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Dissent within: Punjabi Taliban ready for talks

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Punjabi Taliban commander Asmatullah Muavia has said that his group is willing to hold unconditional talks with the government, adding that they would present a clear stance on the proposed dialogue within the next three days.

“We are not involved in the recent attacks on All Saints Church, Secretariat bus and Qissa Khwani Bazaar,” he said on Monday. “We’re serious about talks.”

He alleged that the Awami National Party and the United States of America were conspiring to derail the peace talks. He added that the second objective of these attacks was to discredit the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government.

The central leadership of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan had expelled Asmatullah Muavia as the head of the Punjabi Taliban in August when he welcomed the government’s dialogue offer. He insisted, however, that he headed a separate faction altogether.

On September 9, the federal government had decided to hold talks with homegrown militants to end the decade-long conflict at the all parties’ conference in Islamabad.

However, this decision was questioned after Peshawar suffered three major terrorist attacks last week.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 1st, 2013.
oh i get it now ! it was the punjabi talibans who were good taliban all this time
I told you guys that that TTP's splinter groups have grown powerful and autonomous. We can either push them all back to the wall and let them reunite themselves out of necessity or we can make the alliance face a decay by using talks as a tool for getting a strategic upper hand. Weed out those who oppose it and then negotiatie with the rest on a strategic high ground
Punjabi Taliban commander Asmatullah Muavia has said that his group is willing to hold unconditional talks with the government, adding that they would present a clear stance on the proposed dialogue within the next three days.

“We are not involved in the recent attacks on All Saints Church, Secretariat bus and Qissa Khwani Bazaar,” he said on Monday. “We’re serious about talks.”

The central leadership of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan had expelled Asmatullah Muavia as the head of the Punjabi Taliban in August when he welcomed the government’s dialogue offer. He insisted, however, that he headed a separate faction altogether.

Peace talks should be held with Punjabi Taliban on these grounds.. And a ceasefire should be negotiated.

Your views:
@Leader @Imran Khan @Armstrong @Aeronaut @Major Sam @Zarvan @Umair Nawaz
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oh i get it now ! it was the punjabi talibans who were good taliban all this time

Ita the one word that always gets your attention - 'punjabi'

You MQM guys are such a reactive bunch. The 'good' Taliban are the ones who do not fight inside Pakistan. Though this label has nothing to do with ethnicity, they are Pashtuns. It was always easier to separate Punjabi Taliban from Pashtun Taliban just because at some point their interests diverge. Pashtun TTP are more about establishing control on an area and controlling it as fiefdom, all in the name of Islam. But Punjabi Taliban can not aspire to controlling any area, and thus it is no surprise that they are willing to talk to GOP.

But bigots can hardly make distinctions. I am not surprised.
Ita the one word that always gets your attention - 'punjabi'

You MQM guys are such a reactive bunch. The 'good' Taliban are the ones who do not fight inside Pakistan. Though this label has nothing to do with ethnicity, they are Pashtuns.

It was always easier to separate Punjabi Taliban from Pashtun Taliban just because at some point their interests diverge. Pashtun TTP are more about establishing control on an area and controlling it as fiefdom, all in the name of Islam. But Punjabi Taliban can not aspire to controlling any area, and thus it is no surprise that they are willing to talk to GOP.

But bigots can hardly make distinctions. I am not surprised.

I dont blame you its the national fckd up and confused mind set which is costing pakistan daily in hundreds of lives You are the confused lot who differ between savages! Talibans are tyrants (any and all types) says MQM be it chinese , korean , amriki , afghan , pakistan , punjabi , pushtun or timbaktu
I dont blame you its the national fckd up and confused mind set which is costing pakistan daily in hundreds of lives You are the confused lot who differ between savages! Talibans are tyrants (any and all types) says MQM be it chinese , korean , amriki , afghan , pakistan , punjabi , pushtun or timbaktu

If you bothered to read carefully, you would notice that I enclosed the controversial terms within set of inverted commas, just so that it is easier to understand. But then I have already remarked about your proclivity at jumping onto any statement with the word "punjabi" in it. I suppose you show similar reaction to any phrase that contains the word "taliban". Sensible people would be expected to make necessary distinction and understand the nuances involved. But you sir, seem to be singularly incapable of entertaining such plain concepts.

Must you then satisfy your impulse to jump into a conversation and embarrass yourself?

Rather than explain why you jumped at the term "punjabi taliban" and wondered if they are "good taliban" (your words mind you), you have to launch a premature, unwarranted, and senseless tirade, without bothering to understand the context.

Why would you term "punjabi taliban" as "good taliban" in a very sarcastic way? Care to explain? It seems to me that you are a bigot who salivates at any (seeming) opportunity to bismirch your fellow countrymen, the Punjabis. Feel free to contradict me, I would like to be proven wrong, but I am afraid it would not be easy, given the conduct you just displayed.
Chak Bamu;4830880] I suppose you show similar reaction to any phrase that contains the word "taliban". Sensible people would be expected to make necessary distinction and understand the nuances involved. But you sir, seem to be singularly incapable of entertaining such plain concepts.

distinguishing between savage barbarians and you are calling me incapable ..!? we sir call spade a spade , no distinctions made

explain why you jumped at the term "punjabi taliban" and wondered if they are "good taliban" (your words mind you), you have to launch a premature, unwarranted, and senseless tirade, without bothering to understand the context.
Why would you term "punjabi taliban" as "good taliban" in a very sarcastic way? Care to explain?

It seems to me that you are a bigot who salivates at any (seeming) opportunity to bismirch your fellow countrymen, the Punjabis. Feel free to contradict me, I would like to be proven wrong, but I am afraid it would not be easy, given the conduct you just displayed.

a) I jumped to punjabi since the thread title is punjabi taliban

b) why termed them good: since they have safe heaven sanctuaries in southeren punjab , where no action or operation is conducted so far , despite cry for action various times from many

c) You sound like a uptight ,insecure , emotionally charged ethinic nationalist who cannot digest some negative criticism. I have over 6000 thousands posts go search and find a post where i have made silly remarks (forget punjabis) about any ethnicity.
And still some super minds at pdf are unable to understand this simple thing thus far. To win a war, one must first need to identify who's the real enemy. Some people just want to take them all at once like if its a joke..
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