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Cold Atom Lab Opened at IISU

Bad Guy

Nov 4, 2015
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Cold Atom Lab Opened at IISU
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A world-class facility,which will help the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plan inter-planetary missions with greater precision, was inaugurated at the ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU) here at Vattiyoorkavu on Friday.
First-of-its-kind in Asia, the Cold Atom Laboratory, inaugurated by ISRO chairman A S Kiran Kumar who opened the silver jubilee celebrations of IISU, will enable ISRO to develop navigation sensors of very high accuracy. “The measurements done using this can detect the change in gravity with ultra high precision, of the order of one part of a lakh per centimetre. This will enable ISRO to achieve interplanetary missions with more accuracy,” officials said.
We had to use NASA's deep space network in Mangalyaan because our own network's reliability was lower.
Hope it solves the problem.
FI, ISRO is launching Cdy-2 next year on own systems. :)
We had to use NASA's deep space network in Mangalyaan because our own network's reliability was lower.
Hope it solves the problem.
FI, ISRO is launching Cdy-2 next year on own systems. :)

The reason for using NASA help is not because of reliability etc, but due to geography.

I work at ISRO's telemetry tracking and command network. We communicate with Mangalyaan using a network of antennas across the globe. This is done because MOM is not always visible from a single point on the earth. This network of antennas includes those of NASA and other space agencies as well as our own antennas. NASA helps us in tracking MOM the same way we help them in tracking MAVEN.

America has three DSN facilities at the carefully chosen locations - Canberra (Australia), Madrid (Spain), and Goldstone (US). Once a mission reaches deep space, it is always in view of at least one of the facility.

Russia, European Union, China, Japan, and India too have their own Deep Space Networks. So missions such as Mangalyaan are taken care off by the Indian DSN facility at Byalalu village near Bangalore.

Since India does not have multiple network facilities, NASA provides vital position data via its three stations when needed.

Similarly China used European DSNs in their missions.
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