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Do you think Ukraine will ever dare to fight Russia for Crimea?

yay or nay?

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Oct 2, 2013
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Specifically, for republic of Crimea and special city of Sevastopol which were Ukraine's only autonomous republic and one of Ukraine's two special cities, respectively?

Belarus + Ukraine (after losing Crimea) = 4.57% of Russia (after gaining Crimea)

Crimea (republic of Crimea + special city of Sevastopol) = 4.67% of Ukraine (after losing Crimea)


Russia (before gaining Crimea) 17,098,246 UNdata | country profile | Russian Federation

Ukraine (before losing Crimea) 603,500 UNdata | country profile | Ukraine

Belarus 207,600 UNdata | country profile | Belarus

republic of Crimea 26,100 Republic of Crimea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

special city of Sevastopol 864 Sevastopol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you can see losing Crimea was absolutely devastating for Ukraine. :p:

I think not because Ukraine cannot win war against Russia.
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Very important thread


dead serious
Never. Because in the Crimea, in contrast to the Donbass, really standing Russian army.
Do Ukrainian soldiers even have bullets that can possibly harm Russian soldiers? I don't think they have very good bullets. Likely obsolete decades old 7N6 bullets that have mild steel cores manufactured in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s 8-)
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Do Ukrainian soldiers even have bullets that can possibly harm Russian soldiers? I don't think they have very good bullets. Likely obsolete decades old 7N6 bullets that have mild steel cores manufactured in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s 8-)
Perhaps they should test them by shooting you.
lol :lol:

@Superboy seriously, man? ..how old are you ? :D

and the answer is no of course, not without overt NATO action anyway, which would mean a first direct USA vs Russia war :bounce::victory:

so even though we'd like to see some action, it wont happen.
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