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Cut the lying about the TTP


Sep 25, 2009
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Cut the lying about the TTP


Ejaz Haider: The writer is a senior journalist and has held several editorial positions including most recently at The Friday Times. He is currently senior adviser, outreach, at the Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Just before 2012 drew to an end, one of the terrorist groups in the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan conglomerate offered conditional talks to the government. Some in the commentariat, who have raised obfuscation and petty lying to the level of fine art, were quick to point to the ‘generosity’ of the TTP and said that the ball was now in the government’s court.

This is bollocks, deliberate and dangerous. Consider.

First, those insisting that the government take this offer are implying that the TTP is a legitimate entity that the government and, by extension, the state should negotiate with. This would be laughable if it were not so pernicious. The TTP includes criminals, extremists and terrorists. Some, let it be said clearly, are in the pay of hostile intelligence agencies. They are not the Afghan Taliban that Kabul wants to talk to and it is deceptive to put them in the same category. For ‘respectable’ journalists to ‘advise’ the government on the TTP means the government should also start negotiating with, and give legitimacy to, all manner of kidnappers, robbers, felons and murderers.

Were it to come to that, we might as well bid goodbye to this state and to ourselves as a society.

Second, talks with preconditions? In plain English, it is called dictation: do this and that and we will stop attacking you. Implication: don’t do as directed and we will continue to attack and kill people. Submit and you will be spared. Because once these terrorists have got what they want, through fear and coercion, this state and society will be at their mercy anyway. Their spokesmen in the media are surely referring to this act of generosity. There will be no pain after that.

Perhaps. But what about subjugation; the relationship of lordship and bondage; the loss of our values and common human decencies? Far from the pain being over, it will be the beginning of it, a hellish experience without respite.

Third, we have to ask ourselves why this particular group, led by Hakeemullah Mehsud — the most murderous of the groups that form the TTP — wants to talk. They are being squeezed. They stand discredited. Their brutality has isolated the Pakistanis. The group is posturing, presenting itself as ‘reasonable’, relying on the obfuscators in our ranks to confuse the people, hoping everyone is sick of this violence and will take this ‘olive branch’. If the government rejects the ‘offer’, the people will blame it for forcing the TTP’s hand.

Such moments are crucial. As I wrote in 2009 in The Friday Times: “It is important to understand the nature of this war and … what counterinsurgency expert Robert Thompson called ‘playing for the breaks’. The ‘breaks’ refer to ‘changes in the situation at the international, national and local levels … generated by critical errors made by an insurgency’s leaders’”.

These errors fall in two categories: original sins and situational errors. But errors made by terrorist groups are not enough in and of themselves to put them down; they must be leveraged by the state in its favour.

That’s what we have to do, play for the breaks. We did that in Malakand when Fazlullah overplayed his hand. We have to do it again. But mere indignation is not going to solve the problem. This year must see a serious coordinated effort to tackle this challenge and doing that requires not just more effective military operations, important though they are, but also an effective counterterrorism (CT) strategy.

It should be obvious that the reprisals come in the urban centres where the military cannot be of much use. The war in the periphery has brought these groups to the centre. The war has now to be waged in the centre to put them in a nutcracker. That is where the police and civilian intelligence agencies come in. We have neglected them so far. That has cost us dearly. The cost will rise exponentially the more we delay doing that which is required.

We need effective laws dealing with detention, interrogation and surveillance; a reconfigured force for countering urban terrorism, trained and equipped to that end; an umbrella organisation to coordinate CT ops; a mainframe with NADRA and other databases to expedite investigations; an effective civilian intelligence agency dealing with internal security, as opposed to leaving that job to the ISI; the restructuring of the ISI itself; enhancing the capacity of the police which are currently performing security duties for the VVIP and has inadequate manpower and equipment for policing and CT functions; training intelligence analysts and developing a specialised cadre; a parliamentary committee overseeing internal security and intelligence functions to ensure there are no excesses and so on.

