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Dar for Russian participation in energy sector


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar urging Russian participation in energy sector said the government would provide all possible facilitation to reach an amicable solution on longstanding dispute between trade and business concerns of both countries regarding settlement of payments/dues.
During meeting with Ambassador of Russian Federation Alexey Dedov and other officials from the Russian Embassy on Wednesday Dar said Pakistan encouraged foreign investment in the energy projects. He said with all its expertise and know-how, the Russian side could contribute in energy sector development. He welcomed Russian participation in energy sector in Pakistan.
They discussed with the Finance Minister modalities about the Pak-Russia Inter Governmental Commission (IGC) meeting. Alexey Dedov said it was important to develop bilateral ties on strong economic footing with due emphasis on investment and trade. Both sides expressed hope IGC meeting would help attain this objective and forge overall economic cooperation. Alexey said they looked forward to Finance Minister’s visit to Russian Federation to take part in the IGC.
Detailed discussion was held on longstanding dispute between trade and business concerns of both countries regarding settlement of payments/dues.
Dar said though it was primarily a dispute between the private sector companies of the two countries yet government would provide all possible facilitation to reach an amicable solution.
Both sides observed this dispute had been impeding the growth of economic cooperation between the two countries and its early resolution was need of the hour.
CASA-1000: Meanwhile, Ishaq Dar said that since a new government had assumed power in Afghanistan, the outstanding matters regarding Central Asia South Asian (CASA-1000) project would be taken up with it for settlement on priority.
During a meeting with US Ambassador Robin Raphel on Wednesday Diamer Bhasha Dam with particular focus on generating much needed finances for the project came under discussion.
Dar apprised Robin Raphael about modalities of Pakistan-US Business Opportunities conference. Moot would be held as scheduled on October 8. He said the conference would serve as a useful forum to explore financial resources for Diamer Bhasha besides affording an opportunity to both Pakistani and US businessmen to interact and forge useful cooperation. Ambassador Robin welcomed holding of the conference and wished it all success.
Dar exchange views with Raphael about the CASA-1000 project. He said it had great significance keeping in view meeting the energy requirements of Pakistan. Raphel hoping early realisation of the project said it would help ease Pakistan’s energy problems.

Dar for Russian participation in energy sector
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