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CIA drone strikes: embarrassment for US as Pakistan court orders murder investigation

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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Campaigners say court decision could open floodgates to more criminal cases against controversial strikes and call for international arrest warrant against American spy

An anti-drone protest in Lahore, Pakistan Photo: AFP

A court in Pakistan on Thursday ordered police to investigate murder allegations against a senior CIA officer as tension over drone strikes threatens to further embarrass America and its allies in Islamabad.

Human rights campaigners say the decision paves the way for dozens more cases to be brought against the US and hope police will now seek an international arrest warrant for a former CIA station chief, who was hurriedly flown from the country after his cover was blown in 2010.

The covert drone programme, targeting militants along the border with Afghanistan, is hugely controversial in Pakistan despite a lull this year to allow peace talks.

Mirza Shahzad Akbar, of the Foundation for Fundamental Rights, welcomed Thursday’s decision, which he said came after years trying to convince police that they had jurisdiction to register cases against strikes in the remote tribal areas.

“There’s no legal basis for drone strikes, so if they are happening it is a criminal act that needs to be investigated,” he said.

“They have been using this issue of jurisdiction to avoid their responsibilities.”

He added that with the precedent established 100 more cases might now follow.

Thursday’s judgment involves a case brought by Kareem Khan, a journalist from North Waziristan, who says that his brother and son were killed by a drone strike.

Press reports said Haji Omar, a senior Taliban commander, had been staying at his house when it was targeted in December 2009. Mr Khan denies the claims.

In court papers lodged in 2010, he named two senior CIA figures: Jonathan Banks, Islamabad station chief, and John Rizzo, the agency’s lawyer.

The episode came during a downturn in US-Pakistan relations. The Inter-Services Intelligence agency, Pakistan’s main spy outfit, is widely believed to have leaked Mr Banks’ identity.

Few legal experts believe the attempt to prosecute such senior CIA figures can succeed, but it reflects public hostility to the drone programme, which is secretly sanctioned by Islamabad.

Opposition comes at a price, however. Mr Khan was abducted by 20 armed men earlier this year, days before he was due to fly to Britain to discuss the issue with MPs.

He was released after nine days and described being beaten and tortured.
Like the US would give a flying F about this ....Raymond Davis walked out a freeee man

The fact is simple. If your own govt wants to co-operate with the US, such rants are of no use.
The muscle used to "scare" was hired locally.
It is good to see due process being followed. Let the case proceed according to the law.
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