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DMO delivers JS Ship to Dutch Navy HNLMS Karel Doorman

Indus Falcon

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DMO formally delivers Joint Support Ship to Dutch Navy
Kate Tringham, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
24 September 2015


HNLMS Karel Doorman seen conducting replenishment-at-sea operations with the De Zeven Provincien-class air-defence and command frigate HNLMS Tromp. Source: Royal Netherlands Navy

The Netherlands Defence Material Organisation (DMO) formally handed over the 28,000-ton Joint Logistic Support Ship (JSS) HNLMS Karel Doorman to the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) on 24 September.

The ceremony marked the successful completion of the majority of the ship's sea acceptance test programme, a DMO spokesperson said. Karel Doorman will now start its work-up trajectory, with a view to achieving full operational readiness by mid-2016.

Built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding yard in Vlissingen under a contract signed in December 2009, Karel Doorman was laid down in June 2011 and launched in October 2012. Before completion the ship found itself in 2013 declared surplus to requirements under austerity-driven defence budget cuts. The decision was reversed by the Dutch government and it officially entered service with the RNLN on 24 April 2015.

Following commissioning, the ship embarked on a nine-week deployment to Norway, Canada, the United States, and the Dutch Antilles where it conducted warm weather trials, and underwater and magnetic signature testing under DMO supervision. In addition to the DMO's test programme, Karel Doorman was used for replenishment at sea operations throughout the nine weeks, transport of equipment to the Dutch Antilles, and successful trials with a Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. It also participated in the annual 'Hurricane Exercise' ('HUREX 2015'), demonstrating the versatility and potential of the ship, the spokesperson said.

Prior to commissioning, in November 2014 the ship also completed a three-month deployment to West Africa to deliver aid to Ebola-struck countries.

DMO formally delivers Joint Support Ship to Dutch Navy - IHS Jane's 360
Karel Doorman Joint Logistic Support Ship, Netherlands


Key Data

  • TypeLogistics support vessel
  • Built byDamen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding
  • OperatorThe Royal Netherlands Navy
  • Overall Length204.7m
  • Speed18kt
  • Range10,000nm

Karel Doorman is a joint logistic support ship designed and manufactured by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS), for the Royal Netherlands Navy. The vessel can be used for multiple naval support missions.

The new logistical support vessel is the biggest ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy and is developed to replace the HNLMS Zuiderkruis supply ship, which was decommissioned in 2012, and the HNLMS Amsterdam, which is scheduled to be decommissioned in 2014.

The Karel Doorman joint logistic support ship can be deployed to provide logistics support from the sea (seabasing), resupply maritime units at sea, and to provide strategic sea transport. It can also perform helicopter operations, training, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, and repair and maintenance support missions.

The ship was officially named and commissioned in March 2014, and is expected to be operational by mid-2015.

Karel Doorman construction
The Netherlands' Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) awarded a contract to DSNS for the construction of the Karel Doorman joint logistic support ship in December 2009.

Keel for the vessel was laid down at the Damen shipyard in Galati, Romania, in June 2011. The ship was launched in October 2012 and shifted to the Vlissingen shipyard for final systems outfitting and commissioning in July 2013.

The IP Company installed a highly advanced communication system, and Wireless Communication and Messaging System (WCMS) in the vessel in August 2013. The system facilitates communication among the crew and provides current status of the vessel. Installation of the Integrated Sensor and Communication Suite (GSCS), developed by Thales Nederland, began in January 2014.

The vessel performed platform sea trials in May 2014 and was transferred from DSNS to DMO in July 2014.

Karel Doorman design, features and capacities
The new Karel Doorman joint logistics support vessel incorporates highly flexible design with blast resistant structures. It is fitted with noise and magnetic signature reduction measures.

The vessel has an overall length of 204.7m, width of 30.4m, height of 53m, and draft of 7.8m. The weight of the empty vessel is 17,200t and the maximum full load displacement is about 27,800t. It can carry 175 crew and 125 specialist personnel. It can also accommodate two operating theatres and a quarantine complex.

The vessel features a large helicopter flight deck to facilitate take-off and landing of two Chinook helicopters with fully spread blades or six medium weight helicopters with folded blades.

The vessel is also equipped with two davit-launched Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel (LCVP) units. It can carry 2,350m² roll-on roll-off cargo deck, 7,700m³ of fuel, 400m³ of fresh water and 1,000m³ of helicopter fuel. It is capable of transporting 5,000t of heavy rolling armoured materiel using a crane and lift.

