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Confucius Institute at North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Jan 4, 2009
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Confucius Institute | North South University

Summary of the Institute Situation
The agreement was signed on the November, 2005; the program was formally launched on Feb, 14th, 2006. Yunnan University is the dedicated domestic partner institution.
Organizational Structure
Board members consists of two schools (YU & NSU), board chairman change every year by VC, NSU President, YU. And in the meeting two directors (Co-Director & Chinese Director) must be board members.


Number of Staff Members: 4 staffs for daily management. 7 members on the Confucius Institute Advisory Board. 2 deans, each from YU and NSU. 2 financial management staffs. The NSU staff (including the Dean) work part time.
Members of the Confucius Institute Advisory Board:
Director, CI @ NSU Dr. Khaliquzzaman M. Elias (Prof.) North South University
Chinese Director, CI @ NSU Ms. Zhou Mingdong (Associate Prof. )Yunnan University
The Institute Financial Management staff consists of 2: One of them is from NSU and works part-time only. Mr. Mahboob works as a part time accountant, and Mr. Romiz, part time cashier.

Directors manage CI under the CI board.
Members of the Confucius Institute Advisory Board
Vice Chancellor, NSU
Vice President, YU
Dean, School of Arts & Social Sciences, NSU
Director, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, YU
Director, CI at NSU
Chinese Director, CI at NSU

Assoic. Prof. Arshad M Chowdhury, Ph.D. , North South University
Zhou Mingdong (Associate Prof. ),Yunnan University

Teaching Staff
Yu Kuai
Liu Hanyin
Hu Rong (Part-time teacher)
CaoTao, WeiJuan, YuanWeuping, ZhaoWei (Volunteer Teachers)

All teachers at CI are native Chinese and all teaching materials are supplied by the Chinese government
Investment from Chinese Institute Number of Staff Members:
Four staffs for daily management.
Seven members on the Confucius Institute Advisory Board.
Two deans, each from YU and NSU.
Two financial management staffs.
The NSU staff (including the Dean) work part time.
Members of the Confucius Institute Advisory Board:

Director, CI at NSU Assoic. Prof. Arshad M Chowdhury, Ph.D. Chinese Director, CI at NSU Ms. Zhou Mingdong (Associate Prof. )Yunnan University The Institute Financial Management staff consists of 2: One of them is from NSU and works part-time only. Mr. Mahboob works as a part time accountant, and Mr. Romiz, part time cashier.


Students who are interested in learning Chinese can join our courses offered with support from Yunnan University of China. The course duration is three months starting with beginners' course and leading to a one-year certificate course. After successful completion of the one-year (three levels) course a certificate is awarded.

Importance of learning Chinese language
  • To foster stronger trade relationships with China
  • To avail job opportunities and higher technical education in China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam & many other South East Asian countries
  • To know the mother tongue of the largest number of speakers
  • To have access to one of the major UN languages
Chinese language skills will enable you to pass the HSK Test (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) and get into the universities of China
Confucius Institute | North South University

  • At least 10 years of schooling.
  • Understanding English.
Admission Information
Chinese Language Course Admission Form is available in the NSU Accounts Department for Tk 200. Two passport size photographs with filled out admission form can be submitted along with the course fee of Tk 5000 in favor of Confucius Institute at NSU. Each semester admission deadlines and date of starting of the course are published in dailies of the country.

  • To set the Window of China as our objective, promote the Chinese language in Bangladesh and further all over south Asian area through planning and constructing the institute's work and development and by the means of approaching China, understanding China and experiencing China.
  • To make our effort in strengthening the relationship between China and Bangladesh.