This is neither an exhaustive list nor is it in any specific order. There are reports dealing with making the police effective. They are instructive and rely on the expertise of several police officers with long careers in the service. They should be utilised. Pakistan can also ask for help from other countries that have done well fighting drug cartels and terrorism. The world is ready to help if we are prepared to stop hemming and hawing and get ready to roll up our sleeves to deal with this menace. Of course, that presupposes that we are interested in formulating and implementing a national security strategy instead of acting like a headless chicken.

As matters stand, there can be no talks with the TTP. The TTP groups have to lay down arms, submit to the Constitution and the laws of this state, renounce violence and seek society’s forgiveness for gratuitous bloodletting. Until then, their sympathisers in the commentariat and certain political parties wanting to talk to them should shut up.

Finally, the TTP wants the Constitution to be brought in conformity with the Sharia. Indeed! And pray, what Sharia would that be? Theirs? Because so far, they have even killed those Islamic scholars who have dared tell them that they are not qualified to be exegetes and their lumpen interpretations of religion are not only flawed but deliberately deceptive.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 2nd, 2013.

Cut the lying about the TTP – The Express Tribune
--------->No terrorist thief can penetrate intrude and steal your precious

things Till your own closed one involved or give him a way or easy

passage Real good talibans are fighting only in Afghanistan against

intruders for their sovereignty all other kind of talibans are like

prostitutes cowards morons who only attack secret silently from behind

who can do any thing for the sake of money for any one wither america

cia, israel mossad, india Raw,or for Pakistani government or any other

country they have no religion cast just their mission is destruction

blasts terrorism for money for us Dollars$ to give bad name to the

real talibans fighting in Afghanistan against invaders,for a real

(thalib) even its hard to eat one time for him whose mission is only

to spread peace and love give message of islam by knowing islam but

from where these TTP kidnappers, robbers, felons and murderers from where these artifical talibans get money

guns vehichles many things? except the real shaheeds good talibans

fighting against devils on their lands& fighting with only the support

of GOD even if USA is attacked by Russia or UK is attacked by France

they will react the same way but,NO DOUBT INDIAN RAW involved most of the

Bombings Blasts in pakistan,similar khad ,mossad,CIA and their most beloved favorite

Talibans but''why to blame them only In real if Pakistani government

wants even a mosquito cant fly without there permission, compare

india, Russia ,china, Europe, scandinavian countries ,america, why

there is so much peace? because there leaders and officials are

determined loyal and sincere with their country, and their nation, BUT

UN FORTUNATELY VERY BAD LUCK with Pakistan you can find all kind of

illegal things, weapons, bombs,grenades,alcohols, dangerous fire works

in tribal areas of pakistan specially Khyber Agency most beloved place

of artifical talibans history of Afridis in khyber agency mostly involved in notorious things with no restrictions intelligence network of

pakistan is tottaly floped where MQM ANP PPP political parties very much

Loyal Sincere to india and attacking each other too IN a country Where 90% budget is wasted on

police army and corrupt politicians but they still fail to bring

peace, control law and order situation why no terrorist caught alived

always killed or escaped if caught why they dont disclose expose the

key master minds networks working behind them they are coming from where who help them internally crush them all?why intelligence network of pakistan spoiled not like before where are patriot people officers politicians? but because

politics for Pakistani politicians is just dining room family politics

first father then sons to suck the blood and sweat of nation,Same old

corrupt patwari thanedar culture, most politicians kids busy in

availing all luxury abroad while roaming in Mercedes enjoying full

police protocol inside the country on taxes of public, where you tube

is banned and restrictions on electronic print social media while

people like Raymond Davis can kill any Pakistani any time ,Drone

attacks ,Suicide attacks,Rockets,Bomb blasts, target killing, where

wine alcohols are shared at the day when more people are died outside

the VIP lounges, where price hikes, no cng,no gas,no electricity,

broken roads, no infrastructure, no jobs,leasing haram sood system in

banks, no education, crime ratio on peak, female abuse kidnapping

ransom increased, no business, no investors, etc etc become a routine

job and public is indulged in malala and other issues, to forget

important things while there thirst for dollars increase more and more

each day but dangerous parasite america there presence in Afghanistan

for politicians become important with increasing dollar thirst, where

NAB department itself corrupt instead to stop corruption is used for

professional rivalry and rivals of acting government rather then

chasing big fishes,Stop giving your child's pistol toys video games

and movies with vulgarity and barbarism rather then giving them pen

and books ''while same old

politicians and there sons will be coming again&again to rule and eat

Pakistan whom ruled many times repeatedly since long /revolution is impossible just by sitting in cozy rooms if