Sensor and communications suite of Karel Doorman ship
The Karel Doorman ship is equipped with Link 11 digital data communication network to provide point-to-point data communication, and Identification, friend or foe (IFF) system for command and control exercises. It also features extensive radar systems to provide surveillance for surface-to-surface and ground-to-air operations.

The sensor and communication mast also includes a secure local area network (LAN), an internal communication system, satellite communications (SATCOM) system, LF/MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceivers, IO-detection system, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), and Joint Maritime Command Information System (JMCIS).

Armament and protection
Karel Doorman is equipped with two Goalkeeper autonomous, automatic close-in weapon systems (CIWS) to defend missiles, aircraft and surface ships. The CIWS can fire at a rate of 4,200 rounds per minute.

"It also features extensive radar systems to provide surveillance for surface-to-surface and ground-to-air operations."
The ship is also armed with four Super Rapid Bloom Off-board Countermeasures (SRBOC) launchers, two 30mm remote controlled force protection guns, and four .50 medium calibre remote controlled guns.

Protection equipment include ballistic protection systems, shock resistant systems, fire fighting systems, degaussing system and a gas citadel.

Karel Doorman ship propulsion and performance
The Karel Doorman vessel is powered by diesel electric propulsion system consisting of five diesel generators with a power output of about 24.8MW. The propulsion system also consists of two fixed pitch propellers and rudders, two 1.25MW bow thrusters, and a 0.75MW stern thruster.

The joint logistic support ship can sail at a speed of 18kts and has a range of 10,000nm at a speed of 15kt.

Karel Doorman Joint Logistic Support Ship - Naval Technology


Joint Logistic Support Ship (JSS)

The Joint Logistic Support Ship (JSS) Zr. Hs. Karel Doorman was built so that can continue well into the future operation of the Dutch armed forces conduct operations beyond the country's borders. The new logistic support ship was christened in March 2014 and started on June 22nd, 2014 at his trial. Zr. Ms. Karel Doorman was on April 24, 2015 added to the fleet.

The ship is built on three main tasks:

  • Replenishment at sea for support of naval units.
  • Strategic sealift, including the embarkation and disembarkation of personnel and equipment when there is no or limited port facilities are available.
  • Logistical support from the sea (seabasing) where the ship is at sea as a basis for conducting and supporting operations on land.
These tasks must globally in all parts of the spectrum (for example, during armed conflicts, warfare and civil support operations) can be performed.

  • Length: 204.7 meters
  • Width: 30.40 meters
  • Height: 53 meters (including mast)
  • Weight empty vessel: 17 200 ton
  • Cargo weight: up to 10 600 tons
  • Draught: 7.6 m
  • Displacement up to 27 800 tons
  • Propulsion: diesel electric
  • Manoeuvring: two propellers and rudders, two bow thrusters, one stern thruster
  • Power: 26 MW
  • Armament: Close-in weapon system (Goalkeeper) AT / FP automatic 30mm gun system, automatic .50 machinegun system setups 7.62mm machine gun Accommodation: 300 (crew and crewmembers)
  • The JSS provides a crane and lift that can lift heavy equipment. The ship can transport about 5,000 tons of heavy vehicles (armored) materiel. Also, the JSS helicopter landing as Chinooks, the Cougars and the NH90
  • Special features :. There is a hospital with two operating rooms on board.
Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) is the main supplier for the platform of the JSS. Hull construction and much of the outfitting of the ship took place on the Damen Shipyard Galati in Romania. The commissioning and further reduction took place at DSNS in Flushing.

Mast with integrated sensor and communications suite
Thales Netherlands is the provider of sensor and communications mast, called the Integrated Sensor and Communication Suite (GSCS). This is almost identical to the mast for the patrol boats. The Management Material Conservation of marine built together with Thales integrated mast.

Milestones (tbc)
  • July 2013: Start of transit JSS Galati (Romania) to Vlissingen. Flushing arrival in mid-August 2013.
  • January 2014: Start places integrated mast.
  • June 2014: Launch platform test voyage.
  • September 2014: Transfer JSS by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in the Defence Materiel Organisation. Then followed several trials and a opwerkperiode for ship and crew.
  • April 24, 2015: JSS placed in service.
Zr. Ms. Karel Doorman
The JSS will replace Hr. Ms. Southern Cross which was divested in 2012 and Zr. Ms. Amsterdam which was decommissioned in 2014.

Joint logistic Support Ship (JSS) | Koninklijke Marine | Defensie.nl

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