Teaching Activities
  1. Teaching Development
    • The class consists of 7 courses. One of them is a credit course.
    • Regulated by teaching standards and rules. Monitor Teachers classes and organize seminars.
    • Developed activities for practice; such as Chinese language competition, art of paper-cutting and Chinese
    • Added one Chinese classroom in Middle School of Bangladesh and will establish Confucius classroom under CI at NSU
  2. Preparation of teaching materials and books
    • Self prepared the university credit course notes, compiled into the teaching materials.
    • Ready to make one set of local teaching materials (The Great Wall Chinese Language in Bangla language)
  3. Two exhibitions for the Chinese teaching materials were organized with a total number of 3000 visitors, which achieved with a great success.
  4. Chinese Culture Experiment Center is under process, the Chinese library has completed in CI
  5. Established the very first overseas HSK test center in Bangladesh (the Bangladesh North South University HSK Test Center). The first HSK and YCT test is scheduled to be held by the end of this year
Chinese Culture Exchange Activities
  1. Local teachers training program. 23 local teachers have been trained under the program.
  2. Three programs visited China : The Fall camp for the Confucius Institute students; local teachers training class; exchange visit of the Chinese and Bangladesh schools.
  3. Three Seminars : China-South Asia forum -2 times; Book Reading seminar and so on; invited Chinese experts from China and Ambassador of China in Bangladesh.
  4. Established China Studies Centre (CSC), and Ambassador of China in Bangladesh has inaugurated.
Development Objectives and Plans
Our development objectives and plans consist of 4 points:
  1. Localization of the teaching materials
    • The Great Wall Chinese in Bangladesh
    • Creation of teaching materials
  2. Teaching through the internet
    • Creation of the materials
    • Teaching online
    • Interaction online
  3. Combination Teaching with Cultural Activities
  4. Center Modulation ( Teaching Center, Research Center, Training Center)
Our objective: Try our best to build the Confucius Institute as the model school in the south Asia to make this number one school even more glorious in the south Asia!


There have been more than 10 times that the school has attracted the public comments and media coverage. Reports on SanXun (4 times), Chinese Educational Exhibition, Celebration of Chinese Research Center, Ceremony of donating the audio equipment from the govern of Yunnan province, the Window of China - a special project on publicity within the institute, etc.
That is good move by Chinese, it should have happened long time ago. Chinese embassy tried many time with Dhaka University to do the same but india backed Awami League regime rejected their effort.
That is good move by Chinese, it should have happened long time ago. Chinese embassy tried many time with Dhaka University to do the same but india backed Awami League regime rejected their effort.

Lets hope more private universities jump on the bandwagon. We have a huge demand for Chinese language instruction and trade and investment from China increase sharply in coming years.

Once a student already well versed in English learn Chinese, they will get jobs in:
- Chinese owned trading company offices
- Chinese owned buying houses
- Chinese owned garment factories
- Chinese run construction sites
- work as tour guide for Chinese tourists
- govt. offices such as BEPZA, Board of Investment, EPB who have to cater to Chinese customers and investors
- diplomats who will work in Bangladesh embassy and consular offices in Chinese speaking countries, such as China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore

The language courses are also important for Armed forces personnel who will increasingly use more Chinese weapons system, get training for these systems in China and do combat drills with different branches of PLA.

If govt. universities do not allow Confucian Institute to open branches then their faculty and students will be losers, while other private universities can provide this service for career enhancement and improved job prospects for their students.
The Chinese should start to learn Bangla first....
The Chinese should start to learn Bangla first....

The Chinese people that are living in Bangladesh working for the Confucian Institute, I am sure they are learning Bangla and I would not be surprised if they already speak the language to an extent.

Like many foreigners who have to live and work in Bangladesh, the Chinese working in other sectors, like garments, textiles, construction etc. I think already know Bangla.

So it goes both ways, but consider Chinese economy in the future, currently $10 trillion, and it will be $20 trillion in less than 10 years and $30 trillion in less than 20 years. Chinese may become as important a language as English. Problem is the pictorial script, it is very difficult to learn, but then millions of unemployed youth have the time to learn and this knowledge may ensure a career path for them.

China and Bangladesh economy and military will get much more closer over time, so for both military personnel and businessmen and their employees it will be very important to learn Chinese.

As I mentioned before, if big businessmen in Bangladesh want to save their behind from Indian elimination program, then they should seek Chinese partner as soon as possible and build as close a tie as possible with Chinese business community, which will yield significant influence in Bangladesh politics in the not so distant future. That day is not too far off.

RAW and their rabid dog agents in Bangladesh will think ten times before they mess with any Chinese or someone who is close to Chinese. Something for people to ponder. And this is just the beginning, it is going to get more interesting in the future.
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That is good move by Chinese, it should have happened long time ago. Chinese embassy tried many time with Dhaka University to do the same but india backed Awami League regime rejected their effort.
oh gaad ..
The Chinese should start to learn Bangla first....

Majority Chinese working here know neither English nor Bangla. Strangely though with them we try to speak English. An exception is our working class- they don't try to speak English and the Chinese who work with them learn to speak Bangla and they really speak fair.
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