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Dirty Business

President Camacho

Mar 5, 2011
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Dirty Business

The US and NATO depend on Pakistan for logistic support for their war in Afghanistan because most of their supplies goes through Karachi through what many in the port city call the 'Pashtun transport mafia'. The Pakistani security establishment understands that 'alternative routes' might be impossible for speedy supplies, and that is why Islamabad often blackmails the US using sabotage tactics.

It was on information revealed by Rahimullah, a terrorist in police custody for orchestrating the Nishtar Park Bombing, that the Intelligence Bureau, the CID and police conducted a raid on a house in Baldia. Terrorists inside the house fired at the police, and the police retaliated. According to the police, all the three men arrested - Sultan Omer, Siddique Mehsud and Zubair Bengali - were suicide bombers from the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Sultan was the brother of Sultan Saifullah (suicide bomber of the Nishtar Park bombing), Siddique was a relative of Baitullah Mehsud, while Zubair was the relative of Abdul Karim Bengali, the suicide bomber who had killed Allama Hassan Turabi. In that house, Rahimullah was hiding Shukat Awan - one of the largest NATO oil contractors for whom the group had demanded $25 million as ransom. Shukat Awan was killed during the operation.

Rahimullah also disclosed that the group had all been trained in suicide bombing in Waziristan, and had been in Karachi for several months. They were being handled by Qari Zafar. The group had been funded by Abid Mehsud, a commander of the Baitullah Mehsud group, to buy arms, explosives and vehicles. One of the suicide bombers was linked with the assassinated Mufti Amin of Jamia Binoria, who according to a police source "had dodgy connections".

Shaukat Awan was not the only NATO supplier to have died. Muhammad Farooq (38), Mushtaq Mesud (42) and three other NATO suppliers have also been targeted and killed in Karachi alone.

"Over the years Karachi has become one of the most important cities of the world not because of its ethnic tensions but because of its strategic location and the port which receives more than 80 percent of NATO supplies," a senior foreign diplomat said. NATO supplies arrive at Karachi's Port Qasim (Although Tehrik-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan staged a demonstration to block NATO supplies near the Native Jetty bridge instead).

Americans have built one of the largest consulates in the world in Karachi and have repeatedly used British diplomats to pressure MQM - one of the largest stakeholders in Karachi - to maintain peace in the city. According to one source, the ANP has huge stakes in NATO supplies and has strong influence among Karachi's transporters.

"Gawadar is an alternate port, but it is not operational yet for the NATO to use it," said Brigadier (r) Shaukat Qadir. He said Pakistan received payments for NATO supplies and it was therefore important for Pakistan to ensure the supplies are not disrupted. Asked who is behind attacks on trucks carrying NATO supplies, he said, "My guess would be TTP and its affiliates. The Punjabi Taliban."

There have been instances especially in Interior Sindh in which the security establishment has used or orchestrated attacks on NATO trucks to pressure the US, says security consultant Mathew Irvin

In Karachi, there are many third-tier sub-contractors working for NATO, most of them of Pashtun and Mehsud origin. They get contracts from second-tier sub-contractors from Dubai, who the contracts have been outsourced to from contractors in Washington, DC.

One such sub-contractor, Abdul Hakim Mehsud said, "Its one of the toughest jobs in the world - recently over 13 of my trucks and three of my drivers had been vanished in interior Sindh. But the profit margins are high and that keeps me motivated."

While there are no statistics available on how many trucks had been torched by militants so far, according to one NATO contractor the number in Pakistan alone is in hundreds. Most of the attacks occur in Khyber Pakhtunkwa and interior Sindh.

"In December 2008, militants destroyed 400 containers carrying food, fuel, and military vehicles," a NATO source said. After that, NATO and ISAF began paying tribes to ensure supplies get across safe.

