

The collective minds of the planet if they think only negative thoughts eventually negative things will increase around the world
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i know i thought of this. emoto water experiment and if you play satanic music next to a plant it dies. search up vortex water by Viktor Schauberger

children are most innocent, their prayer could be most powerful.
In the evil world, innocent child's blood is the purist, for sacrifice.
Excellent I did this experiment years ago with rose flower and the result was same the good flower was fresher then the bad rose flower just because of I repeatedly said good things in front of it.
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