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Confirmed; India asks US for predator C drones


Aug 27, 2010
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India has formally asked the United States for Predator C Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs), a leading defence journal says.

Reliable sources told India Strategic that the Predator C requirement has been mentioned at a very high level during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s just-concluded visit to Washington. Now that India is getting into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), President Barack Obama will ask the State and Defense Departments to consider the Indian request.

Predator C is made by General Atomics Aeronautical System Inc. (GA-ASI), which has already offered an unarmed version, Predator XP, to the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Indian Navy for reconnaissance purposes.

The number of drones required by India is not known but the UCAV, also known as Avenger, will be operated by the Indian Air Force which, in any case, is also short of manned combat jets. In the troubled terror-infested environment around India, a combination of manned and unmanned precision strike aircraft and systems is an immediate necessity.

The IAF had, in fact, asked the Ministry of Defence for strike drones – or UCAVs – at least six or seven years ago.

Avenger is a further development of the MQ 9 Reaper, which is extensively used by the US CIA to neutralise terrorists with precision strikes and minimum collateral damage.

Avenger has a turboprop engine, some stealth features, a highly sophisticated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for reconnaissance and targeting and can carry air-to-ground missiles like the Hellfire. It can be controlled from anywhere in the world through satellite connectivity.

Notably, although a strike drone like the Predator C has no onboard pilot, its operation requires a couple of people at the control station to monitor the target area and then to command the machine to shoot after due verification.
First thing which India should have asked for is MQ-4C Triton.....
First thing which India should have asked for is MQ-4C Triton.....

Too expensive.:fie::fie::fie:

I'd rather IN buy naval Reaper. It'll come at a fraction of price of MQ-4C and should work fine for India's requirement.
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What about Sea Avenger. It will also be less expensive than Triton however will incorporate many improvement over Reaper family.
Too expensive.:fie::fie::fie:

I'd rather IN buy naval Reaper. It'll come at a fraction of price of MQ-4C and should work fine for India's requirement.

India will not be buying MQ-4C Triton in large numbers even if bough. However Avenger/Sea Avengers will be bought in comparatively large numbers.
First thing which India should have asked for is MQ-4C Triton.....
What about Sea Avenger. It will also be less expensive than Triton however will incorporate many improvement over Reaper family.

Yet to have its first flight and will take years to get operational but should be an option as logistics should be similar for both variants.
Will be long operational before any deal pass through bureaucratic hurdles.:enjoy:

Yet to have its first flight and will take years to get operational but should be an option as logistics should be similar for both variants.
Too expensive.:fie::fie::fie:

I'd rather IN buy naval Reaper. It'll come at a fraction of price of MQ-4C and should work fine for India's requirement.
Seriously man? Its not even an option. Triton is a complement to P-8s and with a big AESA radar and other goodies meant for far greater roles than Reapers.
Seriously man? Its not even an option. Triton is a complement to P-8s and with a big AESA radar and other goodies meant for far greater roles than Reapers.

Not exactly need of the hour. US needs it because it needs global monitoring, IN on the other hand will need to monitor one or two odd PLAN ships couple of times a year for the quite some time.

You can buy an entire squadron worth of Reapers for a single Triton and these are not the only options. A UAE based company has an excellent drone with very high endurance and good payload. I think Russia bought them recently.
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