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Corvetes and patrol crafts

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
reason why i opened this thread does PN has any corvetes or patrol craft if even they i thnk they are old one but i patrol boats may be recently we buyed fro, turkey

here are the two big contenders for our navy

one is banynunah classs corvete wich is stealth and used by emirates navy

In January 2004, the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of Defence in Abu Dhabi awarded a contract to Abu Dhabi Shipbuilding for a new class of multipurpose missile corvette, the Baynunah class. The contract is for four corvettes with option on a further two.

"The main roles of the corvettes will be in patrol and surveillance, minelaying, interception and other anti-surface warfare operations."The Baynunah program is a successor to the LEWA 1 program to replace the six 175t full displacement, 33.5m Ardhana class large patrol class.

The corvettes are named after the Baynunah region of Abu Dhabi. Construction of the first vessel began in May 2005 for launch in early 2009 and commission in 2010.

In July 2005, the UAE exercised the contract option for a further two vessels to bring the total to six ships of the class.

Abu Dhabi Shipbuilding is the prime contractor. Constructions Mecaniques de Normandie (CMN) of Cherbourg, France, is a major contractor. The build of the first corvette, to launch in 2006, is taking place at CMN's shipyard in Cherbourg. The program includes a technology transfer arrangement between CMN and ADSB. The CMN subsidiary, CMN Divisions Systemes, will carry out the combat system integration in France.

The remaining corvettes are to be built at the ADSB shipyard at Mussafah in Abu Dhabi. Keel for the first locally built vessel was laid in July 2006 and it is scheduled for launch in 2009 and commission in 2011.

The 175,000m² shipyard has two 2,720m² construction halls equipped with overhead cranes. The shipyard facilities also include two shiplift piers for berthing and repair of ships up to 85m in length, three 1,700m² dry berths, a 70m quay wall and 320m of wet berthing

The main roles of the corvettes will be in patrol and surveillance, minelaying, interception and other anti-surface warfare operations in the United Arab Emirate's territorial waters and exclusive economic zone.

The design of the corvette is being be carried out jointly by CMN and ADSB and is a derivative of CMN's BR70 70m corvette design with a deep Vee hard chine hull. A low draught allows the corvette to operate in shallow waters. Emphasis is directed to good seakeeping characteristics and manoeuvrability.

The light corvettes are substantially larger than the New Generation Combattante I, the Um Almaradim Class patrol vessels supplied to Kuwait from 1998 to 2000. The Baynunah corvettes incorporate a stealthy superstructure, a helicopter landing deck and a hangar.

In July 2004, Alenia Marconi Systems, now Selex Sistemi Integrati, was awarded a contract to supply the IPN-S command and control system and the NA-25XM fire control system for the main gun. Selex is also responsible for integration of weapons and sensors into the combat system. The Baynunah vessels will also be fitted with the Sagem Vigy EOMS infrared search and track and weapons director.

"The corvette's main gun is the Oto Melara 76/62mm Super Rapide - capable of firing 6kg shells at 120 rounds a minute."The corvette's anti-ship missile system comprises eight MBDA MM40 block 3 Exocet missiles. The block 3 missile has a new turbojet propulsion system that extends the effective range from 70km to 180km. It has new inertial / GPS guidance along with an advanced J-band active terminal seeker.

The sea-skimming Exocet missiles approach the target at high subsonic speed, Mach 0.9, to deliver a 165kg warhead. The Exocet is also deployed on the United Arab Emirates Muray Jib class corvettes, Ban Yas class and Mubarraz class fast attack missile craft.

The corvette will be fitted with four Raytheon MK56 eight-cell vertical launchers for the ESSM. ESSM gives surface-to-air capability to protect against fixed-wing and rotary-wing platforms.

In September 2007, the UAE placed an order with Raytheon for 32 ESSM missiles, to be delivered by 2010. This was in addition to the Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) system for close-in air defence, ordered in December 2006 to equip the Baynunah Class.

One mk49 mod3 21-cell RAM launcher for the RAM block 1A missile system will be fitted on top of the hangar roof. The installation will require a number of design modifications. The systems are to be installed by 2011. RAM has radio frequency / infrared dual-mode guidance and a range of 8km. The block 1 missile has a new image scanning infrared seeker.

The corvette's main gun is the Oto Melara 76/62mm Super Rapide, capable of firing 6kg shells at a rate of 120 rounds per minute to a maximum range of 16km. Two Rheinmetall MLG 27 27mm guns are also being fitted.

The corvette design includes capacity for the future installation of mine warfare systems. The corvette is capable of deploying a full range of mine-laying, mine detection, avoidance and disposal systems to suit the operational requirements of the United Arab Emirate's Navy.