Karachi's ethnic riots, political instability, and sectarianism have earned it the reputation of being the world's most dangerous city. In the last four years, over 5,000 people have been killed in politically-motivated violence. Not very long ago, it hosted Al Qaeda's operational headquarters. It is still considered by many as a Taliban stronghold.

In Karachi's chemical markets, ammonium nitrate is produced by fertiliser companies. While the chemical is on the Pakistani customs control list, it is widely available in open market. This ammonium nitrate is used in improvised explosive devices that account for 66 percent of foreign casualties in Afghanistan since the war started in 2001. The makeshift bombs have claimed 368 troops in 2010. This year, the number has already reached 143.

"We can deliver you big quantities of the chemical at the right price," said Ahmed Jan, a local smuggler, one of the few willing to speak on the record. "For a higher price we can deliver you the items in Afghanistan."

The US Consulate and Pakistani customs intelligence have been working closely to stop the smuggling.

Earlier this year, the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Commerce was informed that more than 6,000 trucks of NATO/ISAF supplies had not reached in Chaman and Iman Garh borders. The disclosure sparked an internal auditing within NLC and FBR and corruption of Rs7 billion was found. The FBR and NLC had reportedly issued notices to 21 and 22 grade officers and had put 100 of its officers and clearing/forwarding agents in the Exit Control List.

It was also disclosed that trucks carrying containers of NATO goods for NATO did not pay any levy to the government. The Karachi Port Trust (KPT) charges Rs400 from each container, and the Qasim International Containers Terminal (QICT) charges another Rs400.

Experts believe the attacks on NATO containers are carried out by Hakimullah Mehsud, who had been given the task by Baitullah Mehsud. But recently, especially after 2009, "There have been instances especially in Interior Sindh in which the security establishment has used or orchestrated attacks on NATO trucks to pressure the US," according to Mathew Irvin, a security consultant for NATO/ISAF in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some sub-contractors also report fake attacks to carry out insurance fraud. At least on one occasion, a sub-contractor was caught and fined.

The attacks are not likely to stop any time soon, according to a foreign diplomat, "But we have made pacts with warlords, tribes and various stakeholders in Pakistan who ensure safe transit of the goods. They include political parties both in Pakistan and Afghanistan."
Purpose of posting an old article and something which we all know already ???
How old is it?

I saw it the first time today, and it did not even show up in the pop-down menu of already posted articles.

"TFT CURRENT ISSUE| Septempber 02-08, 2011 - Vol. XXIII, No. 29"
Also Taimi, one point I would like to make here, on your usage of the inclusive pronoun "We".

Whenever an incident of exploding tanks takes place, many joyous members show their appreciation with regard to the direct loss to the US.

I posted this article for such people, so they would know that directly, it is lesser a loss to the US, and greater to the state of Pakistan.

Many in the "We" that you use, are not aware of this fact.
How old is it?

I saw it the first time today, and it did not even show up in the pop-down menu of already posted articles.

"TFT CURRENT ISSUE| Septempber 02-08, 2011 - Vol. XXIII, No. 29"

Link to the article would be good to see when it got posted, as the material in it is old.

2nd last para says: " Experts believe the attacks on NATO containers are carried out by Hakimullah Mehsud, who had been given the task by Baitullah Mehsud. But recently, especially after 2009 .... " This line made me think to be an old article.
Link to the article would be good to see when it got posted, as the material in it is old.

2nd last para says: " Experts believe the attacks on NATO containers are carried out by Hakimullah Mehsud, who had been given the task by Baitullah Mehsud. But recently, especially after 2009 .... " This line made me think to be an old article.

Yes, it did come to my mind when I read the article. So I double checked the date, and decided to read all of it, where it also talked about Imran Khan's "dharna" which happened recently.

Per your advice, I will add the link in the source post (it is the first time though that I, on purpose, decided not to include the link).

By the way, what is wrong in mentioning that Baitullah Mehsud had bestowed the task to Hakimullah?
Also Taimi, one point I would like to make here, on your usage of the inclusive pronoun "We".