this situation persist with sleepy nation these corrupt rulers will

sell out all nukes even sell out Pakistan one day which is the greatest wish for enemies of Pakistan and every body know that top 3 names countries under cover agencies who are busy in their secret hidden dirty desires, GOD BLESS

Very good article and suerly have shut many propaganda and misleading mouths.

I'm glad people are able to identify the propaganda... double agents like Hamid mir now have to work harder.

Interior Ministry, Foreign office, provincial govt. all are controlled by Indian moles.

Sole beneficiary of TTP is Indians.... TTP never hurt single out of thousands of Indinas working on durrand line.

Eventually, by the end of Asif Ali Zardari regime this murderous TTP funded and protected in various neighbouring states will come to end.

We have already seen that how effective can be blockage of transit to Afghanistan.
Isn't Taliban our strategic asset against India? How can we put them behind bars:pakistan:

Very good article and suerly have shut many propaganda and misleading mouths.

I'm glad people are able to identify the propaganda... double agents like Hamid mir now have to work harder.

Interior Ministry, Foreign office, provincial govt. all are controlled by Indian moles.

Sole beneficiary of TTP is Indians.... TTP never hurt single out of thousands of Indinas working on durrand line.

Eventually, by the end of Asif Ali Zardari regime this murderous TTP funded and protected in various neighbouring states will come to end.

We have already seen that how effective can be blockage of transit to Afghanistan.

Did you really read the article? Where does Ejaj speak about foreign involvement?
--------->No terrorist thief can penetrate intrude and steal your precious

things Till your own closed one involved or give him a way or easy

passage Real good talibans are fighting only in Afghanistan against

intruders for their sovereignty all other kind of talibans are like

prostitutes cowards morons who only attack secret silently from behind

who can do any thing for the sake of money for any one wither america

cia, israel mossad, india Raw,or for Pakistani government or any other

country they have no religion cast just their mission is destruction

blasts terrorism for money for us Dollars$ to give bad name to the

real talibans fighting in Afghanistan against invaders,for a real

(thalib) even its hard to eat one time for him whose mission is only

to spread peace and love give message of islam by knowing islam but

from where these TTP kidnappers, robbers, felons and murderers from where these artifical talibans get money

guns vehichles many things? except the real shaheeds good talibans

fighting against devils on their lands& fighting with only the support

of GOD even if USA is attacked by Russia or UK is attacked by France

they will react the same way but,NO DOUBT INDIAN RAW involved most of the

Bombings Blasts in pakistan,similar khad ,mossad,CIA and their most beloved favorite

Talibans but''why to blame them only In real if Pakistani government

wants even a mosquito cant fly without there permission, compare

india, Russia ,china, Europe, scandinavian countries ,america, why

there is so much peace? because there leaders and officials are

determined loyal and sincere with their country, and their nation, BUT

UN FORTUNATELY VERY BAD LUCK with Pakistan you can find all kind of

illegal things, weapons, bombs,grenades,alcohols, dangerous fire works

in tribal areas of pakistan specially Khyber Agency most beloved place

of artifical talibans history of Afridis in khyber agency mostly involved in notorious things with no restrictions intelligence network of

pakistan is tottaly floped where MQM ANP PPP political parties very much

Loyal Sincere to india and attacking each other too IN a country Where 90% budget is wasted on

police army and corrupt politicians but they still fail to bring

peace, control law and order situation why no terrorist caught alived

always killed or escaped if caught why they dont disclose expose the

key master minds networks working behind them they are coming from where who help them internally crush them all?why intelligence network of pakistan spoiled not like before where are patriot people officers politicians? but because