The layout of the flight deck allows the installation of mine rails for mine laying. The combat management system includes minefield planning software.

The NDS 3070 Vanguard hull-mounted mine and obstacle avoidance sonar, from L-3 ELAC Nautik, will be installed and a remotely operated vehicle for detection, location and disposal of mines may also be fitted.

The Baynunah corvette has a stern helicopter deck with a single landing spot for a medium-sized helicopter such as the AS 565. The United Arab Emirates operate seven Eurocopter AS 565 Panther anti-surface helicopters. The corvette has a fully equipped hangar.

The Baynunah corvettes are fitted with a Saab Microwave Systems (formerly Ericsson) Sea Giraffe AMB (Agile Multiple Beam) three dimensional surveillance radar and a Terma I-band navigation radar. Fire control radar for the NA-25 is the Selex Orion RTN 25 X-band radar.

The electronic warfare suite includes an NLWS310 laser warning system from Saab Avitronics of South Africa, an Elettronica SLR-736E radar electronic support measures system (ESM) and a Thales Altesse communications ESM.

"The Baynunah corvette has a stern helicopter deck with a single landing spot for a medium-sized helicopter."The MASS decoy system, supplied by Rheinmetall Waffe Munition (formerly Buck Neue Technologien), will be installed, one to port and one to the starboard side. MASS can launch up to 32 Omni-Trap spin-stabilised omni-spectral projectiles in a time-staggered configuration against anti-ship missiles and guided projectiles.

The MASS decoy covers radar, infrared, electro-optic, laser and ultraviolet wavebands.

The corvettes have secure voice and data communications, including Link 11 and Link Y Mark 2, with the fleet, land based command and control centres and with the CN-235 maritime patrol aircraft.

Four diesel engines type 12V595 TE90 from MTU are each rated at 4.2MW. The corvettes have water jet propulsers giving high manoeuvrability. The cruise and maximum speeds are 15 knots and over 32 knots. The range is over 2,400nm. The corvette carries water, stores and fuel for an endurance of 14 days.

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and the other one qatari navy operates i think navy atleast go for one of these

In 1992 Qatar ordered four Barzan (Vita) Class fast strike craft for the Qatar Emiri Navy from British shipbuilder Vosper Thornycroft at Southampton. The first two ships QENS Barzan and Huwar were handed over in 1996 and the final two ships QENS Al Udeid and QENS Al Deebel were delivered in 1998.

"The Barzan (Vita) class is equipped with two four-cell launchers for MBDA MM40 Exocet surface-to-surface sea-skimming missiles."BARZAN DESIGN

The design is a derivative of the Vosper Thornycroft 56m patrol craft built for Oman and Kenya, with a redesigned internal arrangement and superstructure to provide a second deck at tank level.

Modifications to the hull included increasing the freeboard amidships and flaring the topsides to widen the beam at the weatherdeck. The hull and superstructure design has incorporated features for reduction of radar cross section. Active roll-damping fin stabilisers have been added for operation in high Sea States.


The combat data system is the Thales Nederland (formerly Signaal) SEWACO FD with the fully distributed Thales TACTICOS combat management system and a Link Y communications link.

TACTICOS provides automatic threat assessment, weapon assignment and sensor allocation. Weapons control is provided by the Thales Nederland STING radar / electro-optic director and the IRSCAN infrared search and track system provides passive surveillance for the Goalkeeper close-in weapon system.

Track data is provided to the Oto Melara 76mm Super Rapid gun by the STING fire control radar and electro-optical tracking system. Tracking is supported by television, optional infrared camera tracking and laser rangefinder. The system provides sector search with automatic target detection, projectile location and kill-assessment.

The Barzan (Vita) class is equipped with two four-cell launchers for MBDA (formerly Aerospatiale-Matra) MM40 Exocet surface-to-surface sea-skimming missiles. With a range of 4km to 70km, the Exocet missile has inertial cruise guidance, active radar homing, and a warhead of 165kg. The cruise height of the missile is about 100m and in the terminal sea-skimming phase the height is 5m to 8m.

The surface-to-air missile system is the MBDA (formerly Matra BAe Dynamics) Sadral six-cell launcher for the Mistral missile. The infrared guided Mistral has a range of 4km. The warhead, consisting of 1kg of high explosive and loaded with 2kg of tungsten balls, is fitted with an impact and laser proximity fuse.


