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Commonly used rhetoric to dominate a debate

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Aug 12, 2012
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United States
A lot of people seem to use the same rhetoric/name calling in a variety of threads mostly to discredit the person they are debating with.
I invite people to mention such phrases that are commonly used, and if possible explain why it you feel that their use is ridiculous.
Please note, some topics are sensitive & may/will offend people (not my intent but I know it will happen).

I will start with some that I have read here:
1. Hindu Baniya - I am not sure what people think Baniya are but from reading the comments on this website it seems like people think they are cunning evil secret organization working against Pakistan.
Baniya in reality are a caste in Hindu people who by tradition were traders. They gained some notoriety in the past because they were seen as misers, as they were also the people doing all the trade selling grains and stuff. There are very few Baniya in the political picture of India and most of the well known ones are businessmen.
2. Slave of USA/West - Used many times by people to discredit the opinion of liberal Pakistani who support secularism. The idea is to 1. degrade them by calling them slave 2. project that their idea is anti-Pakistan, anti-Islam
3. Lungi - Seriously? This is not just racist but also stupid. What is wrong with a lungi? Also "pole-vaulting" and the hugely exaggerated number of refuges.
4. Crying/Scared/Paranoid/Phobia - The thing that made me start this thread. Whenever someone express any concern about any issue, their opponent blames them of being scared, crying, being paranoid or having some sort of phobia. These are just words used to exaggerate what someone else feels.
Someone is concerned about something or discusses it online does not mean they go to bed crying in fear of that thing. No one in India lives in the constant fear of ISI, no one in Pakistan lives in the constant fear of RAW.
Trollfest incoming!

A lot of people seem to use the same rhetoric/name calling in a variety of threads mostly to discredit the person they are debating with.
I invite people to mention such phrases that are commonly used, and if possible explain why it you feel that their use is ridiculous.
Please note, some topics are sensitive & may/will offend people (not my intent but I know it will happen).

I will start with some that I have read here:
1. Hindu Baniya - I am not sure what people think Baniya are but from reading the comments on this website it seems like people think they are cunning evil secret organization working against Pakistan.
Baniya in reality are a caste in Hindu people who by tradition were traders. They gained some notoriety in the past because they were seen as misers, as they were also the people doing all the trade selling grains and stuff. There are very few Baniya in the political picture of India and most of the well known ones are businessmen.
2. Slave of USA/West - Used many times by people to discredit the opinion of liberal Pakistani who support secularism. The idea is to 1. degrade them by calling them slave 2. project that their idea is anti-Pakistan, anti-Islam
3. Lungi - Seriously? This is not just racist but also stupid. What is wrong with a lungi? Also "pole-vaulting" and the hugely exaggerated number of refuges.
4. Crying/Scared/Paranoid/Phobia - The thing that made me start this thread. Whenever someone express any concern about any issue, their opponent blames them of being scared, crying, being paranoid or having some sort of phobia. These are just words used to exaggerate what someone else feels.
Someone is concerned about something or discusses it online does not mean they go to bed crying in fear of that thing. No one in India lives in the constant fear of ISI, no one in Pakistan lives in the constant fear of RAW.
Why are you bothered? people who use such language use it cuz they cant refute you with facts. ignore them .
Why are you bothered? people who use such language use it cuz they cant refute you with facts. ignore them .
Because it prevents people from having any mature conversation. It is important to show the "trolls" that their tricks are recognized by other people and may be make them reconsider before the repeat the same thing.
Buddy dont bother. i have long stopped responding to trolls. they wont stop no matter what you do mate.
Just goes to show the quality of education system the poster went through, nothing more, nothing less.

Though some are funny :D
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