Whenever an incident of exploding tanks takes place, many joyous members show their appreciation with regard to the direct loss to the US.

I posted this article for such people, so they would know that directly, it is lesser a loss to the US, and greater to the state of Pakistan.

Many in the "We" that you use, are not aware of this fact.

Its not a bigger loss to Pakistan, as we are not paid the correct amount for the services being provided by Pakistan, whose infrastructure is being utilized. Come to Peshawar or go on the Indus Highway, you will see the devastated roads due to the NATO related heavy traffic.

Plus, we have lost billions in revenues as this NATO/US service is used to bring in goods which is sold in the local market after having paid no tax on them. Pakistani market is being flooded with Chinese & Indians good which go to Afghanistan and then smuggled back to Pakistan, thus we loose billions in revenue.

Individual businessmen may be at a loss, but again insurance takes care of that, money wise Pakistan is a loss and off course the ones who get killed in such attacks.

---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------

Yes, it did come to my mind when I read the article. So I double checked the date, and decided to read all of it, where it also talked about Imran Khan's "dharna" which happened recently.

Per your advice, I will add the link in the source post (it is the first time though that I, on purpose, decided not to include the link).

By the way, what is wrong in mentioning that Baitullah Mehsud had bestowed the task to Hakimullah?

There is no wrong in mentioning that, but BM is long dead and again as said his mentioning made me think that may be the article is from his days or an old one.
You are not getting to the crux of it.

For the same reason you cited - loss of revenue - it becomes a greater loss for Pakistan.

The contracts are taken by the contractors in Dubai, and from there these contracts are outsourced to Pakistani strongmen. There is always a big level of insurance cover working there.

And then comes this part:
Earlier this year, the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Commerce was informed that more than 6,000 trucks of NATO/ISAF supplies had not reached in Chaman and Iman Garh borders. The disclosure sparked an internal auditing within NLC and FBR and corruption of Rs7 billion was found. The FBR and NLC had reportedly issued notices to 21 and 22 grade officers and had put 100 of its officers and clearing/forwarding agents in the Exit Control List.

A corruption of 7 Billion rupees would actually mean 7 or even more Billion rupees lost that were meant for the state.

For every truck that is lighted, a new truck has to come through. So if you are right about the withering of the road, then that withering is doubled or even quadrupled each time they explode one.

For the US, if it is entirely, 100%, their oil that is lost. Then they are the ones that are getting 100% insurance money. But that is not the case, as the article says, many light their own trucks for the insurance money. If so, then not all of that oil or truck is paid for by the US.

It is all a full-fledged business in the end with all the parties partying together at the expense of the state that is left out by the corrupt officers.

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

There is no wrong in mentioning that, but BM is long dead and again as said his mentioning made me think that may be the article is from his days or an old one.

Well, it is an overall summary, so the author must have decided to include every part for the readers to get to the basics of this complex business cycle.
Interesting Article ; Karachi has become a linchpin in the GWoT for NATO in Afghanistan and sooner or later the TTP will carry its war onto the streets of Karachi in an attempt to halt NATO logistics ; Also, how serious is the security establishment in controlling the NH4NO3 smuggling into Afhganistan ? This might also be a source of concern for the ISAF in Afghanistan. Also the fragile situation in Karachi further endangers the uneasy pact to protect supply routes. Difficult times ahead for Karachi for sure.
On Pak Fauj Supporting NATO/America, and people who were against it, one joke came to mind...


50 years ago, there was a young officer. He got a cycle loan & purchased a bicycle from CSD. The bicycle was a beauty but it had no carrier at the back. So he sent his

batman to get one fitted. When he came back, carrier was fitted, but stand was missing.

He went to cycle dealer & asked why stand had been removed.

Dealer said, "Sahib ji, fauj mein ek hi cheez milti hai. Stand lo ge to career khatam; or agar career chahiay to stand kabhi mat lena."

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