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Chuck Yeager flying an F-15.

Excellent video. Good to see the water salute as well!

A couple of points I noticed:

1- The pre-flight checks are done after the engines have started. The visual check, baggage storage door, launchers etc. Any specific reason of doing it after engines start or is it just random.

2- USAF ground personnel wear camo dress, at least the ones shown in the video. Those in PAF use overalls if i am not mistaken.
Chuck Yeager retraces history in the sky, breaking the sound barrier -- again - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Chuck Yeager retraced history on Sunday, 65 years to the minute, as the first test pilot to break the sound barrier, taking to the skies once again to fly faster than the speed of sound.

The 89-year-old Yeager broke the sound barrier in a U.S. Air Force F-15 at 10:24 a.m. over the Mojave Desert, the same location where he first flew past Mach 1 on October 14, 1947, the military said in a statement.

Yeager, flying in the F-15 with an Air Force captain, told CNN late Sunday that he hit Mach 1.3 and "laid down a pretty good sonic boom over Edwards" Air Force Base.

Yeager's reenactment of his historic flight came the same day that Austrian Felix Baumgartner became the first person to break the sound barrier as a skydiver, jumping from a balloon at the edge of space to make the 23-mile journey.

Not the only one to break the sound barrier this day

While Yeager's sound-breaking flight was news in military and aircraft manufacturing circles, his popularity soared when Tom Wolfe detailed Yeager's flight in the book "The Right Stuff" and its subsequent film adaptation.

"I really appreciated the Air Force giving me a brand new F-15 to fly," Yeager told CNN.
Today, fighter jets can easily break the sound barrier. In fact, Yeager's flight Sunday did it at an altitude of about 33,000 feet, according to a statement provided by the Air Force.

But in 1947, the golden age of flight, Yeager was dropped in an experimental rocket-propelled Bell X1 jet from a B-29 bomber at an altitude of 45,000 feet.

"That's the only way we could do it," he said.

"It took the British, French and the Soviet Union another five years to find out that trick. It gave us a quantum jump" in aviation advancement, he said.

On Sunday, Yeager took off from Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas in the second seat, the one behind the pilot, though he said he was flying the F-15 when it broke the sound barrier over Edwards.

"We had to keep it below Mach 1.4. If you want to go Mach 2, you start breaking glasses and cracking roofs," he said.

But Yeager hardly sounded disappointed.

His final aerial move, he told CNN, was a fly-by, buzzing the tower, at Nellis.
1- The pre-flight checks are done after the engines have started. The visual check, baggage storage door, launchers etc. Any specific reason of doing it after engines start or is it just random.
Those were not pre-flight checks, which were already done, but crew chiefs usually do various 'feels' and grab things that are commonly accessible or could come loose or could have been missed prior to pulling chocks.

Then there is a final check call 'end of runway' (EOR)...

End of runway checks ensure safe flying
2/15/2008 - KADENA AB, Japan -- A small group of Airmen with the 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron spend 12 hours a day at the end of the runway here for one primary purpose--to ensure F-15 Eagles get one final checkup before take off.

That end of runway check, or EOR, is one final inspection to verify there is nothing wrong with the jet before it departs.
Awsome video .. a true hero a true legend he is GOD bless him :usflag: can someone post the story of Gen. Chuck Yeager when he was in Pakistan with PAF during the war time and i think the story also has him flying in PAF viper being given a ride from our boys i have the story in a PAF book will look for it :)
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