politics for Pakistani politicians is just dining room family politics

first father then sons to suck the blood and sweat of nation,Same old

corrupt patwari thanedar culture, most politicians kids busy in

availing all luxury abroad while roaming in Mercedes enjoying full

police protocol inside the country on taxes of public, where you tube

is banned and restrictions on electronic print social media while

people like Raymond Davis can kill any Pakistani any time ,Drone

attacks ,Suicide attacks,Rockets,Bomb blasts, target killing, where

wine alcohols are shared at the day when more people are died outside

the VIP lounges, where price hikes, no cng,no gas,no electricity,

broken roads, no infrastructure, no jobs,leasing haram sood system in

banks, no education, crime ratio on peak, female abuse kidnapping

ransom increased, no business, no investors, etc etc become a routine

job and public is indulged in malala and other issues, to forget

important things while there thirst for dollars increase more and more

each day but dangerous parasite america there presence in Afghanistan

for politicians become important with increasing dollar thirst, where

NAB department itself corrupt instead to stop corruption is used for

professional rivalry and rivals of acting government rather then

chasing big fishes,Stop giving your child's pistol toys video games

and movies with vulgarity and barbarism rather then giving them pen

and books ''while same old

politicians and there sons will be coming again&again to rule and eat

Pakistan whom ruled many times repeatedly since long /revolution is impossible just by sitting in cozy rooms if

this situation persist with sleepy nation these corrupt rulers will

sell out all nukes even sell out Pakistan one day which is the greatest wish for enemies of Pakistan and every body know that top 3 names countries under cover agencies who are busy in their secret hidden dirty desires, GOD BLESS


No full stops ? :blink:
Great Article. The TTP problem will only be solved when the military realizes that the dogs it bred once upon a time have gone rabid and there is no saving TTP or the other dogs of its ilk.
Great Article. The TTP problem will only be solved when the military realizes that the dogs it bred once upon a time have gone rabid and there is no saving TTP or the other dogs of its ilk.

Military has to negotiate and side those who are loyal to Pakistan versus those who are anti-Pakistan.

Unfortunately, US drone strikes is killing both with no differentiation.
all I see is talk.
People need to use their brains and stop dropping to medieval thinking.
The statistics is that only about 7% of terrorism has ever been stopped by military action.
That says that 93% has been solved via dialogue, compromise and police action.
Pakistan need to address the root cause of this problem and leave the macho talk at home.
We need a new credible, capable government that can solve the social problems and only once that has been done can the TTP be eliminated.
Isn't Taliban our strategic asset against India? How can we put them behind bars:pakistan:

Did you really read the article? Where does Ejaj speak about foreign involvement?

Pandit ji... who is Ejaj?

TTP cannot be defeated until Pakistan defeat its sponsor states.
Interior Ministry, Foreign office, provincial govt. all are controlled by Indian moles.
Sole beneficiary of TTP is Indians....
TTP never hurt single out of thousands of Indinas working on durrand line.
Eventually, by the end of Asif Ali Zardari regime this murderous TTP funded and protected in various neighbouring states will come to end.

Excellent analysis! :cheesy: No wonder you guys are where you are! The easiest thing to do is blame others for your screw-ups and incompetency. Carry on....It's your country, your life!
all I see is talk.
People need to use their brains and stop dropping to medieval thinking.
The statistics is that only about 7% of terrorism has ever been stopped by military action.
That says that 93% has been solved via dialogue, compromise and police action.
Pakistan need to address the root cause of this problem and leave the macho talk at home.
We need a new credible, capable government that can solve the social problems and only once that has been done can the TTP be eliminated.

But nobody's clear on the root cause. Our dear RM keeps going on and on about a hidden hand or some anonymous third-party that doesn't want to see peace in Pakistan.
He fails to point out that the main cause of insecurity in Pakistan is due to the easy supply of assault weapons, explosives and the government's reluctance to tackle powerful religious and anti-social groups.
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