The gun is the Oto Melara 76mm / 62 Super Rapid, with 85° elevation, delivery 120 rounds a minute, and a range of 16km. The shell weight is 6kg. The ammunition supply and feed system for the gun is installed below the deck. The feed magazine usually contains 70 rounds, while another ten rounds are in the upper mounting and in the screw feeder. The mounting control console is below-decks and linked to the Thales Nederland Sting fire control system.

"The Barzan fast strike craft is a derivative of the Vosper Thornycroft 56m patrol craft, built for Oman and Kenya."The close-in-weapon system is the 30mm Goalkeeper from Thales Nederland. Goalkeeper automatically performs initial search through to destruction and kill-assessment. When the target is detected, threat evaluation and priority are determined, the target is designated and tracked by the I- and K-band radars.

Goalkeeper has seven barrels with a combined delivery rate of 4,200 rounds a minute and a range of 200m to 3km. The Vita class is also equipped with two 12.7mm machine guns.


Countermeasures include the Sagem Défense Sécurité (formerly EADS Defence & Electronics) Dagaie Mk 2 chaff dispensers, Thales DR3000S electronic support measures and Thales Salamandre ARBB 33 radar jammer.


The air and surface search radar is the Thales MRR-3D multi-role radar operating at G band. The I-band navigation radar is Kelvin Hughes 1007 and the I/J band fire-control radar is the STING from Thales Nederland.


The Barzan is driven by four MTU 20V 538 TB93 diesels, 18,740hp, in two machinery spaces, each driving a fixed-pitch propeller. One man operation from the bridge of the propulsion, electrical generation and auxiliary systems is possible using a machinery control and surveillance system. The maximum speed is 35kt and the range is in excess of 1,800nm at 12kt.

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I think Pakistan has something going on with Turkey for its Milgem stealth craft
I think Pakistan has something going on with Turkey for its Milgem stealth craft

so far only MRTP-33 FAC has been purchased from turkish shipyards. no news on the corvettes yet.
yes corvetes are very important they engage enemies at high speeds now a days they become stealthy what do you think above that i mantion for our navy we can buy them these are low cost than frigates
The term Corvette invokes an image of about 500-600 ton offshore Patrol or Escort vessels used in the WWII mainly for convoy escorts and anti submarine duties.

There is a limit to size and number of different armaments one can put on the corvette. IMO it is neither a patrol vessel nor a frigate. Its usefulness as offensive weapon is debatable. Iraqi navy which consisted mostly of FAC and Missile Boats was eliminated completely in a single engagement by USA in the begining of the Gulf war.

I would rather go for a large number of large petrol craft/FAC and fewer number of frigates. These days even 14-1500 tons vessels are called corvettes, to me these are really frigates and thus far more capable.
friend use your head we are not iraqis and our enemy here is not as developed as usa was againt iraqi

coevetes and patrol craft should be buyed for specially anti submarine role as our enemy india is aquraing more subs to extra safty for our shores we need atlest 3 of these not mush this will incraese the fighting and saving the shores of pakistan from any subs threats

if we have these IN subs think twice before entering our shores and they are also capable against the jets they also be used for surfaace to air missiles read my above threads these corvetes not for atacking role defensive role and they have enough speed to do what our navy wants i dont want our navy to buy them in large nos in small nos to have extra security to our shores
Pakistan bought some MRTP 33 planned to be equipped with harpoon missiles:
MRTP 33 layout:

Yonca shipyards the builder of the MRTP series is designing the somewhat heavier version dubbed MRTP 40 as result of the requests by the Turkish and Pakistani navy.
MRTP 40 layout:

Inside view:
Pakistan bought some MRTP 33 planned to be equipped with harpoon missiles:
MRTP 33 layout:

Yonca shipyards the builder of the MRTP series is designing the somewhat heavier version dubbed MRTP 40 as result of the requests by the Turkish and Pakistani navy.
MRTP 40 layout:

Inside view:

Thank you for your response. Please let us know a bit about the turkish naval development and what is on the cards in this regards, especially with regards to surface and subsurface platforms.
Big developments are currently made on subsystems for various ships since Turkey does not only want to make ships but also the weaponry used on them. I can give some of the late developments on some of the subsystems.

For the Milgem corvette some of the subsytems that are indigenously developed are, 3D radar, fire control radar, sonar, stabilized machine gun, electro optical systems and PAP ROV (remotely operated mine disposal system)

STAMP stabilized machine gun systems and stabilized missile launch systems
b16c3d58c3be472e41b0766fc1da1cfb.jpg b006854993dd5805420ba48a2153f6f3.jpg


LPI radar

Torpedo decoy system DAKA
only one we got how sad our navy wont go for other variety of this stuff.
PN has plans for the Milgem as discused before and some other things up their sleves with Turkey lets see wat happens !!
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