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"Coalitions" forming following the Major Technological Tender of IDF


Oct 25, 2013
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Israeli and international corporations are currently forming coalitions in order to compete for the primary technological tender in the context of the relocation of IDF to the Negev

IsraelDefense | 19/11/2016

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The relocation is a national priority process in the context of which the major bases of the IDF C4I Directorate and Intelligence Directorate are to be relocated from the central region to the Beersheba area. The C4I campus will be established first, and the intelligence units will be relocated later on.

In the context of the process, which is to be completed in the next decade, a modern technological infrastructure is being erected to support the new facilities.

The technological tender was issued in October by IMOD's Acquisition & Procurement Administration (MANHAR) and the IDF C4I Directorate following a substantial delay. The tender is intended to relocate the IDF computer infrastructures (which currently operate out of dozens of different locations) to a small number of state-of-the-art computer centers that IDF will be using in the coming decades.

The winning bidder will be required to unify dozens of computer centers currently dispersed at numerous IDF bases throughout the country, and instead establish a small number of modern computer centers that will constitute a part of the Network IDF program as it applies to the unification of the IDF computer infrastructures. The contractor awarded the tender will be required to establish and operate the centers over a period of about 10 years, with an option for extension by an additional 7-year period.

The unit at the Acquisition & Procurement Administration headed by the Senior Deputy Director, Intelligence & C4I Acquisition, Eliezer (Icko) Hasson, was in charge of consolidating the tender, estimated at hundreds of millions of ILS and regarded as the largest and most complex technological tender in the history of IDF and the Israeli defense establishment. Owing to the complexity of the project (to this day, only a handful of similar projects have been executed worldwide), the Director General of IMOD decided to establish a dedicated program staff within the Ministry, headed by Mrs. Bracha Hertz. This dedicated staff has been consolidating and formulating the tender in recent months, in cooperation with the administration in charge of the relocation of the IDF C4I Directorate to the Negev, headed by Col. Asher Devash.

In order to consolidate and formulate the tender, the IDF C4I Directorate established, at the IDF Tzerifin camp, a "farm" made up of dozens of content specialists from the various arms and branches of IDF. This team concentrates and coordinates all of the needs of the various IDF organs. At the same time, the program staff held numerous meetings for the purpose of exchanging knowledge with all of the Israeli companies bidding for the tender. IMOD even hired the services of an international PMO (Project Management Office) that had advised the US Army in connection with the establishment of a similar project in Asia. The IDF Intelligence Directorate, in anticipation of the relocation to the Negev, took an active part in the formulation of the tender specifications through the administration in charge of the relocation of the IDF Intelligence Directorate to the Negev, headed by Col. Miri Maoz.

The tender document consists of more than 1,500 pages and is regarded as a techno-economic tender in which a high degree of importance is assigned to technical quality aspects, in addition to the financial aspect. The winning bidder will be required to provide IDF with a "complete life cycle" which is to include design, establishment, relocation and long-term operation and maintenance.

The computer centers established in the context of the project will be the world's most advanced facilities. In fact, the tender applies to the management of the project, as the hardware elements for this giant project are being acquired by the defense establishment, in the context of long-term tenders, under the management of Hasson.

It is estimated that the procedures associated with this major tender will last until mid-2017. At the present time, the major corporations expected to bid for this tender are forming various coalitions. These corporations include IBM, EMC-Dell, Bynet, Elbit Systems, Leidos, IAI, TSG, HP, Rafael and others.


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